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Armand Mayfair

Well-Known Member
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
So, hello guys. :)
I'm not sure if I'll be as active as before, but I'm probably back for good.
So as of now, Armand is lost and he needs any plot!

He needs err:
A rival (in love or better, in studies! Someone who can be his rival and best friend at the same time. Someone he can argue with. Someone he can insult and all.)
A love interest (though it would be so complicated cuz Armand is the non-serious type. And he's still too young, anyways, so it isn't that possible to have a serious relationship.)
and others. (I can't think of anything else right now, but you can suggest. :))
So that's all for now.
Tara can be his friend or if you want a possible love interest. she is also a hufflepuf, but a first year. she enjoyed art and she always sees the beauty in everything. she enjoys charms (or she will do when she starts next semester) she spends most of her time in the garden or by the lake sketching the beautiful things around her.
Here I have Audrina White, who I would really like to get some rps out of.
She is a very sweet and innocent girl, possible friend or love interest? Have a look at her CD and let me know :)
Hey Armand.
I have four charries for you to look at and pick from, if indeed you want any. So I have a girl, that Armand has met once before, when they were still unsorted, a Slytherin, a Gryffindor and a Ravenclaw, so anyway, here we go.

So this is the one I was telling you about, that Armand has met before. So maybe they could like meet up again or whatever.

Nadia, 12, is a True Ravenclaw through and through. She has a ready mind, she’s of wit and learning, and can always find her kind. She is extremely intelligent and sometimes sticks out from the crowd. She has a thirst for knowledge and wants to be a Healer when she graduates. She is a sort of person that reacts differently to different situations. Also depending on her mood, she could either smile at you, or chuck at you a bunch of random information that means absolutely nothing to any-one but herself. Nadia is Intelligent, witty, and very capable.

So this is the Slytherin I was telling you about.

Koboshi, 12, I could totally see as an enemy. She has recently discovered that she really likes hurting people, mentally and physically, and basically makes it her mission to make people cry. She is a pureblood supremist, though she is only half-blood, a secret that she guards with her life, and so she would look down on Armand because he was in Hufflepuff. She would not like the fact the he is a Hufflepuff. She would find something, anything to tease him about, because she is just that kind of person.

This is the Gryffindor I was talking about.

Shiloh, 11, could be a friend to Armand as right now she is too young for a boyfriend. She is really into fashion. Shiloh is a happy-go-lucky-loves-everything-about-magic girl. She is a muggle-born so she now does everything she can to learn about magic. She is oblivious to alot of things when she likes some-one and she is kind. She doesn't take crap from people and she can be mean. But only when she absolutely has too. She is intelligent and smart and she knows what she wants. She is a leader at times and a follower at others. She knows what to do to get what she wants, and she knows when to do it. If her upbringing has taught her one thing, it is too never take anything for granted. This is a personal rule she has chosen to live for. It is her most valued belief. Shiloh’s favourite words to use are, “Fabulous”-when she is being Sarcastic. “Awesome”- When she is genuine and “Total Snazz bang”- This is something she made up herself, she uses this to emphasise how much of a Let down something was.
Shiloh is never one to judge people. She always wants to get to know some-one well before she actually forms an opinion on them. She sees this as the easiest way to get to know someone. By seeing them in their own environment, it also helps make her feel alittle more comfortable about everything. If you are a bully however, she will be able to spot you at a distance. She is very observant, often too observant and this can sometimes lead to alot of trouble for Shiloh.

Gabby is the Ravenclaw I was talking about.

Gabrielle, 13, is a very friendly and smart girl. She will go out of her way to help others and loves to make friends. She wants to live up to her parents expectations but doesn’t want to be compared to them. She is kind and loves to be outside. Gabrielle has never really had to compete with anyone as she is sort of a slide along. She lets people do what they do and doesn’t have many friends. This is because she often likes to be alone so as to study.

So what do you think. Lemme know alright.
@Tara I read your character development and I noticed that Tara loves painting, drawing, and possibly--arts? If yes, then I'm sure that Tara could be a good friend to Armand since according to Armand's CD (which I haven't linked to my profile yet), he loves painting and that he is a lover of the arts. And an addition to that, Armand and Tara both see the beauty in other worldly things, so this might work. But unlike Tara, Armand doesn't fail to see the 'bad side' of people and things and he sort of criticizes a lot of these things, so this may lead to them having arguments sometimes, if it's okay with you.

@Audrina I'm sad and happy at the same time to say that Audrina could be one of those people Armand could easily criticize since (as I read her CD) she's the too friendly type. Or if not, the 'good character'. Since Armand grew up with his oh-so-perfectionist sister (see CD (not linked yet)) he finds himself not liking people like Audrina too much. BUT according to her CD, it says that she is fiercely loyal and 'She is always willing to lend an open ear to anyone that needs help'. This is definitely something Armand needs because of his problems and all. So, we can sort of like make a more complex plot for them. :D

@Rebecca I would have loved to RP with all your characters. But Shiloh would be my favorite. : ) (I would love to read her CD, if possible), though I think she would be more of "someone annoying but interesting" than "someone interesting all the way". I could see Armand asking her why she is so eccentric and telling her that it's completely useless to be like that. But it depends on how our RPs work. You can PM me or comment here if you want to talk about it.

And by the way, I linked my Character development now. You can read it if you want to. :)

I am completely fine with a love/hate relationship here. Audrina would never stand up for herself against Armand; but she would always listen to his problems. She would sit there for hours listening and trying to help him, even if he had insulted her.
I can see Audrina having a crush on Armand, I'm okay with no relationship happening, just a little school-girl crush ;)
Let me know
This is Tara
that sounds awsome, but i dont know how well tara will argue, so that will be intresting ;) do you want to RP, I know that he likes art, i read the CD before. I dont know what else i can put, but that what you said would be awesome. maybe they should be friends for now but maybe in the future they can become closer.
I have Sara, she loves reading, writing, drawing, music and animals. She can be argumentative, hates bullies and doesn't let people walk all over her. She stands up for herself and others. She has a large social concience and would feel bad if she let something happen around her. She can be a little insecure at times as she was bullied in muggle school. She could be a friend/love intrest or whatever.
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