Attention, HNZers!

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Liberty Kaelen

history tutor; mum of 5½; class of 2028
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
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Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
8/2010 (46)
I joined HNZ over two years ago, and although it's been a big part of my "hobbies" and I thought (and still do) that this site is amazing, both in how it's run and the community, I no longer think it's for me.
I know that i've had quite a few absence posts in the past, and those of you who know me best will know that normally i'd come back in a month or two, however this is no longer the case. I've been thinking about leaving for a while now, and that's why i've tried to cancel as many applications as I can. The reason it's taken me so long to come and say it is because I feel bad because i'm involved in many plots, so here's what i'm going to do. If my character is in a plot with yours, i'm going to give that character to you (list below). It's up to you whether you keep it, or discuss with another person (the person you want to take over that character) and it will be entirely up to you.

Character List:

Liberty Corvus (I'm going to give her to Beth, because she's married to her character and Beth knows the plots xD)

Andrew Spinnet (Sorry Beth. But another for you :p )

Lykke Wu (I think i'm going to give her to Hamza, and it will be up to you what you do with her)

Janey Pascot (Hopefully soon to be changed to Janey Marquez. Pending). She's for anyone, however i'd prefer someone who's frequently online, and has been part of HNZ for at least a year <3

Aaliyah Nevada (Beth >>)

Robert Kain (I'd say anyone, but there's something important happening in about 10 IC years time, so i'll have to say Beth again.)

They are my main accounts, but if there are any others you want (Check 26th October on the calender and all those turning 18 this year are mine), just post here :) Although it's up to the person who gets one of the characters, I would prefer it if these characters wern't just left and forgotten, simply because their plots have been planned for a very long time (Me or Beth can let you know if you end up getting involved).

Beth i'm sorry for the overload, but it's up to as most are your plots xD

Sorry about this, but roleplaying really isn't for me anymore.
I thank everyone on this site for making it what it is, especially Nick, who I know puts a lot of time and effort in for us.
Ciao :hug:
Butbutbut.. you can't leave me! :cry:
This isn't fair, who will do all my work in my shop. :r

Goodbye Pheebz. I hope you'll drop by once in a while to at least say hey to me (and everyone else. Maybe. :r ) But seriously you have to visit.

I'm sad to hear that you're leaving, but ultimately it's your decision. Byebye! :hug: <3
Oh wow.
Erm.. :unsure: Right.. Well.. Ok..
Are you sure I can't convince you to stay? What if I stick pickles in your ears and sing the alphabet? No?
I've really enjoyed having you around the site, and it's been a whirlwind of fun. And insanity xD
We've had such a laugh (especially at the old stuff we used to do).
With the situation, yes, I will take on those you need me to. I can't promise anything full-time, but I will attempt to maintain the plots and characters as best as I can, just in case you decide to come back six months/years down the line.

I never know what to say in these threads, and I know I'll get the chance to see you IRL, now and then, but still..

I'm going to miss you. :hug:
Beth x
Pheebz! Such a surprise :cry: I'm gonna miss you here, even if I only have to walk upstairs to see you :r
You've been a great member of HNZ and It's going to be weird without you :( And I hope that some day you come back, even if you say you wont :p
If you want to know that Janey will be active, and I have been around a couple of years (But it's up to you), I could take her off your hands and make sure she's put to a good home ^_^

I'm really going to miss your name here :( I love lurking your RP's :r
I'd give you a hug, but you'd probably run away.. :p
Loveeee, Claire :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh no :cry:
This makes me really sad! Just when we were beginning to get to know each other too!
I hope you have the best future ever, and I hope you pop in again to see us. <3
Pheebz! :cry:

Why leave so soon? Is this really for good? :(

How will the DE's manage without you.. Lykke as well.
I don't want to say goodbye. Hope you'll visit us here once in a while.
Wishing you all the best to come! <3
Phoebe has asked me to post and say that Janey Pascot/Marquez, now has a new RPer (Claire).

Also, if you see Liberty, Andrew, Robert or Aaliyah online, chances are it's me (Beth) rather than Phoebe. If you have any plots with any of the above mentioned, please pm me on this account, and I will do what I can to see any vital ones through.
Yeah, this is now Claire, as Beth said, but I live in the same house as Pheebz, so if you want me to tell her anything, just PM this account :)
Pheebz... I just can't believe this. :cry: You're actually leaving? Now who am I gonna have to overwhelm? :r

I really do hope this isn't for good, or this better not be a late prank or something. :r Otherwise, I'ma have to kick yo butt. :p

Seriously though, it's hard to believe you're actually leaving. Having seeing you aroung the community a lot, it feels like a relaly important person of a community is leaving. Just don't completely abandon us. Come online form time to time, even though you may have to use Claire's 'new' aquired accounts, but stay in touch with us. If you want to talk about anything and such, I'm always on FB. ;) Thanks for Lykke, I'll take good care of her.
Pheebz :cry:

I can't believe you are leaving... you have been such a lovely person to me and helped me come back into the board after such a long absence. I understand however that you need to do what you need to do and that is fine - however hard for us.

I don't think i need to say how lovely and appreciated you are on the board, but i will say it anyway. - you are lovely and very appreciated on the board xD

Who will i turn to now when im stuck with Graphics work :o

I will miss you and will be strongly hoping that one day you will come back and join again.... but no pressure if you can't.

Take care and thanks for everything :)

Pheebz, I'm sad that you have to go. :cry:

Unfortunately, when it's your turn to leave, you have to take it. I hope life treats you well wherever you go.

Best wishes,
*checking the calender*
It's not the first of April :cry:

Pheeeebbbzzz .... :cry: :cry:

I'm going to miss you so much and thank you so much for letting me rp with you, etc. :hug:

Take care Pheebz. :hug:

Bye :hug: :cry:

I MISS YOU ALREADY :cry: :cry:
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