Apparition Exam

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Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene Finch had specifically asked for the tables to be left in place for the exam. If the sixth years were going to be licensed, then they would need to possess the ability to work with their surroundings. Apparating across an empty room was convenient for beginners to practice, but the chances of apparating to a truly empty space were going to be slim to none in the real world. There'd be tree filled forests, garbage strewn alleys, and perhaps, when they were lucky, the occasional field or valley. This would be an especially important test for those students who were interested in careers in the Ministry as apparating was a requirement for many of the positions. It was an important skill, allowing independence of movement.

Irene arrived at the castle just in time to greet the students who were waiting just outside the Great Hall. The students were seated on the benches that had been provided to await their turn. "Good afternoon" she greeted, her icy blue eyes taking them in one by one. "In a moment, I'll begin calling you in alphabetically by your last name. Once I do, I'll ask you to apparate to a spot in the room. You will only get one shot. I will not pass you if even a hair, button, or shoelace remains where you once stood." Irene's gaze drifted by several students. Irene let them sit with that for a moment, wanting it to be clear because she hated the annoying begging for another chance that came when a student failed. She looked at their faces, wondering which ones she would be seeing in the courses that were provided by the Ministry throughout the year. Many people failed the exam on their first try, but the woman did nothing to reassure the students of this fact. It had been an interesting semester of lessons with this group, so she wasn't sure how successful they would be.

Stepping back into the room, where her clipboard was already charmed to take notes, Irene looked to be sure all was in order and then glanced at the list and called the first student forward. Once the student was inside, Irene shut the door tightly and began the exam.

Out of Character:
Roleplay your character's attempt to apparate to a point in the room. Don't forget that the Great Hall would look as it would on a regular day minus the students. :p

You will get an exam grade of A or T depending on whether you roleplay your character succeeding or failing. Extra credit will be given for the level of detail in your roleplay regardless of passing or failing. Feel free to godmod Irene if it is necessary to your roleplay. If you have any questions, PM me. No replies will be accepted beyond Wednesday, the end of exam period!
Usually, exams were more of a chore to get over and done with than something to look forward to but Sully was amped for their apparition exam today. He'd been viewing it like a magical driving test and Sully was sure he was going to ace it.

He listened impatiently as the teacher went over the exam, annoyed he'd have to wait all the way to the T's before he got his turn. Finally, Sully was called forward and stepped up eagerly, nodding when the proctor pointed to his target in the middle of the hall. Sully was pretty sure he'd eaten breakfast near there this morning. Closing his eyes, Sully tried to imagine the spot in his head like they had done in practice, imagining the feeling of the room being different, even the lighting. He grinned as he felt the tugging sensation, letting it pull him along until he reappeared with a pop. Glancing down, Sully gave a cheer, noting he was right on target. He couldn't be move pleased with himself, moving to give one of the kids still waiting to go a high five on his way past out the door. He couldn't wait to get to do this outside of school. His sister was going to be so jealous.
There were few subjects Sydney could think she disliked more than apparition. It was a useful skill, to be sure, but Sydney had no idea why she struggled so much with it. She stood there quietly, watching first the instructor go over the exam, then all her peers take their attempts as she waited for her turn.

Finally, Sydney was called forward for her turn and she took a deep breath, glancing over to see if she could spot if Emily had hung around to wait for her. Sydney had worked too hard to fail on this now, despite her track record, and she listened resolute as the instructor pointed out her target near the doors to the hall. At least that would make it easy to walk out when she was done she thought grimly. Staring at the spot, Sydney rolled the three D's they'd covered in her mind, hearing them repeated inside her head as she stared, lazer focused on her target. There was a feeling, like her ears popping, and Sydney realized she'd closed her eyes at some point, opening them somewhat belatedly and stumbling when she realized she'd made it to her target. Smiling smugly, Sydney brushed off her robes, not wanting to make a fuss of what was clearly such a simple skill, before walking from the exam to find her girlfriend so they could celebrate.
Hattie had to admit that her apparition exam was the one she was looking most nervous for. It had been a hard class and the instructor was rather strict. The teen wanted to get it right so she could finally have the ability to apparate herself and that had always been her ultimate goal. She walked into the great Hall alongside her peers and gathered around as the instructor began talking about what they would be doing. They simply needed to apparate from one spot to another, which was essentially what they had done last lesson. It seemed easy but it really wasn't The girl balled her shaking hands into fists as she witnessed her peers before her attempt it. There were a few people that had succeeded, but also some that had failed, and this made the ravenclaw even more nervous as she stepped up once her name had finally been called. She took a few deep breaths as she positioned her feet on the ground. She looked down, closing her eyes and thinking of the three d's that they had gone over all throughout their previous lessons.

It took a while before Hattie made her attempt, as there were many thoughts going through her head. She was scared that if she failed she would begin feeling insecure about it, and may inevitably splinch the next time she tried it due to a lack on concentration and self esteem. She wanted to be a good witch and learning to apparate and being successful at it was really an important step. She tried to think positively however and so thought about how proud her father would be if she had done it. He may even buy her some more ice cream as a reward, and that was definitely a real motivator for her.

