Closed Baked Goods

Leonardo Orr

lonely; serious
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Curly 11" Flexible Cypress Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
06/2043 (18)
Nights were long. This was something that Leo had come to realise. he hadn't been sleeping well, if much at all. He was trying, but it was hard, there was something about his roommate which kept him on edge, and on an edge where sleeping became so much more difficult. He had taken up some baking, just for something to do. He wasn't very good at it yet, and he knew it annoyed his roomate a lot, though he tended to clean up rigorously after himself, leaving the place tidier most times than how he'd found it. He hadn't slept a wink that night, he had plans with James and Jordie later, which he was not looking forward to. But he was walking, doing something, when the smell of baked goods filled his nostrils. He followed it and found a just opening place. Where just from the window he could see the various items, and how he longed to even manage the simplest thing that well.
Lily was having a wonderful day- though honestly, she was starting to think every day was a good day. She was just doing so well- she still had her dark days, of course, and her dark thoughts. But really. She'd started business school in 2057 and graduated in 2059 before starting culinary school, bought a gorgeous, rundown old building with so much potential in 2060 (and in a little way that was her favorite, as AJ had moved in with her to help her with renovations. Even with the separate bedrooms they'd agreed on) and she'd graduated in 2061. She'd thought of officially opening the bakery in 2062, but honestly she wanted to give it a little more time. She was in the middle of renovations to the home above the bakery now- the first story had been completely remodeled and she'd just fallen in love with it all.

She'd knocked down the flooring between the first and second story to give the bakery high, vaulting cielings with floating lanterns illuminating the carved wood and the cieling enchanted to reflect an open, sprawling sky. She had sunshine yellow walls with rosewood floors and cases. It was just so open and airy, with the softest red cushions and booths and sleek, dainty tables. Three of the walls were large rosewood intersectioned windows, with window booths built in and an excess of cushions and plush lilac and sweet honeysuckle clustered all around them, creeping vines curling. She just loved it so much.

While the workers were busy upstairs, Lily had opened the bakery below with the help of a loyal friend. She'd had a busy morning, a lot of regulars coming in to get their favorite treats, but it had slowed down enough for her to get in a bit of cleaning, humming and swaying along to the gentle lo-fi music playing in the bakery.

She noticed then that someone was lingering outside and she waved to him. "Hello!" She called, giving him a warm smile. "Come on in!"
Being immediately called out to by someone in the store, he took a step back, his cheeks reddening and he glanced at the ground. He had money, so he could buy something, but he just, it hadn't really been his intention. But he did, step in. "Sorry, I was staring at the," he trailed off, motioning to the window. "How long has this shop been here?" he asked, his voice nervous as he glanced around, unsure on if he should just buy something and leave, or try to make conversation.
Lily tilted her head, looking at the boy. Why did he look familiar? She smiled at his words all the same. "Oh, not too long," She offered in response, wiping her hands on her skirt. "Is there anything in particular that's caught your eye?" She asked. She walked around the counter, stopping and snapping her fingers as it came to her. "Leo! You're Leonardo, aren't you?" She asked, digging into her pocket for the little picture that Jordie had given her. She peeked at it and smiled, before looking to him. "I'm Lily! Jordie told me that you wanted to learn to bake?"
Leonardo nodded, at the very least he wasn't imagining that the shop was recent. he was sure he would've noticed it eventually. He was very surprised when she seemed to know who he was, and his cheeks reddened deeply, and he took a step back. He ducked his head a little and was pretty embarrassed that Jordie had talked about him, and talked about what he wanted to do. "I've been doing bits and pieces in my flat's kitchen, to help with sleepless nights," he said, not looking at her as he spoke, but glancing at the stuff around her. "I've been making bread mostly,"
Lily clapped her hands in delight, giggling softly. "Oh, I just love baking bread!" She gushed. "Come on," She motioned for him to follow her into the kitchens. "I've not quite got the perfect recipe just yet, there are so many good options! I've been thinking of selling some small artisa loaves, but I haven't decided on which batches or how many. Maybe you'd like to help me?"

She suggested, looking over her shoulder to give him a sweet smile. "I've been playing with them all week- debating on nuts and spices and herbs. You eat with your eyes first, after all. But you need it to smell so scrumptious and then just taste heavenly," She giggled, looking to him with a bashful smile. "Sorry, I just get so excited," She admitted, moving to wash her hands.

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