Apparition 3

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Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Before the end of the lesson, Irene Finch hoped that all of the students would succeed in apparating to their target. She knew that wouldn't be the case, but the pressure was on for the students. This was the last practice after all. Several of the students had managed to apparate during the last lesson even with the splinching that had happened, but that didn't always translate to success at the exam.

Addressing the small group of sixth years, Irene walked as she spoke. "Today, we will resume practicing" she began, her icy blue eyes staring at each of the students in turn as she spoke. "I am hopeful that those of you who weren't able to apparate last time will do so today. The next time we meet will be your exam and you will only get one opportunity to succeed or fail. Your test will require you to be accurate when you apparate." She let that sink in before continuing on.

"Line up beside me please." It didn't take them long to queue up. "Alright...I'd like you all to attempt apparating from this end of the Great Hall to that end" she said, pointing towards the doors of the Great Hall. "The red X marks the spot" she added, knowing that they had probably noticed an X etched onto the floor with magic as they walked in. Glancing at all the students beside her, she hoped there would be no splinchings today, though she had asked for one of the school nurses to join them once again. "You can begin whenever you're ready" she said to the student who was first in line. "As soon as you feel comfortable, you may leave. But, please do remember that this is your final opportunity to practice before your exam." They were adults by wizarding standards or close enough anyway, so she wasn't going to force any of them to stay. It was in their best interests to take advantage of the time provided to them though.
Practice attempting to apparate one by one. Practice as many times as you'd like. Please warn me via PM if you plan on splinching.
Minnie was feeling a little stressed, she was glad she didn’t have all her exams in one like the previous year, but there was still so much work that she needed to do, it was still quite overwhelming, it was mostly because of that one added class that they, as sixth years had. Something that she needed to pass, and though wasn’t much did add to what she had designed her schedule to be. She was working around it and she was adding that theory revision but it was still giving her a little more stress than she usual encountered when she was at this point in the semester. She was relatively glad for it in a way, it was distracting and of course as the semester pushed on and began it’s slow descent to end, she knew she would have to face going home, what her family would do. She hadn’t given it much thought and she was mostly refusing to. The teen knew that the more work, the more stressed she was, the less she had to think about it. She got the last bits and pieces together for the day ahead and then went out the door and to her first class. She was sure the day would go by quickly and she could go back to focusing on her studies.

Minnie was keen to get this third and last lesson of apparating. She felt relatively confident that when it came to the exam she would pass, but she was keen to get this other go and then be sure of it. The teen walked into the hall with the rest of the students and lined up against the wall as they were told to. She listened to the professor’s instructions and then nodded, they were going to apparate in front of each other. She didn’t like the sound of that but she just had to focus and remain calm, nothing bad would happen, everything would be fine. She approached the front when it was finally her tirne. She had to take a good moment to clear her mind of all the other thoughts she had and focus solely on the X in front of her. She took a deep breath and let her mind think about the three D’s all they’d learnt the feeling of it before and when she felt that first initial tug let herself be pulled. With a crack she was across the room and on the X perfectly intact. The ravenclaw rejoined the back of the queue and then managed to get a few more occasions to practice it before they were dismissed.
Daintree walked into the dorm room, he’d been out early, just on his broom, not really practicing quidditch but mostly just flying, flying was a nice reprieve from the work that he had to do for his classes. He was determined to just be able to finish this year without ditching any of his classes. He never did as well as others, but he passed everything and that was the important element. Daintree knew magic was better than being muggle so he was throwing himself into his work more so than ever before. He grabbed his books and notes and began getting them together, he stopped and took a shower before returning and focusing on getting all of the work together for the day ahead. Once he was ready he headed out of the dorm room, really flying first thing before doing anything else was good, he was able to relax and sit back a little on it all.

Daintree was rather keen for the apparition lessons to be over and for him to just be able to do it. He walked into the great hall and looked to the others. They were lined up against a wall and it didn’t take the professor telling them for Daintree to figure out what this was about. He listened as the professor told them what they were doing and then let them get started. One by one slowly they were to each apparate from one side to the next in front of the whole class. Daintree was just rather eager to get it done. When he was next the line he stepped forward. He cleared his mind and then focused his attention on where he wanted to go. He didn’t have to concentrate for long for him to feel that same tug as before and he apparated across the room. He was pretty with himself, and though he felt confident this would mean he’d pass the exam, he did rejoin the line and did it a couple more times before leaving he wanted to be sure he got it.
All of the assignments Hattie had to complete this year had just seemed to double this week. The Ravenclaw had taken notes during previous lessons, hoping these would help her later on. She made sure to keep them all in her backpack so she didn’t forget them. It seemed like a lot of information to remember and the last thing she wanted was to forget all of the work she had done. Checking her timetable, Hattie packed her backpack with everything she needed for the day before heading out of her dormitory and following her housemates to their first class for the week.

