Open Away with Quidditch!

Giselle Rosenberg

In therapy, working on herself.
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 15 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
Giselle was on another mission today. She had been so grumpy the last past weeks. Everyone and everything was stupid and after seeing the horrible game Slytherin and Gryffindor she was done with it. How could this be amusement. Her posters needed to be more around the school. It was the idea that as first year not would be taken seriously by professors or stuff so she needed to wait a bit until she would take more action. Speaking to the headmistress and her head of house who didn't liked quidditch as well. Thank god that Styx didn't liked quidditch. She put the poster up and looked at it satisfied again. Previous time people noticed it as well and she was wondering how it would go today.

Liusaidh had heard from someone that Rosenberg was putting up posters again, railing against quidditch again. But Liusaidh wasn’t going to just let that be, no, not this time around. She made her own poster using one of rosenbergs, which instead of saying quidditch kills, said, “quidditch is great,”. It was petty and she knew that getting involved in this fight wasn’t really helping her at all, but god it was fun to annoy Rosenberg and she just seemed so weirdly passionate about it. Something Liusaidh did not understand, did she know someone who had died...god, of course, she’d know someone that dumb. Liusaidh made her way throught the corrirdors with her poster in hand and on the fourth floor finally spotted the girl she was looking for. ”Oh hey Rosenberg, ah see yer putting up yer wee posters again. Would ye mind if ah put mine up tae?” she held hers up with a smile on her face. ”It’s nice right?”

Giselle knew people would not always agree with her. But they were just stupid. Everybody who liked Quidditch was directly an dislike to Giselle. And she had been having nightmares about her mother lately, it was getting worse. She never had actually mourn about her mother, it had been the anger that was there first. And that stayed, it had changed Giselle also. She had always been short-tempered since young age but it was worse after her mother died. She was angry at Gabriel her brother as well, he played professionaly and she didn't want to speak to him anymore. When she wanted to turn away from the poster she suddenly noticed Lius. The girl still called her Rosenberg, it was stupid. '' How good from you. You don't have poop in your eyes.'' Giselle than replied, an bit annoyed already by seeing the girl. But it didn't mattered who it was, she was just annoyed. She asked if she mind to put up her own posters. '' Don't tell me it's about that stupid trampoline of yours.'' Giselle than said as she sighted. But than she looked at her own poster but it had changes. She walked closer to actually read it well, she didn't believed her eyes. That smile on her face she wanted to punch it away. '' No way..'' Giselle than said first and she felt her hands turning into an fist, so angry she was. '' Your just such an annoying stupid b!tch!'' Giselle than raised her voice. She was completly done with Lius. And it was because she was in such an bad mood, and had so less sleep that she could not hold it back anymore. '' If you wanted to get me angry. Well HERE IT IS!'' She could get it now. Giselle shove the girl hard. And hold her fist in her direction.
While Violette still felt a little out of place at Hogwarts, she was settling into the routine more and more in this second semester. It helped that she no longer had Grace's class, as that had always made her feel a little awkward and uncertain. She still felt that way now, but less so. The girl was walking through the corridor, on her way to the library, when she spotted Giselle Rosenberg. She was putting up a poster, and Violette felt herself pale. She had heard of the girl's anti-Quidditch protests, and had talked to her before. But what she didn't want was to get pulled into her mission to end Quidditch, it wasn't something she had a very strong feeling on. And she definitely didn't want to draw negative attention to herself. But she also knew that if the girl asked, she didn't think she would dare to say no. Violette was trying to slip by quietly without the Slytherin noticing her, when Liusaidh walked up with her own poster. Violette watched with a horrified expression as the two girls started a fight. She cried out in alarm as Giselle shoved the other girl, jumping back a bit. She stood there, watching it unfold. She knew she should go for a professor, but she felt rooted to the spot.
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Liusaidh knew the exact sort of reaction she was going to get from Rosenberg, she knew it was perhaps unnecessarily antagonistic, that she didn’t need to be making it worse, but it was more fun to do that than to just let the girl get away with her nonsense unchallenged. That and she couldn’t help but want a little revenge for the whole detention with Styx, which Liusaidh knew she’d earned by her own actions was still absolutely Rosenberg's fault. She rolled her eyes as she made a joke about Liusaidh’s trampoline campaign, clearly Rosenberg was jealous of it. But she didn’t say anything about it, this wasn’t about Liusaidh’s efforts for a trampoline, much rather this was absolutely an attempt to get a rise. So, when Rosenberg finally saw what she was putting up and her face turned to anger Liusaidh couldn’t help but giggle. Especially as she was called a b1tch. It took all of Liusaidh’s might to not immediately shove back against Rosenberg but she was more determined to maybe not end up in as much trouble in this. ”Naw, I don’t want ye angry, ahm just really passionate aboot quidditch and ah ‘hink there’s no enough violence in it,” she spoke with a falsely sweet and joking tone, ”Like the poster says, let’s add more bludgers!” she pointed to her poster and laughed again. She decided to stir things a bit, she didn't know why Rosenberg didn't like quidditch and she doubted the girl would ever tell her, but clearly it was something. In Liusaidh's mind it was mundane, like she was just bad at it, so what harm - in her mind - was their to stirring the pot. ”Why does that make ye just so angry Rosenberg? What has quidditch ever done tae ye? Ah bet whatever it was, ye deserved it,”
Giselle was filled with rage, she was so angry. At first Lius had interested her, the bravery and the jokes they and she made. But she was just an true snake and Giselle hated the girl so much. She was wondering what Lius would do, she tried to act all tough with her wand and stuff but Giselle talked with her fists. She didn't need an wand, she had the power herself. And after she had shoved Lius the girl did nothing back just smiled. That stupid filthy smile of hers, was something which made her even more mad. Giselle knew that Lius was just messing with her and she got the pleasure out of it or something, but Giselle thought she deserved an lesson. And she was just too mad, and wanted to punch something. And when she continued with her talking and making Giselle even more mad, she sighted deep. Not enough violence in it?
'' WHAT?!'' Giselle just could not believe what the girl was all saying. And ofcourse with that stupid grin Giselle could see what she did, she was not dumb. But it made her so mad. She felt her blood boiling, and nobody should get in her way now. When she mentioned more bludgers.. Giselle lost it. '' SHUT UP!'' She thought of the bludger and beaters bat that killed her mother. She asked what made her so angry and quidditch had done to her. And that she deserved it. Giselle almost wanted to scream it out, but she was not gonna cry she was not weak. So instead the blonde came closer to Lius and punched the girl in her face hard. She sighted heavy and looked at her fist, it had some blood on it and it hurted like hell. But because of the anger and emotions she almost didn't noticed. '' YOU DESERVE THIS! STUPID...CARROT!'' She said almost screaming. She could not think normal and needed an moment. Looking at Lius again, her face looked like a mess. She looked way better like this. Giselle only focused on Lius, in case she had something to say she could hit her again.