As Hattie heard a pop and opened her eyes again, she beamed as she realised she had made it to the correct spot. The instructor was already moving onto the next person and the girl couldn't believe that she had done it. She almost ran out of the Great Hall with a beaming smile on her face, ready to tell the first person she saw that she had passed.
Minnie was nervous about her apparition exam, she wanted nothing more than for it to be over with. She had never been more nervous about an exam before. She always got nervous about exams, but this was a little different, she couldn’t practice over and over, she could read but without the practical she knew she wouldn’t get too far. But it was now or never for her to pass it. Perhaps she could do it later or do it again, but she wanted to pass it now, it would be easier. She was waiting outside of the hall for her name to be called. She had listened to the teacher as she explained how this would happen, but the first names had been called and she was waiting for her turn. It wasn’t too long for her name to be called but it certainly felt like hours.

Minnie nodded to the teacher as she brought her into the room and glanced at the now filled hall, as in filled with all their usual items. She had never had to apparate with items in the way. She listened as the woman told her where she needed to go. She cleared her throat and then began trying to clear her mind. She nodded and tried to clear her mind. It was very difficult for her, whenever she would start worrying about what she was doing. She eventually managed to clear her mind enough and she focused on where she wanted to go and after a little moment she felt a tug and leaning in, there was a large crack and she was in the location she was supposed to be. She began to try to check herself to see if she’d left anything behind but she knew she hadn’t. But she looked to the teacher to see if she managed it.
Daintree was ready for this element of magic. There was something about the fact he’d be able to just disappear and reappear in places. He had always been reluctant about magic, because he’d been pulled out of his own world, but this and quidditch were things he wanted to do. They were cool things that he could learn and would be worth losing all of his muggle life. And really at this point he was beginning to think that muggle life wasn’t worth it at all. But this was it, the apparition exam. He wanted to be able to do this. Wanted to be able to get this and be able to do it. So he felt the pressure to pass and pass first time, but worse in all of that was the fact he knew he would end up being either dead last or next to last.

Daintree was finally called, indeed one of the last to go and he gave the professor as charming smile as he could despite his nervousness. He listened to what she instructed him and then looked and took in the hall. He noted the way the hall looked and knew that it would be necessary for them to have to pass it when there were other things around. Were he still muggle he knew he’d have done his driving text on the roads, not a parking lot. He looked at where she wanted him to go and thought about how he might get to that location. When he felt sure of how he might get there, over the different items, to be sure of where he would end up. He focused his mind on the destination. In a few short moments he was pulled to where he needed to be with a pop. He didn’t feel any immediate pain so he knew if he’d left anything it wasn’t going to be major, but he felt rather sure that in fact he hadn’t left anything at all, and had managed to at least do as instructed and hopefully that meant he passed.
Ryan was strangely calm about the exam, so that somewhere in the depths of his hearts was a quiet string of excitement, so he wanted everything to start sooner and end sooner. He tried more and more to be calm, because nothing good would come of nervousness. Of course, he had practiced, but it could have happened in any way, although it is better not to think about bad things. Ryan and the others waited outside the hall to walk into the hall when his name was called. He had listened to the professor when she explained how things would happen, but only when she was called and so he continued to wait his turn. He didn't have to wait too long for his name to be called.

Ryan raised his hand so the professor could see him, then followed him into the great hall, and nothing unusual seemed the same as before. While already waiting for his turn, I thought where he wanted to get, there were not even two thoughts that he wanted to get home for a short time. Now had to start the exam Ryan cleared his mind of other thoughts but thought of a specific place. Focus on where he wanted to go and after a while he felt pulled, and then realized he had come to the right place, as his mother heard a voice singing to her favorite song, which she was playing on the radio right now. However, it was only for a short time when he was back in the Great Hall and everything seemed to be done correctly. There were no major mistakes as it seemed, look at the professor in the corner of his eye to see what she would have said succeeded or failed.
Eric was looking forward to knowing how to apparte properly, but he didn't really look forward to the exam. He was pretty nervous, as he knew there was very little room for mistakes. The lady didn't seem like the type to see past any missteps.

Eric headed to the Great Hall and waited with his classmates outside the hall. He spent time with Minnie until she had to go, which was pretty soon as her last name started with a C. He then waited around on his own until they were up to the H names, and headed inside once he was called. The ministry lady looked as unfriendly as ever, and Eric was trying very hard not to look as unfriendly as ever. He was told to apparate to a spot near the Ravenclaw table, and he did after a moment of focusing. He was glad he managed to apparate to the correct spot, and was fairly sure he hadn't lost any hairs or buttons on the way. He hoped he had passed, he wated to torment Connor with apparition all summer, at least while he still couldn't do it.
Aisa felt more nervous about this exam than any other. It just seemed to matter more, especially as she wasn't sure if they could try again at a later age. Aisa also knew that she would feel incredibly silly if Abian managed apparating and she did not.

The Gryffindor girl made her way to the Great Hall, waiting outside along with her classmates until it was her turn to go in. She waved at Sully briefly before heading inside, listening to the instructor as she told her what to do. Aisa had to apparate to a spot at the end of the Slytherin table, which was pretty far away from where she was standing now. She focused on the three D's, trying to remember exactly what she had done the previous times she had managed to apparate. Thankfully, she managed it without taking too long, arriving at the exact spot that had been indicated. She thanked the instructor quickly, then left the Great Hall feeling relieved.
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