Hattie entered the Great Hall for her third apparition lesson. She had done well last time and no one had seemed to get themselves into any real danger, which was definitely a relief. She wondered what they would be doing this lesson as she gathered around with her classmates and listened to the Ministry instructor talk. She simply told them that they would be apparating from one end of the hall to the other, which was definitely a step up from just apparating right in front. When it was her turn, Hattie remembered the three D's as she attempted to apparate. She concentrated as hard as she could, really wanting to do it. Apparating would really help her get places and it was something that she really needed to know, so she wasn't interested in failing. Eventually, Hattie had successfully done it and she had beamed at her efforts. She really was getting the hang of it.
Ryan came on time this time because this was before the last lesson, which will be the most important, so the stress was even greater. However, walking to the Great Hall, he tried to get himself in the mood that everything would go well and later he would be able to be proud of himself. Ryan stood in the herd and listened to what awaited them today. At first it seemed nothing crazy, but in the end, when you had to do it yourself, then again the signs of stress appeared. He looks at others, but then he decided to try it himself, he probably won't meet on the first try. More try, the better will come.

All that was left was to focus on the red highlight, then try and even several times. Approaching his turn to try, he had to wait until he came even closer, there was another one who would try. Until Ryan's turn came, he looked at X, then focused his thoughts on the sign alone. He kept in mind the idea of three D, what they learned in the previous lesson, when he felt a dragging and specially do not resist, but allowed themselves to be dragged. Ryan was already across the room on the X mark at one point. Until he realized that everything had worked out, he rejoined the back of the line and then tried practicing a few more times until they were dismissed.
The end of the semester was fast approaching and Eric felt a bit nervous about it all. Next year, he would be a seventh year. That meant he would graduate soon. That would be all fine and dandy if he had any idea what he wanted to do after school. If he got to graduation without getting kicked out, which still wasn't a guarantee. At least Eric was excited to spend the break with Minnie, who would be staying with him. He just hoped his mum wouldn't be too embarrassing.

Eric headed to the final apparition lesson, a little frustrated that they weren't getting any more. They got seven years of useless classes in most subjects but were supposed to get apparating in three lessons? Eric had apparated last time but not to the correct spot, he knew he would fail the exam if the same thing happened there. He had actually spent some time studying the subject, probably Minnie's bad influence, and felt reasonably confident he was going to do better this time. They all had to line up and take turns trying to apparate to the other side of the room. Eric didn't manage it at once, but after a few attempts, he was getting closer and closer to the red X. Eventually, he made it there. Eric kept practicing until the lesson was over. He could only hope he would manage it well enough on the exam.
Aisa was looking forward to the end of the semester. She wanted a break from Hogwarts and to catch up with her brother again. He had written her a lot at the start of the year, but as he got busier and busier with healer training he had less time to keep in contact. Aisa was also ready for the exams to be over, she was tired of studying.

The Gryffindor made her way to the Great Hall for the last apparition lesson of the year. Aisa wished they got a few more lessons, but she also thought she was well on her way to getting it. She had done pretty well last time, at least. The ministry lady was as strict as ever and told them to line up. They were going to try apparating to the other side of the hall to a red X, each going in turn. Aisa didn't make it on her first try, but on her second try, she was pretty close to the X. Aisa kept on trying until she got it perfectly a few times, then left the Great Hall. Hopefully, the exam wouldn't be much more difficult than this.
After their previous lesson, Sydney had set to reading up on apparition with a bloody mindedness she saved for very few subjects. She was certain she’d perfect it this lesson, only half listening to what Finch was saying before she instructed the class to line up.

She waited impatiently as her classmates took their turns to apparate, tapping her foot until she was at the front of the line. The X was her enemy and Sydney was going to defeat it like anything else that came in her way. But much to her horror once again, not matter how hard she stared or focused or willer herself forward, nothing happened. “This is stupid,” she spat, storming to the back of the line, watching her classmates achieve varying levels of success and trying to shove down the sharp lump growing in her throat. After a few rotations, Sydney quietly joined the line again, refusing to look at anyone until she was back staring at the X again. This time, she felt the tug as she focused, feeling a wave of relief until she realized she’d apparated no where near the X. Furious, Sydney stormed away, unable and unwilling to speak or look at anyone until the lesson was over.
Sully's sister had always made a big deal about getting her driver's license. Before, he'd always argued flying on a broom was way cooler, but after learning to apparate, Sully didn't think he wanted to travel any other way. Who wanted to drive around when Sully could just shut his eyes and Be somewhere in an instant. He was already fantasizing about just apparating straight from bed and to work over the holidays as he walked into the great hall for another lesson.

They were practicing on another target again, though this time it was in front of everyone else. Sully tried not to laugh as a few other students messed up, eager to give it a go himself and see if it went as well as last time. When it was Sully's turn, he had not trouble feeling that pulling sensation again, though when he regained his wits he was a fair ways off the X this time. He hopped back in line, keen for as many practice runs as he could get before the lesson was over, and even happier when his other attempts were either much closer or right on target.
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