Apparition Lesson Two

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Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Apparition,6,2Irene stood in her Ministry robes waiting for the sixth years to arrive. Today, they'd finally get some practice in. She knew that some students had experience with side-along apparition, but doing it alone was a very different experience. They'd soon find that out for themselves. It was one thing to go along for the ride, and quite another thing to be the person who had to remember the 3 Ds and execute them perfectly.

"Let's go. Come in, come in" Irene Finch urged the students forward impatiently as the first student walked tentatively through the open Great Hall doors. She took roll as they entered, shutting the doors from the distraction of younger students who wanted to see what was happening. "Space yourselves out...there's plenty of room" she stated. Irene gave her wand a small flourish and a large wooden hoop appeared in front of each student, falling into place before them.

Looking around at their faces, Irene stared at each student for the briefest of moments, making judgments about their ability to succeed at the task before them. She had been doing this long enough that she was rarely wrong. "Alright. Today, you will make your first attempts at apparating" she declared, her hands on her hips as she walked around. "Before we begin, can someone remind us of the three Ds?" she pointed to a student and nodded her head as they responded.

"Excellent" she stated. "Now that you've all been reminded of the three Ds, it is time to put them into practice. For your safety, one of your school nurses is here" she nodded towards the corner where the nurse was stationed. "If you splinch yourself, please remain in your spot and the nurse or I will come to you. No sense bleeding all over the place" she stated with a small shake of her head, not even thinking about how startling that sentence might seem to a muggleborn. She didn't explain splinching either. Sooner rather than later, she was sure they'd learn if they didn't already know. "Begin. I will be walking around."
Points will be given to the student who answers the question. RP the lesson.
Sianna was enjoying the semester thus far, at the NEWT level, there was far more that she needed to do and revise for, but in the second semester she had far more work to do with Accio, and that took up a whole chunk of her time, it usually meant that she didn’t have as much time for her own personal photography and rather had to focus on that of the schools. It wasn’t too bad, she usually had enough time on her hands to do so at other points so she was happy to put that aside as she worked on the yearbook. She of course would have a lot of work to do when it came to the valentines dance at the end of the week so she was keen to get most of her work done before then. The Ravenclaw was putting away some of her Accio work and was focusing herself on getting ready for the day of classes ahead of her. She was sure she’d do well in this semester and manage all the work as perfect as she always tried to. It took a while, but Sianna was finally ready and left the room, heading straight for the class.

Sianna was eager to get started on the next apparition lesson, she walked into the great hall, hoping and sure that they would actually get to practice in this lesson. She spaced herself out, moving away from others in the room, and standing where she hand plenty of space. She wouldn't get this wrong because others were in the way. Absolutely not. The girl had the three D's in her head, and when the professor asked for someone to remind them of what they were Sianna's hand rose up, "Destination, Determination, Deliberation," she said with confidence when she was called upon to answer. The girl knew she was right, but it was nice to be rewarded for being right. She was surprised there wasn't much of a demonstration. They were just to get started. Sianna who had always been good at lessons, wasn't put off by the lack of a demonstration, she'd done side along apparition, she had watched her siblings get their licensing, she could do this. She was smarter than all of them put together. She focused on where she wanted to go. Focusing on her destination, she could feel the determination mustering inside her and after a few minutes of nothing, she felt it. In flash and a small crack she had managed it. She was now in the wooden hoop. Sianna was happy that she'd managed it, and since there was still time, did it again. It took as long this time too, but she was glad she'd managed to practice more than once. She could feel her confidence in her ability to do it growing. She walked out the great hall, feeling more confident than ever.
The game had not gone as well as he might’ve wanted it to. Ares had been hopeful that they would win the game, but despite how well everyone had played they hadn’t managed to get the win that they wanted. He knew they had played well, and he felt bad about how he had played so to apologise and let them know that he did appreciate all of the players he sent them roses as part of the valentines day rose celebration. It was a good event, and he was sure that they would appreciate the gesture, after all who didn’t love flowers and he knew that the hufflepuff players deserved the appreciate more than most. The hufflepuff was however glad that the game was over and they didn’t have another for a little while, it meant that he had a little bit more time to spend on his studies and that given the year that he was in it was important that he find the time for that. The hufflepuff captain was getting ready to face the day, he had worked hard the night before and was placing a lot of that work into his bag for the classes he had that day and when that was done he headed out the door and to the class.

