Apparition 1

This was an important milestone in the life of a wizard, and Irene Finch knew that many of the students looked at their license as a taste of the freedom they'd earn on their way to becoming fully trained wizards. With the registration list tucked in a folder that was under her arm, the woman stepped into the room, her heels announcing her presence. She called attendance, making sure that no one had snuck into the room without paying their galleons.

Tucking the folder away, Irene began. "Good afternoon, sixth years. My name is Irene Finch and I'm Head of the Department of Magical Transportation. I'm here on behalf of the Ministry of Magic to prepare you for your apparition exam." She said all of this briskly. Irene was not a lady who liked her time wasted. In truth, she enjoyed teaching apparition to much of the dull paperwork she was often stuck doing as the head of a department.

Walking around as she spoke, Irene's icy blue eyes looked at all of them and none of them at once. "The headmistress has been kind enough to lift the enchantment placed on this room so that you will be able to practice apparating within these walls for the duration of our lessons. But do not attempt to do so in your free time. It would be...unwise to attempt practicing here or elsewhere outside of these lessons" she stated in a very firm tone. With so few students and the furniture against the walls as she'd requested, her voice carried easily around the large room.

The woman focused on a student who'd been fidgeting, her blue eyes piercing into the student. "I will warn you from the start that your ability to apparate will have little to do with what house you are in or your blood status. Your ability to apparate will, solely, depend on your ability to focus on the three Ds: Destination. Determination. Deliberation." She enunciated each word. "There are no shortcuts. If you fail to grasp these concepts, you will fail your exam. First, you must choose your destination." She'd made a quick scan and found the perfect landing point. " Next, you will focus your determination and once you feel you are ready..." With a small step, Irene apparated next to one of the sixth years who had been whispering while she was lecturing and continued, "you must move with deliberation like so." She gave the student a sharp look.

Moving towards the front of the room, Irene continued lecturing the students on the concept of apparating. She knew that some were probably expecting to apparate today but she also knew that the foundation for apparating started with this very important information. Soon enough their time was up, and they had done nothing but listen. "Don't forget the 3 Ds. I will see you all next time. A word to the wise: Don't bring anything with you to the next lesson. The less you carry, the easier it will be." With that, she dismissed the students though she waited a few moments longer in the event that any of the students had questions.
Please make sure to register for the course! Remember that these lessons are so that your student can earn a license. Without it, they can't apparate!This is just the first of only three lessons before the exam takes place.
Hinata fidgeted as the Ministry official - Irene Finch-san - laid out the foundations for apparition. She had read about the theory before but taking the class itself where she could earn her license, it seemed a lot more daunting. There was a lot to focus on. The three Ds of apparition were key and she made sure to remember and chant it in her head. Failing the exam didn't seem to be nearly as huge as splinching in her opinion. It would be annoying to have to resort to other means of travel yes, but splinching - that was going to be painful if not deadly. She watched as Finch-san apparated and breathed, determined that she would be able to do that to by the end of the semester. As the lecture came to an end, she packed her stuff quickly and walked out with her friends.
June made her way to the great hall, excited for this new lesson. Something else than the other subjects and she followed every class so this one too. This was very helpfull to learn, and she couldn't wait to try out. June stoood in the front with some of the other classmates and listened as the woman started to speak. She made some quick notes in her smaller notebook and listened to the woman some more. The three D's seemed important, so she made sure to make an note of that and put an line under it. June watched the woman with interest as she explaind the three D's further. She saw the woman demonstrating and it seemed so handy to be able to do so. Carry nothing with you was the advice of the woman, but June always had something with her. She would just put her bag down with stuff in it than. When the lecture ended the blonde made her way out after thanking the woman and introducing her shortly.
Bailey stood up straighter as Irene Finch walked into her view. She commanded attention in a way none of the school’s regular professors did, but she was a ministry woman, this was a whole different ball game. Bailey acknowledged her presence when the woman took attendance and paid close attention when she began to discuss what they were all there for. Apparition. Bailey didn’t want to miss any of it. Miss Finch went on to emphasise the importance of the three Ds, destination, determination and deliberation. Bailey knew those would be three things she needed to remember, they sounded important. Bailey watched in amazement as Miss Finch apparated so effortlessly. It wasn’t the first time she had seen it done but for whatever reason it seemed so much more impressive from her.

It was a little disappointing that they wouldn’t be trying to apparate in their first lesson, but it was clearly something they needed to get their head around before attempting. Bailey took the advice she gave about not bringing anything to their next lesson to heart, she wasn’t sure how she’d accomplish that, she was as adept at being empty headed as Theo, but she’d give it a try. Once the less was concluded she exited the great hall knowing apparating would be the main focus of her mind until she returned for another lesson.
Mikael sat near the back, arms crossed, as he watched the Ministry official, Irene Finch, start speaking about how they were going to go about getting their licenses. He'd had this lecture from his parents countless times, but here - or at least soon - he was finally going to actually do the necessary steps to get his apparition license. Destination. Determination. Deliberation. The backbone for apparition. It required control, focus, precision, and willpower. He didn't expect it to be difficult but it wouldn't hurt to take extra caution for splinching. He watched as the woman apparated somewhere else in the room and it would have been impressive had he not grown up in a magical family. And besides, the wards were down for this area so it was hardly noteworthy. The rest of the lesson went fairly smoothly and he made a mental note to not bring anything for the next class - not that he had anything with him for this one.
Finally! No more portkeys. That was all Theodore could think as he made it to Apparition to earn his license. Of course, he knew that he would still have to use portkeys every now and then. Going home to Nightray Manor from here, for example, would definitely require one. But, at least, as long as he didn't have to go too far, he could start avoiding the floo and portkeys. While he was up to flirting or causing chaos in the classroom, he hesitated a little since it was a Ministry official that was leading up the class. He wasn't that stupid, contrary to everyone's popular belief. And besides, he was more interested in getting his apparition license than anything. One-track mind. He was almost fidgeting at the thought of trying out apparating, so it was such a shame that they only ended up having lectures. Still, he didn't think it would be difficult to remember those 3 D's and just chuckled to himself for that. Next class couldn't come soon enough.
Fraser walked into the great hall really ready to be able to get started on the apparition stuff. He was just so very very keen for it. The boy looked towards the teaching, nodding along eagerly at what she said. He knew it would be hard, he had noted that Zerrin had struggled with it. Had even been splinched, and Fraser was hopeful that it wouldn’t happen to him. He nodded along with everything the professor was saying but the lesson itself wasn’ too long and they didn’t actually get to practice it yet. They just needed to know some information for the next lesson where they would get to practice it.

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