* Godmod approved, permission from Emzies
Frozen in place as she was, Violette was glad neither girl seemed to have noticed her. But their fight seemed far from over. It was about the Quidditch protests, and Liusaidh was clearly baiting Giselle. "Wait-" violette tried, but her voice was drowned out almost immediately. Liusaidh taunted Giselle, and she got very angry, and punched the other girl in the face. This time, Violette let out a little scream of panic, her hands flying to her mouth. There was blood, this looked serious. "S-stop it!" She finally stammered out. The girl tore her gaze away, looking left and right hopefully for a professor or prefect or anyone who could help out here. Were there any offices on the fourth floor? She couldn't remember suddenly.
Liusaidh had been watching Rosenberg's anger mount with every passing word. She was so easy to read, so easy to annoy and it seemed that for once, Liusaidh might have the upper hand in this. Sure, she was certainly making this intentionally worse, but if Rosenberg's reaction was bigger then that would overshadow anything she had said or theory. What Liusaidh didn't expect was for her to scream and then punch her right in the face. Getting her square on the nose. Pain, pain she'd never felt before burst forward. She could instantly feel the blood in her nose, she could feel it on her upper lip. "What on earth," there was a feeling in her nose like it was blocked. "What the actual f2ck Rosenberg," her voice was laced with the pain she was feeling, and certainly the nose the way it was wasn't making her accent any better. Liusaidh felt at her nose with her hands, noting that she was bleeding on to the floor. "Are ye incapable ae fightin' me like a proper witch, ye got to just use dirty muggle tactics,"
Elliot had been working on some homework, opting for the student lounge for once instead of the common room for a change of pace. He was distracted by the sound of raised voices in the corridor and, despite feeling a little nervous about whatever the commotion might be, felt obligated to check it out. His stomach dropped at the sight of three younger students seemingly in some sort of fight. There was definitely a bit of blood already and Elliot lurched forward, hands raised to half-heartedly separate the girls. "Hey, what's going on?" He asked, glancing over at the girl who seemed not directly involved in the immediate squabble.
Aonghas was heading out of the common room when he heard a slight commotion not too far from him. He wouldn't have gone towards it, but he heard someone yell out in some clear pain and he knew that voice. He headed over, sure that what he was about to find was his sister fighting someone else, and likely about to be in a mound of trouble, so when he stepped on to the scene and spotted three young girls, Elliot and the blood out of his sister's nose he rushed over to her, "Liusaidh?!" he said in surprise. He noticed the leaflet that she had and knew this was about that, "Dè rinn thu?" he asked her ignoring the rest of them, putting himself directly in front of his sister, he took her face in his hands and looked at her nose. God his father was going to lose his mind with him when he found out about this. Why couldn't she just behave for five minutes. He muttered in Gaelic under his breath as he looked at the forming bruising on Liusaidh's nose. He didn't dare touch it. "Does anyone have a tissue?" he asked the others who were standing there. He didn't know which of them was responsible for hitting Liusaidh, but hopefully one of them had a tissue to help stop her the bleeding.

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