Open Astronauts and Stars

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Aurora Archer

strong-hearted | audacious | class of '62
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 18" Unyielding Willow Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
12/2043 (18)
Aurora had wanted her first halloween to be a good one, so she'd gotten what she imagined to be a very cool costume. It was an astronaut costume, and though it was rather hot, it was still nice and good and she loved it. Aurora wanted to have a good halloween and this would be easily achieved at the halloween feast. Though Soren had invited her to go along with him, Aurora had known that even in saying yes, she'd be going along with Rosie, so perhaps it was better to meet at the event, rather than pre-arrange anything. She glanced at her sister with an eager smile, "Let's get some drinks first!" Aurora told her, though with her costume, getting a drink was a little difficult, but she didn't mind.
While Rosie had watched Aurora put on an astronaut costume, she had decided to be a star, she was dressed in a yellow, magically glowing dress that was made to see like a star. She didn't know how good it looked but she was quite happy with it. She at least knew she'd have less difficulty in drinking and eating than her sister and if she wanted to dance that too wouldn't be much of an issue. She followed her sister into the great hall, marvelling at everything there and laughed lightly at her sister trying to get a drink. "Here," she offered getting a second straw for her drink so they would both be able to drink from it. She then glanced about, "Is Soren meeting us, or should we just go ahead and do something?"
Xinyi hadn't bothered with these things last year- honestly, why would he need to? But this year he felt he had a better reason to go. He had forgotten to wear a costume, and eventually he just grabbed a marker and drew on whiskers and colored in his nose. He would try harder next year.

Xinyi walked down to the hall and looked around, smiling shyly when he spotted Rosie with her sister. He couldn't help but stare at her; she looked so cute in her glowing dress. He swallowed nervously, he hadn't spoken much to Aurora. He shoved his hands in his pockets and shuffled over to them. "Hi Rosie, Aurora," He greeted. "Can I hang out with you guys too?" He asked, fully prepared to be told to go away. He looked between them before smiling at Rosie. "I like your costumes. The glowing is a nice touch," He waved at Rosie's dress.
Aurora gave a little shrug, unsure about when he would be. She was sure he'd turn up soon enough but not sure when exactly that would be. They were however joined by one of Rosie's friends and she gave a little smile to the boy. "Hi, you're Xinyi right?" she said as the boy greeted her "You can definitely join us," Aurora was kind of glad he was here, if Soren turned up she wouldn't want Rosie to feel like a third wheel, so this worked out great.
Rosie's smile grew at the sight of Xinyi, she smiled at his costume, though it was too complicated as a costume, it was effective though. "Course Xinyi," Rosie echoed her sister, she would be more than happy for him to join them. It would make this all the more fun. "Thanks!" she said, "I like your costume too!" she told him sincerely. "Would you recommend anything to do at this...feast?" Rosie asked in reference to the many activities in the hall.
Xinyi smiled and nodded at Aurora, keeping his eyes mostly on Rosie- though he tried not to be too obvious and tried to shift his gaze between the twins. "Oh, it's just a marker," He replied shyly, slipping his hands into his pockets. "I- erm..." He stammered a little, not wanting to admit he hadn't been to the events last year. "The maze is cool," He pointed abruptly, picking up on the first thing he saw.
Soren was running a bit late. It had taken him longer than he'd expected to get all wrapped, but eventually he was rushing into the Great hall. He looked around, lighting up as he spotted his friend. "Aurora!" He yelled, running over and waving. He smiled brightly, jogging up to her and her sister and the boy. "I like everyones costumes!" He stated immediately.
Aurora glanced up as Soren arrived. She waved at him and smiled, "Yours too," Aurora smiled at him. "This is Xinyi, he's a friend of Rosie'," the gryffindor motioned to Xinyi, "Xinyi this is Soren," she introduced before glancing over to the maze, "Shall we do the maze?" It would be a good fun thing to do, and she could imagine they'd be able to make a bit of a competition out of it. "We could split up, whoever gets to the centre first wins." she proposed.
Rosie smiled at Soren as he joined them. She was relieved for Xinyi and relieved for Soren too. Though she knew that her and Aurora could have fun together, she also knew that she could have fun with friends, which was always what she wanted. Rosie nodded in agreement before thinking a competition would be quite fun. "Yeah, me and Xinyi in a team," she agreed.
Xinyi smiled at the new boy shyly, nodding to him. He was pleased when they suggested teams, and was pleased when the teams were suggested. His fingers brushed the back of Rosie's hand, unsure if she would let him hold her hand or not. "That sounds good to me," He agreed quickly.
Soren smiled at the other boy. "Nice to meet you," He greeted. He lit up as they split into teams. He loved competitions. "Ooh! Yes!!" He agreed excitedly, reaching for Auroras hand himself. "Lets go! What do the winners get as a prize?" He asked.
Aurora nodded in agreement but she wasn't sure what a prize could be. "I dunno, maybe they have the losing team buy the other team a bag of sweets?" Aurora suggested. She wouldn't mind buying Rosie a bag of sweets and it would be fine to get the boy sweets too. "Sounds good?"
Rosie nodded in agreement. She would enjoy the game of it, and she would be able to spend the time with Xinyi during the maze. "I'm good with that," Rosie agreed with her sister before looking between the two boys and seeing what they would say. Rosie was sure that it wouldn't really matter who won, they would have fun.
Xinyi nodded along in agreement. "Sweets would be good," He knew he would most likely just give them all to Rosie if they won but he didn't mind. "Should we go?" He asked, taking a small step towards the maze and waiting for a signal from the others to continue.
Soren pumped a fist, letting out a small whoop. "Whoo! Yeah! Let's go!" He turned, starting to skip and make his way to the maze, only barely stopping to see if the others were following him. "We're going to crush this, Rora!" He laughed, doing a little dance as he moved.
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