Even though Ares much preferred flying, he knew that it was important for him to knowing and be qualified to apparate. He walked into the great hall, separating from his brother to stand apart in his own space. Of course he didn't want to be too close to anyone else as he tried to apparate which he was was sure he would end up doing within this lesson. He looked at the wooden hoop and knew what the task would be. He listened along with others in the room as someone reminded them of the three D's. Ares kept repeating them in his head as the professor gave them minimal instructions and just let them get started. He focused, he need to be in the wooden hoop. He need to move there without walking or jumping. He could feel anything happening. It was taking a while, and his concentration would slip away. He just had to keep re-focusing himself and re-centering himself until all of a sudden, he felt it. The pull that his older brother had described. He leaned into it, focusing all his attention on doing that on what that was feeling like. With a small crack he was then in the wooden hoop. The boy smiled to himself, at what he had managed to do. There was no time for him to practice again, which he was disappointed by, but at the very least he had managed to do it once without injuring himself.
This valentines day, Zared wasn’t going to make the same mistake, he would definitely be sending her roses, and red ones at that. He hadn’t added a note because he didn’t think he needed to, they were getting married, who else would send her roses that were red. Maybe her twin, but he highly doubted that. The boy was sure that she’d like them, and though they weren’t particularly into the traditional love things, there was no one anyone would want to turn down the roses. He didn’t want any roses, because he didn’t that he, an almost fully grown wizard needed to get roses. He was finishing off the last of the homework he had for that day before getting himself ready to face the day. The teen packed up his work and books into his school bag, as he got ready for the day, Putting on his uniform, his prefect badge and ensuring he had all the right work for the day before leaving the dorm room. He liked the classes more now that they were doing more difficult things and there was little time for interaction with others. He could work alone while in the classroom.

Zared's eagerness for the apparition led him to being one of the first outside the great hall, just waiting for the professor to let them in. He was near Elysia, but made his own space so that he could concentrate without being too distracted by his fiancee. His gaze shifted to the professor at the front of the room as the woman got started. Telling them to remember what they had learned in the previous lesson and then to get started. It was a nice short introduction, one that he didn't need to think all that much about and was happy to just get started on practicing. He looked at the wooden hoop that stood in front of him. He had the words she'd said ringing in his head. Concentrate, focus, don't be distracted. It was something that Zared would be good at. He hadn't really been good at verbal spells, always better at non-verbal spells, and he'd always been good at working on his own. He leaned into a feeling her got a little after he'd begun concentrating on the hoop and with a small crack was where he needed to be. The slytherin was pretty happy with what he'd done, and he even had enough time to practice it again before being dismissed. He wasn't looking forward to the exam they'd eventually have, but he felt a little more confident about it.
Eleanor was in quite a good mood. Valentine's Day had gone really well with the distribution of roses and she couldn't be more glad to see everyone's smiling face when she delivered them. Better yet, the Wild Patch Club had room to grow some more now for next year and she couldn't wait to do so. It was quite fun growing flowers and the success that came out of it was what made it all worthwhile. The Hufflepuff had a smile on her face as she packed everything she needed and headed to her Apparition class. They had not started apparting just yet and Ellie hoped it would stay that way as she followed the class into the Great Hall.

