Bad Pufflies

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Liberty Kaelen

history tutor; mum of 5½; class of 2028
OOC First Name
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Half Blood
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Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
8/2010 (46)
Have you ever wanted to make the puff's look bad? Have you ever hated the sorting hat for putting you in that house? Then listen....

Libby no longer likes Hufflepuff. She wanted to be Slytherin anyway. She wants to get together gang that will be rebels and make a bad name for the house. Mischief and magic. Perfect together. The onl regulations to being in gang are:

1. Your character has to be in Hufflepuff
2. Your character can be in years one, two, three or four.
3. There are only 3 positions (gang made up of 4 including Libby) so if you want to be chosen hurry up and post
4. Your character must not like being a Puff, and will be up for getting into trouble.

Trouble Makers! WheyHey!
BONJOUR My little Puffle.

1. Damaris is in Hufflepuff
2. She is a first year
3. Cool
4. Puff sucks

Wheyhey to you too :)

I will try and remember the name of my other puff account.. She'd join.
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