Another character! Kyouhei Watanuki

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Kyouhei Watanuki

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
Okay I got another JAPANESE CHARACTER... >.<!!!

I don't know much about Kyouhei well at least not yet. But he's good looking and he's not interested in girls. Torturing is one of his hobby and he doesn't care if he's torturing a guy or a girl.
Kyouhei is hard to get along w/ ... And he only trust his brother, Ranmaru the eldest of the quintuplets.
Kyouhei is a quiet and dangerous type, he loves beating up. And he even beat up his sister but only once when he lost his temper. But only once and he never do it again.
But he had been caught in a fight between him and strangers and he loves beating strangers.

Kyouhei doesn't believe in love, neither lust. He believe in him self and he make his own rule.

So I will be needing err...

1. A girl who had been crushing on him (but he hates her) And doesn't mind being tortured. And is hoping that she can define what love is. And hopefully, Kyouhei will learn how to love someone and will be over protective to her once she become his girlfriend. (But it's not an instant) A fragile girl tho.. Not a girl who would point a wand at him.

2. Girls that had been crushing on him and well you know how cheer leaders type of girls right... He doesn't mind having them around for quiet a while but he will probably scare them away when they talk too much (but pffft every cheer leaders type of girls talks too much) But they wont be his girlfriend.

3. An enemy, and must be a guy. (A durmstrang student (hopefully) )

4. And I can't believe that I'm writing this but.. he need a friend, hopefully a guy. a mean spirited guy. (And a durmmy too hopefully lol)
I could make the girlfriend if you want??
sure.. but u dont have to make a new one u know xD
Your right Sally, haha, he could have Alana *grins*
Teigan& Laura: Woo hoo arryt! Would u like to start?
woohoo, where shall I start?? hmm??
Anywhere really xD...
But -.- they cant use magic outside school... -__-
TT.TT tooo bad!

lol well anywhere! Obsidian Harbor? Bleak street? lol... I know NARNIA! *sorry I'm a lil crazy*
Click the smiley :)
Thats a sad topic :(

arryt.. lol thanks
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