Closed Anyway, Here's Wonderwall Again

Lumio Skey

passionate | explosive | Eeylop's assistant
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Doxy Wing Core
3/2039 (18)
Lumio was pleased to be back at school, there was always so much for him to be getting to and so much for him to enjoy, being in Italy with his family was nice and he did prefer those summers to the New Zealand winter but he did always welcome coming back. It was dreary day outside, the interior of the castle was buzzing was activity and for once Lumio wasn’t sitting alone playing guitar. He had linked up with his name counterpart in the great hall where they could both play guitar. The room wasn’t too busy, there couldn’t be much to do even for the senior students, things hadn’t quite gotten underway. So no one would mind the noise that they were making. It was soft playing anyway, melodic noises upon light strings. ”Do you know the song wonderwall?” he asked as there was a little lull in their playing. He had to imagine that Knox knew wonderwall, it was just such a good song for playing guitar that he had to imagine that anyone who played guitar would know it. Knox was a more experienced player than he was, so he’d of course know what it was and how to play it.
Being back at school was a relief. Knox could return to the place he was comfortable and to the friends he was comfortable with, albeit with a prefect badge pinned to his uniform. After the changes and revelations in the school holidays, Knox was finally able to feel like himself again and playing guitar with Lumio as if nothing had happened, after everything that did happen in the holidays, reassured Knox that he was where he belonged, despite all the changes happening in his life. Knox was considerably more confident in his guitar playing than he had been in his previous year, not batting so much as an eyelid to the idea of playing guitar with Lumio in the great hall, around so many other students. He instead felt comfortable and that it was meant to be, smiling widely to Lumio as they hit a lull in their playing. “Oh, of course.” Knox explained, letting his last chord ring out before jumping right into the chord progression for wonderwall like it was nothing, like it was one of the first songs he had ever learned on the guitar because it was true. “Do you wanna sing it with me?” Knox asked as he repeated the progression, allowing the chance for both him and Lumio to be lead in to sing the cliché song if they wanted to.​
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Lumio liked playing with Knox, and it was cool that he now had a friend that was a prefect. It was so cool. Lumio wasn’t much of a rule breaker, so he wasn’t too fussed about getting trouble, he just thought he was cool. It help Knox’s image in Lumio’s mind. He was now a cool prefect whom he could jam with. He smiled excited as it seemed that Knox knew the chords and Lumio began playing along with him. It was an easy enough progression, hence why so many people learned it, but he laughed lightly, ”I’m no singer Knox,” he replied but he gave an overly dramatic role of his eyes, ”But for you, for this song, I will sing!” he said dramatically. He moved to the next chord, so they could actually start the song and began singing. He wasn’t as bad a singer as perhaps he’d let on and he was definitely leaning in to making it worse. But it was fun nonetheless, it was simple and good. It was easy to play with him, and this was an easy song, and singing was fun too.
Wonderwall was a song that had to be sung badly, with the same accent as the original singer for the fun of it, as far as Knox was concerned. Whether Lumio was good at singing or not was hardly relevant though Knox did appreciate his friend’s enthusiasm, and willingness to sing with him anyway. Knox chuckled. “With the accents too, okay.” He added, a bar before the vocals were due to begin. Knox inhaled and then sang the first line of the song, smiling to himself and trying to remember he needed to focus, and play well while he sang, a difficult thing to multitask but something he wanted to get better with. Feeling as if he was drawing attention to himself, Knox tried to keep himself from laughing as he looked around the great hall and then back to Lumio. He felt ridiculous but that was the point, really.​
Lumio was certainly forcing the accent, somewhat difficult for him to really do with the combination of his actual kiwi accent and his desire to maybe lean into the accent he had when he spoke italian but regardless it came off as bad and he was singing far too loudly for it to even be hidden, but it was fun, all in the name of fun. He leaned into the silliness of it and was smiling with some ease towards Knox as he did so. He didn’t know all of the words so he made sounds when he wasn’t sure, trying to keep with the style of what was being sung. Eventually he did draw the song to a close, much to his disappointment and when the last chord played began laughing hard. It was just so funny to him. It was silly and dumb and they’d likely disturbed half the room, but Lumio didn’t mind at all. ”So much fun!” he exclaimed loudly.

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