Apparition 2

Irene stood in her Ministry robes looking as poised as ever as she awaited the sixth years' arrival. Today, they'd finally get some practice in. She knew that some students had experience with side-along apparition, but doing it alone was a very different experience. They'd soon find that out for themselves. It was one thing to go along for the ride, and quite another thing to be the person who had to remember the 3 Ds and execute them perfectly.

"Let's go. You don't have all day and neither do I." Irene Finch urged the students forward impatiently as the first student walked tentatively through the open Great Hall doors. She took roll as they entered, shutting the doors from the distraction of younger students who wanted to see what was happening. "You don't need to be on top of each other. Space yourselves out!" she stated, exasperation in her tone. Irene gave her wand a small flourish and a large wooden hoop appeared in front of each student, falling into place before them.

Looking around at their faces, Irene stared at each student for the briefest of moments, making judgments about their ability to succeed at the task before them. She had been doing this long enough that she was rarely wrong. "Alright, let us begin. Today, you will make your first attempts at apparating" she declared, her hands on her hips as she walked around. "Before we begin, however, can someone remind us of the three Ds?" she pointed to a student and nodded her head as they responded.

"Excellent" she stated. "Now that you've all been reminded of the three Ds, it is time to put them into practice. For your safety, one of your school nurses is here" she nodded towards the corner where the nurse was stationed. "If you splinch yourself, please remain in your spot and the nurse or I will come to you. No sense bleeding all over the place" she stated with a small shake of her head, not even thinking about how startling that sentence might seem to a muggleborn. She didn't explain splinching either. Sooner rather than later, she was sure they'd learn if they didn't already know. "Begin. I will be walking around."
Points will be given to the student who answers the question. RP the lesson.
If you'd like your character to splinch themselves, please PM me first.
School nurse welcome!
Fraser walked into the great hall, very eager to finally get to do the apparition. Fraser stood in the hall, glancing around the room as others spread out. He nodded at what the professor was saying and then his gaze moved to the gound where hoops appeared. He listened to what the professor was saying and then they were allowed to be try it. He focused his mind as he was supposed to. He thought about where he wanted to go, and it took far too long and then he felt the pull, and he leaned in and he was suddenly in the middle of the circle. Fraser was pretty happy with himself and then packed up his things and left the room.
Mikael stood away from everyone, wand held loosely at his side as he looked at the designated hoop in front of him. Apparition was the one thing that his parents hadn't taught him prior - but he supposed that made sense. Now it was time for him to learn and his expression betrayed nothing as he kept the 3 D's firmly in his mind. Apparition required precision and control. His gaze was fixed on the hoop in front of him, a clear vision of himself standing within it. He could feel his own magic readying for what he was about to attempt. Destination. Determination. Deliberation. An uncomfortable pull that he was all too familiar with. It certainly felt similar and yet different from being side-alonged. He landed in the hoop, at the edge of it, his shoe nearly touching the ring and his gaze darkened. Too close. He needed more practice.
Hinata stood among her classmates, just a few feet away from Mikael. She firmly believed that she couldn't be blamed for the churning in her gut because this was the day they were finally learning or practicing how to apparate for the first time. Apparition was quite the essential skill to have, although it was dangerous and it all too easy to fail. She glanced down at the wooden hoop before her, taking a deep breath to steady herself. Destination. Determination. Deliberation. She glanced at the hoop in front of her and visualized herself standing inside it, willing her body, her magic to move without her having to physically step forward. She narrowed her eyes, feeling a strange pull as she concentrated and plunged herself into focusing on those three D's. And then there was that sensation of being yanked and forced through a tube and it was over as soon as it started. Next thing she knew, she was... in front of the hoop. Well. That... didn't go too well. She was lucky there wasn't a wall where she stood right now. Or anything more dangerous. She stayed to practice until they were told to leave.

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