Anything and Everything!

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Addison Blake

OOC First Name
Sycamore Wand 12 1/2" Thestral Tail Hair Core

Hello everyone! I thought this might be the best way to get my n00b self some plots for my first charrie, so here we are.

This is Addison Blake. I haven't fully hashed out her bio (or her character for that matter) just yet but I'll give you a little rundown. Addison, Addy, AB... Is the only child of Andrew Blake, an American muggle surgeon, and Amelie Blake, an Australian muggleborn auror. The majority of Addy's young life has been spent in San Francisco where, after receiving her much anticipated letter from Ilvermorny, she also attended school. Her mother was murdered by a member of the Scitorari, likely of the Prejudice Sect, when Addison was just seven. Since then, her father has taken on the role of both parents and the two have become inseparable. A few years into AB's schooling, however, he felt that, as a muggle, he wasn't able to stand in her magical shoes and support her the way her mother could have. As a result, the pair have recently moved to Melbourne, Australia and are living close to Addison's aunt (Amelie's sister, also a witch) so that the young witch has all the magical support she needs. I'm hoping that Addy will be able to transfer to HNZ (her mother's alma mater) as a fourth year when sorting/transfers re-open soon.

But enough about her background and more about the gal herself. Having only a male figure in her life for most of her "growing pains" years, Addison is naturally a bit of a tomboy. At Ilvermorny most of her close friends were male but she's also incredibly social and outspoken, so she also enjoyed the company of some of the girls as well. As a rather uninhibited spirit, Addy is also a bit of a spitfire. Don't p*ss her off or you'll get what's coming to ya. That being said, she tends not to hold grudges and will forgive and forget quite quickly. As the daughter of a surgeon and an auror, she is also quite academically inclined and has a great passion for soaking in as much of she can of the wizarding world as it helps her to feel closer to her mother. This isn't merely limited to academia though as Addison has held her position as a seeker for her house at Ilvermorny for the last two years.

With all that being said, I'm looking for anything and everything for her. Friends, enemies, eventual romantic interests. I'm not certain of her sexuality at the moment but I'm going to hazard a guess and say bisexual, so boys and/or girls would be perfecto. I'm crossing all my fingers and toes for a transfer so HNZ students would be great! But if anyone has any Ilvermorny students I would also really love that too.

TL;DR Soon-to-be fourth year gal needs everything

Hey Paige!

The only character of mine that could definitely be friends with Addison as of right now would be my Ravenclaw fifth year, Pia. I can see them getting along well because Pia can also be a little bit of a spitfire and because they're both academically inclined. Pia was a transfer and she is still getting better adjusted to being in a new school but she is very comfortable and happy where she is and she would want to take a new transfer under her wing. In saying that, I can see Addison and Pia being friends whether or not Addison gets accepted as a transfer to HNZ so we could always have them meet somehow in the upcoming school holidays and see what happens with school later on?

Let me know what you think!
Hi Annaleise! Pia sounds perfect for Addison! Like the big sister she never had. What school did Pia transfer from? Would love to do an RP with them both so I can work on my rusty writing skills haha
Hey Paige!

At first I didn't really think I had anyone to give to you but if you want you can have Charlotte here. She's a bit of a chatterbox and if Addison gets transferred to Hogwarts I'm sure she'll make her feel welcomed. Despite their age difference, I still think they can get along fine. Charlotte is always looking for new friends so perhaps we could start something to see how they get along?

Let me know what you think ^_^
Hey Paige,

I've got this character, Isabelle. She's a Ravenclaw and because she's also academically driven (she has her head in the clouds sometimes though) I think her and Addison would get along quite well. She can have a temper but not often, and she's a strong character in that she can stand up for herself easily. Let me know what you think :)

~ Clara
I have Wyatt Finch. He's a first year so there is a bit of an age difference however he's American (from Cali) and his dad his a surgeon so maybe their dad's worked at the same hospital and they know each other because of that? Wyatt always was around his dad's hospital because he wanted to be a surgeon too so maybe they spent time together? Before he learned he was a wizard he was very academically inclined but here not so much because he views it all as a joke, Addy might not like that so much but it could be interesting.