As the professor only spoke briefly before telling them to practice, Ellie could feel the nervous sweat build up in her palms as she eyed the wooden hoop in front of her. She didn't know if she would be able to do it and felt all sorts of doubt as she looked around at everyone else who seemed much more confident than herself. As people started to apparate successfully, Ellie figured she should go ahead and try before it was too late. Thinking of the words in her head, Ellie closed her eyes and tried to imagine herself appearing in the wooden hoop. As she opened them again she had not moved at all and repeatedly tried again, trying to concentrate as much as possible despite the doubt. By the end of the lesson she had not accomplished it and was quite frustrated, especially since some other people managed to get it easily. Trying not to let this get to her too much, the prefect took her bag and headed out of the great hall.
Lilyanna was looking forward to the second week of the semester. She had sent in a rose to both Tholomyes and Diane. She thought it was an obligation to do so, especially since it was Tholomyes' last year at the school and it would be her last opportunity to send one to him. He deserved a rose more than anyone in the school as he was the only person willing to be her friend when they first met and she hoped that he would like it. The Slytherin packed everything she needed into her backpack before making her way to her classes. Unfortunately, she had to attend the apparition class. It didn't make sense for her to do so as she never wanted to travel in such a manner ever, and so she reluctantly walked into the Great hall with her head down, wanting nothing more than to not be there. As they were told to stand in front of a hoop, Lilyanna stood in front of the one next to Eleanor's, watching Eleanor as she closed her eyes and was obviously trying to do it. Lilyanna did too, not really sure what she was supposed to be doing but doing it anyway. It was then that she remembered the three D's, and whilst her eyes were closed she went over them absent-mindlessly, not really caring if it worked or not. Soon becoming tired of this, Lilyanna opened her eyes to find herself in the hoop and she raised an eyebrow at this, looking then at her sister who was still trying to apparate. With a shrug, Lilyanna left the great hall at the end of the lesson and headed to her next class.
Eva wasn't feeling more reassured by the idea of apparating, even though her entire family had learned how to do so it still made her feel a little nervous and unsettled. Maybe it was because she knew she had to live up to certain expectations and so she was worried about how today would go. She arrived to the great hall and stood to the side, a little further from the others since she wanted enough of her own space. When the woman finally instructed them to try out apparating, Eva took a deep breath. She was glad she had closed the door, so she wouldn't have to worry about other, maybe younger people seeing her fail, if that was the case. She closed her eyes, trying to clear her mind. Then she solely focused on the three D‘s: Determination, Destination, Deliberation, she kept thinking. She imagined where she wanted to be, which was to appear in or as close to that circle as possible. She imagined it well, and some time later when she opened her eyes again she had apparated, not near enough to the circle and not in like some people, but she had apparated nonetheless. She smiled despite herself, there was always room to improve, but she had done it.
Leo arrived to the Great Hall, not feeling nervous about this, but still feeling a bit cautious because they were apparating and he didn't want to be on the other end of splinching. His brother had explained to him what it was, as he had taken the class last year and therefore had also given pointers to him. Leo, being the brother he was, wasn't sure he would follow all of the advice he was given, but he was confident - and determined - enough to try apparating without having to think of everything he had been told at the same time. Actually, that could confuse him more, so he decided to listen to the person from the Ministry instead. She told them what they were to do and Leo shrugged, glancing at a few of his classmates as they tried it out. All they did was stand and...well, do nothing. But the Gryffindor knew apparating entailed a lot more than that. Feeling the brave lion he was, Leo concentrated very hard. The first try, nothing happened, he was still in the same place. He tried again and again. Still nothing. He frowned, but tried one last time. With a crack he was a few steps away from the circle. He grinned. Now that was what he was talking about. They were dismissed, so Leo headed out of the Great Hall. Next lesson he could practice and be even better. He wasn't really looking forward to the exam, but the closer they got the more confident he would become.
Asaiah was determined to succeed today. He had been feeling a lot better lately so was confident that today's apparition lesson would be a successful one. He entered the Great Hall and waited for the woman to officially start the second lesson of the semester. He did what he was told to do and found some space in the hall. He was not exactly sure why all of them had to find space, but if he had to guess it'd be because they would be finally apparating today. Asaiah watched as the woman conjured wooden hoops in front of each of them and smiled. He listened attentively when one of the Ravenclaws told the class the three Ds and repeated them in his mind. He did this again once they were allowed to practice apparating. He concentrated on the task at hand and closed his eyes, thinking about his destination. Asaiah felt an odd sensation, unlike anything he had ever felt before and immediately after that heard a faint pop. The Slytherin slowly opened his eyes to find himself standing in the wooden hoop he'd been standing in front of only moments ago. Smiling brightly, he was relieved that he had managed to successfully apparate. Once they were dismissed Asaiah left the Great Hall.
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