Apparation Lesson #3

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene Finch stood in the front of the room, facing the door. Before the end of the lesson, she hoped that all of the students would succeed in apparating directly to their target, especially since this would be the last practice they would have before the exam took place at the end of the semester. Some of them had a lot of work to do.

Gesturing for the students to gather close, Irene addressed the small group of sixth years. "Today, we will resume practicing" she began, her icy blue eyes staring at the students as she spoke. "I am hopeful that those of you who weren't able to apparate last week will do so this week. The next time we meet will be your exam and you will only get one shot to succeed or fail. Your test will require you to be accurate when you apparate, so today, I'd like everyone to line up beside me."

It didn't take them long to queue beside her. "Alright...I'd like you all to attempt apparating from this end of the Great Hall to that end" she said, pointing towards the doors of the Great Hall.

"The X marks the spot" she added, knowing that they had probably noticed an X etched onto the floor with magic as they walked in. Glancing at all the students beside her, she hoped there would be no splinchings today. "You can begin whenever you're ready" she said to the student who was first in line.
You can practice attempting to apparate one by one. Warn me via PM if you plan on splinching. Apparition,6,3
<SIZE size="50">It was difficult to believe that it was almost the end of term, and the end of this term meant a lot of things for this teen, since he had decided to leave the school and would be doing so at the end of the term. The teen was pretty much ready to get started on this week, though between his casual studying for his exams, the teen was preparing himself and his team to play against the professors, it had been a surprise match, but one he was keen to have, Graeme thought that no matter the skill level of the professors, he was sure that they'd manage it, that they could win. The teen was getting himself ready for class, gathering up the books he would need to sit and revise in his various classes before then heading out the door, he had packed his quidditch gear in with the rest of it, just a little light amount of stuff for a post-class practice, his life mostly made up of quidditch, but it was exactly how he wanted it to be.

His only class of the day was one of the most important classes that he had, apparition, it was all good and well that he be planning to leave and had already begun packing but this was different, if he didn't pass this class or do the best he could he'd have to stay. The teen was therefore having a little difficulty focusing however he stood with the others. The first in the line as he lined up and waiting for the professor to allow them to begin. And the teen just felt so nervous about it, he'd read the theory, knew what to do, it was just the simple matter of doing it. The teen wiped his hands on his trousers and wished to be facing a team of huge bludgers than this. But, when she said they could begin, Graeme lined up and stood in the spot they were supposed to, looking towards the x in the far side of the room and just took a deep breath, emptying his mind completely, before then focusing on where he wanted to go, and then he felt that familiar tug and allowed himself to just fall into it. It didn't take long until it had stopped and he realised he had managed it, if he could repeat it again, he would have no trouble getting home, and the teen just smiled at the professor, or teacher before then standing at the side, as others began doing it.
One week on from the previous lesson and James was raring to have another go at Apparition. He'd managed well over the last couple of practices, and he knew that this was the last time he'd have the chance before the exam came around, and although he was confident, he knew that there was always work to be done. Entering once more, he noticed almsot immediately the red cross marked on the floor at one end of the room, and he had a good idea of what was coming next. It might be obvious, but it was also relatively small - especially compared to the hoops - and landing on it directly might be tricky. The professor confirmed his suspicion that the exam would cover accuracy with her words, and he nodded once more, taking all the detail he could in.

Once he had moved to one side of the hall with the other students, he let a couple of them go before him as they queued up to have a practice. One it was his turn, he stopped and closed his eyes, thinking deeply on the location of the cross and his determination to get exactly on it. He soon felt the, by now familiar, compression on his body and the suffocating darkness that enveloped him before he popped out of the other end of the great hall. Sweeping his arms up to keep his balance, he looked around and saw to his great satisfaction that he was almost dead centre of the cross. Clearly he was ready for the exam after all. Walking slowly back towards the other side of the hall for another go, he wondered what exactly would be contained within their upcoming practices before their NEWTs. He needed to get more work in next year than this year, that he knew for certain. He'd been slacking, and he was glad that Apparition took place this year, rather than detracting from his workload next year.
Matthew was eager to have another go at apparating after the disaster that was the previous lesson. He was determined to at least go through the hoop this time. It wouldn't be easy, anything that required him to clear his mind these days was difficult after everything that had happened. Perhaps clearing his head was exactly what he needed. He made his way into the hall. When Matthew arrived he soon found that there would be no hoops this time. Irene Finch, he cringed when he saw the woman, relation or not, she shared Alana's name and to see her reminded him of the girl he lost.

Thankfully the lessons were nearly over, the instructor lined the students up and told them what they needed to do that lesson. For their last practice session they would be apparating from one end of the hall to the other. The students all stood in a line and took it in turns apparating. He watched on as the others tried, some were able apparate to the other end successfully and others struggled. When it came to Matthew's turn he was a little nervous, he didn't have much success the previous week and he desperate to do it right this time. He stepped forward and he focused on the other side of the hall, he thought hard on the three ds and did his best to clear his mind, he felt the familiar feeling as he disapparated and focusing on his destination he appeared at the other side of the hall. Matthew felt like celebrating when he opened his eyes and he was in the right place. He felt ready for his exam the following week, maybe even a little excited at the prospect of getting licensed to apparate.

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