I also have Kylie Ortiz who is a fifth year Ravenclaw who transferred from Castelobruxo in Brazil. If Addison transferred to Ravenclaw they would obviously have that in common. She's a big romantic, super sappy and just seems to be a very typical girl however she can fight with the best of them. She's very competitive too and has no qualms about hexing someone who pisses her off because her rage knows no bounds. Maybe they'd fight, maybe they'd be friends... I'm not sure honestly. What do you think?
Hi! I have Rhys here. He is currently a second year at Ilvermorny, but I'm hoping he'll transfer to hnz the sorting after this one. He spends a lot of time studying, and practicing because he wants to one day join his parents in their 'family business'. He generally keeps to himself, and his only real friend is his little sister, Merrill. Maybe they could be study buddies at school, and become friends through that, and reconnect when Rhys(hopefully) transfers to HNZ?
This is great, thanks so much guys!

Charlotte//Addison Yes, perfect! The more friends the merrier in this case. Despite being quite loud and outspoken herself, I think Addy would be comforted by someone who took the initiative to make her feel welcome on her first day. Let's definitely pair these two up!

Isabelle//Addison Study bud! I have a feeling that AB might end up being a Gryff but she would definitely have a lot of friends in Ravenclaw. I think Isabelle would be great to help redirect her energy back into study if ever she gets carried away. Let's do a little RP and get the feel of it when if Addison gets transferred?

Wyatt//Addison I had a look at Wyatt's bio and saw that his dad is a squib? It would be hilarious if they knew each other through their fathers a few years ago but didn't know each other were magical. Then when Addison turns up at HNZ, they see each other in the halls and have to do a double take. It'd be great. Anyway, I think she'd love little Wyatt to bits and take it upon herself to act as his big sister.

Kylie//Addison I think that Addy might actually end up in Gryffindor but I can see her having a lot of friends in Ravenclaw. That being said, I think her and Kylie might have a bit of a love-hate relationship. Especially if they're both competitive and hot-headed. I can see them being super chummy one minute and the next throwing jinxes at each other. As Kylie's a bit older, I think Addison would also have a little bit of a secret crush on her.

Whoops, sorry Sammy - I missed your post while I was posting haha.

Yes, yes, yes to a fellow Ilvermorny student! That sounds perfect. I think Addison would totally get on his nerves sometimes when she gets bored of study... She's rather loud and brash at times. But I think they'd still be great friends regardless (she'd think so anyway). Let's do a topic for them!
It's great that you think they would also make good friends :D
The school holidays don't start for another 2ish ooc weeks so for me to be able to post with Pia anywhere other than school or brightstone we'd both have to wait. Is that okay or would you quickly want to work on a brightstone roleplay now?
Sure I'd love to! I can start one right after sorting, and after Addison is transferred if you want (If she's transferred, I'm sure she will be) ^_^
Yep Wyatt's dad is a squib but he didn't know about it until much later so long story short Wyatt's parents never told him hoping he'd be normal! That sorta blew up in their faces but omg yes! Wyatt would just love Addy so much and drag her around the school showing her everywhere and introducing her to his little friends and aww if they were in Gryffindor together they'd spend time and be cute lil brother/big sister things and play sports together because Wyatt loves him some sports.

Oooh awesome! That would be so much fun to play out and as for the crush, I don't really think that would even occur to Kylie because of the age difference. It's not huge, she's just not into age differences. She'd be super flattered if she ever found out though!
Yes, that's great! Did you want to wait and start something once the semester finishes or just get them to meet once Addison transfers (if she does) ?
Hi Paige. Ok now that's out the way, I have options because I can never just be simple and offer one character. First I have Olivia Havelock, she will be a fourth year too text year so at the very least she could be a friend, she's bookish and quiet but I'm wanting to get her out more and I think a friend like Addy would be good for her. There's also a possibility they could date, Olivia is discovering her sexuality and I think someone like Addy showing up in her fourth year would be a big surprise and that Olivia would simple be in awe of her, this could work as a one sided crush or something mutual if your game.

