
Lily Cliffeton

flourish and blotts owner | mother
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2" Sturdy Larch Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
1/2012 (47)

Lily was up quite late on the first Saturday of the term. She hadn't done much during the week. She'd managed to find the time to practice everyday. She worked early in the morning, but this morning she had chosen to not. Mainly as she'd been practicing in the bathrooms, of the dorm room. She had been pirouetting, when she'd almost hit a sink with her knee. She decided that it wasn't the best place to dance, or for dramatic moves. Lily instead got dressed very carefully, in a proper outfit. A black tank top and a floral print skirt. It was Lily's style. She was also wearing black peep toe pumps. She wasn't ready until she'd managed to get her hair into smooth and neat curls. Something that had become easier to do.

Lily headed to the great Hall, just as most were coming out. She wasn't terribly hungry but she had come to te Great Hall anyway. Lily wasn't the type to waste herself in classes which was why she still refused to wear uniform and attend almost none of the classes. This was only for 6 more years. She could live through it. She could make it and come out the other end. Go back to dance and work until she was once more at the top. Lily took a seat at the end of the Slytherin table, apart from most others mainly because she couldn't be bothered with people, and poured herself a glass of coffee. Before taking a small sip, while glancing around the hall quite clearly waiting for someone. Lily had never really been the type to say sorry to people. But her summer had been one that had really made her think about who she was as a person. Lily had close to no friends, so she needed to at least try to be friends with people. Even if at times it would be very hard.
For several hours in the morning all she could do was study her reflection in the mirror. It had become a sort of routine, plus she had to add the antidote across her face. The bleach spatter was taking a long time to heal but in a few more months it will all be gone. Now for her eyes, sadly they were going to forever remain the same. They weren't a bad color, it just fail to hold any sort of light in them. They didn't even shine, and when she cried you could hardly tell unless she decided out of the blue to apply make-up. Jaden never been the type
to wear eyeliners, maybe she well decide to do soon. For now she was going to meet Lily naturally.

It took her less than half hour to get dress. She was in no rush to meet the one that cause physical pain. She took an extra minute to grab her wand, she was ready this time. She couldn't trust this girl but Jaden wasn't going to show that she was afraid of Lily. In some form of ways the girl did brought fair, but Jaden denied till she saw her again.

Arriving at the hall, Slytherin table was crowded. Right were she sat last week, she noticed Lily sitting alone eating breakfast. Jaden stride carefully towards Lily with her hands raise to her mid-section. She stop standing just inches away, still remembering that night she got burned. It came back the sudden she look over at Lily, but she calm her slow breathing so that she could speak as she prepare to do so. "Morning. You wanted to meet me?"


And there it was. Standing in front of her was Jaden. Lily averted her eyes from the girls. But realising that this to Jaden Would most likely be seen as a joke. Lily pulled out her wand and placed it onto the table. Lily kept her hazel brown eyes onto the wand for several seconds before looking up at Jaden. Her enemy. The girl she hated. Lily did not smile. Nor did she show much signs of remorse for what she had done. But she moved out the way slightly and showed to Jaden that she could sit down. Finally Lily's eyes looked up to Jaden's face. It was not the eyes that unnerved her, she thought thy were quite odd. It was the extent of the burns. Lily did feel bad. She felt very bad. This was the first time in a long time that lily had ever felt bad about something she had done. Usual she would bot bat an eyelash. But the fact that she had disfigured someone made the entire situation feel different to Lily.

"I wanted to apologize. For what I did." Lily said. Not changing from her usual cold tone of voice. But strangely it did seem to have some remorse in it. Lily was in fact sorry.
Jaden slid her wand right after Lily had done it. She didn't trust the girl but she ought to be fair right now. Besides if Lily was to act out right now she was risking her actions right underneath the overseer watching over the great halls. Mainly the professor and headmaster;that's whenever he wanted to show his face every now and than. Jaden expected this to happen when Lily spoke. She didn't want to say, she fell silent unsure what to make of this all. "Right like I'm suppose to believe that" she finally murmured looking down. Her eyes will never be the same anymore, her face will heal in due times. Jaden just had to keep applying the antidote, she wished it had been the same for her eyes. "Why are you apologizing anyways?" she ask right afterwards.


Lily had to force herself to not roll her eyes at Jaden as she seemed to reject her apology. It was so hard nowadays fpor people to actually be sorry about something. Lily had not often said sorry to people, so to have her apology rejected made Lily almost regret saying it. Lily shrugged to Jaden's question. She was still unsure as to why she had chosen to say sorry. She felt bad about what she'd done, but Lily had often felt for what she had done before, this didn't mean that she often apologized. "Can't you just accept my apology, and we can be done at that." Lily said frustrated with Jaden. She need to however keep her temper until control. She couldn't let a repeat of last time happen. Lily had barely gotten away from that. She had just. Lily sighed to herself, and took a deep breath in. "I would never have done it, had I known what it would do to you. I'm sorry. I actually am." Lily would never admit it, but she actually thought that Jaden could be really beautiful with just a little work.
"Well its not like I told you Lily..I told you before it even happen" she thought back did she told Lily what she was up to? Had she actually warn the girl of the danger of what might happen if she grew near. "No I didn't warn you..." Jaden look up and felt a sensation passed through her, it was the same sensation she felt when she meet Beau. It had taken over her body and passed her quickly, as she let out a brief shudder..."Just I don't know..." she look back down, to avoid the stares of the girl she once like a year ago...Jaden wonder if she still harvest the same feeling for Lily.."Lucky no one got in trouble I suppose?" she kept speaking in a low murmur knowing ears were all around them. Anyone could be listening she didn't want to risk slipping what happen and why it happen that night. They were still looking for "the other girl" who had brewed up such position to cause her skin to bleach that way. Jaden could have possibly thank her for that at least, however the exact words wouldn't slip from her mouth.


Lily wondered if it was a mistake her even doing this. It really wasn't making Lily feel that much better. She thought that it would get rid of all the guilt that she felt towards what she had done to Jaden, but the way Jaden was reacting, just reinforced in her that apologizing was a really bad idea. Lily nodded. It was lucky no one did get into trouble for it. Lily had however mastered the art of lying, so as long as she was keeping to her story. "No one will ever know." Lily said, quietly. Jaden most likely didn't like the fact that no one was being punished for what had happened to her. But it was over, there was no taking it back any more. Things would not change.

"Are you good? I don't know what else I can do to say sorry." Lily smiled slightly. Hoping that it would be enough.
Jaden bowed her head she was in the same predicament she didn't have anything else to say. She nodded once signaling that she would forgive this time but that didn't mean much to her. She swayed a step closer to retrieve her wand back, falling into her hand she slipped inside her school robes. "I'll see you around than" she turn to leave and stalked away. There was nothing more Jaden could do at this point. She was willing to forgive Lily it didn't apply that she would forget. Jaden couldn't forget what happen that night. Even if the memories were still foggy after being knocked down, she couldn't remember what happen after that. "Goodbye Lily"


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