If not then I have another romantic option for you, now personality wise this might not work but I like the idea. I have Ezra Cade, also same year as Addy amd currently attending Durmstrang. Hoping for a transfer this year. Ezra is, well awful and prejudice, he doesn't like muggle borns and just about tolerates half bloods. I like the idea of him falling reluctantly for someone like Addy, she's everything he hates in the world but he just can't help himself. Let me know what you think about that one.
So sorry for the late reply everyone! I've been swamped at work.

Pia//Addison I think lets leave it until the school holidays so we don't have to squeeze in into a couple of days haha

Rhys//Addison Perfect! Thanks Sammy! Will hopefully get to it today.

Isabelle//Addison Yes please, that would be amazing. I've got my fingers crossed!

Wyatt//Addison Haha amazing! She would be so weirded out by the fact that he had magical blood as well, never mind seeing him on the other side of the world. Yes, Addy would definitely be down for some sports (wizarding or muggle).

Kylie//Addison Ahh this will be great, poor Addison. She would totally be in denial about it as well. Really hope Addy gets transferred so we can get the ball rolling with these plots!

Charlotte//Addison Hmm, maybe when she's transferred? I can totally see Charlotte being the first friend that Addy makes and giving her a tour of HNZ.

Olivia//Addison Ooh yes, I love this. I can see Addy growing into a bit of a wild child in the coming years, not sure of who or what she wants apart from her eventual career. She would be interested in Olivia but would be ignorant to Olivia's perhaps stronger feelings for her. Maybe they start out as friends and then Olivia starts crushing on her, Addy finds out and is all like "I could roll with that" but isn't 100% fussed either way.

Ezra//Addison Oh my god yes. I really hope that they both get transferred. I think Addison would hate his guts because her late mother was a muggleborn (and was killed because of it). But at the same time, she would think he is hot af and not be able to help herself. They'd have a super intense dynamic, I'm so excited.
Hi yah! Paige ...

I would like to offer my twins, Sellina and Seth De Graaf. They're both 3rd year students from Koldovstoretz, the school in Russia. The siblings, though, paternal twins have different attitude. Sellina; is responsible, studious and serious. She doesn't let her guard down no matter what (that's why she's avoided by guys) after she and her brother had witness their real father killed innocent people and was thrown in Azkaban, Sellina felt that they are to blame for his doings. While Seth chooses to be a happy-go-lucky kid. Seth is a mischievous lad, a lover of every sports but is academically challenge.

Growing up, both had a great life after they were adopted by a rich muggle born couple in Amsterdam upon hearing the news that their real father will be put in jail for life. They're very much contented about their life but there are still struggles.

Sorry, they're not that develop yet but I'm trying my best ... Sellina and Addison can be frenemies? And Seth and Addison can be friends or best friends? I'm open to anything anyways.
Ok great. We'll just have to hang fire until sorting to see what happens. Though Ezra lives in Washington when not at school so theres some potential in that for a meet up. As both characters offer potential romance ( with very different dynamics) I'm up for doing both or if you have a preference we cam go with that what you prefer, totally your call.
Hey Paige,

I have Maddie here, she's going to be figuring out her sexuality soon too and she will eventually identify as a bisexual. So potentially Addison could be a love interest for Maddie and vice versa?

Maddie is headstrong and quite impulsive and she tries to be loyal to her friends but she has no forethought and is extremely preoccupied with being 'in the moment' so sometimes she does silly things without meaning to. She is quite emotional and her emotions sometimes get the better of her, anger being the prime example. She also has a flair for the dramatic. There's more in her bio if you're interested.

So yeah, if you think they could be friends, not friends, love interests just let me know ^_^
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