Open and we knocked six times

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Finley Mackintosh Baros

chronically late for everything
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
*please wait for mania and callie to post first

Finely had been so excited when Mania had asked him to join as part of her costume with Nia, he liked both of the girls so he didn't mind spending more time with them at all. He was glad he was already making friends because honestly his dad was such a worrier and he'd only proved that more and more as the days went on, sending snakes to check up on him, not like Finley needed it. "This costume will definitely win," he assured Mania, who'd put in most of the effort here with the costume. They all sort of helped each other, but she was definitely the main attraction. After all, she was the door! "If we don't win well... someone cheated, this is the best costume I see here right now."

@Calliope Cartwright @Mania Athanasiou
Callie had had some private reservations about Nia's costume idea; it was a bit silly, really, especially as nobody would understand the reference except the three of them taking part, and perhaps Professor Cade. But as she didn't have any better ideas, she'd soon agreed, helping as much as she could with the design and logistics of the thing. At least she didn't have to be the door. It looked pretty uncomfortable. If Nia fell over, she was going to need both Finley and Callie to help pull her up again. "Yeah," Callie agreed, knocking on Nia's back. "You look totally a-door-able."
Mania felt.... Stiff. Yes stiff was the only way to describe her current state, she was squeezed between two wooden panels, but hey beauty was pain and in this case she was the prettiest door there was in this whoooleee castle. Nia scrunched her nose at her friends' comments, she was very glad they had agreed and that Finley had even made a suggestion to make it all the better. "Knock too hard and I might fall over..." She mumbled letting out a laugh at the comment. "I better look, I feel very well stiff. Though I admit the flowers were a great touch we are so smart for this." If they did not win the costume contest she'd be very disappointed and go have a talk with the person making those decisions, their costume was hilarious. Even if others didn't get the whole scene, the fact that they were a door, Professor Cade and a person knocking on the door would be enough of an explanation.
Finley laughed when Callie mentioned Nia looked adorable, but she'd said door as in door and not dor, that was pretty funny to him. "The flowers make the outfit, I think, what do you think Callie?" He hoped Professor Cade wouldn't be upset with them that they were kind of making fun of him, but realistically unless someone asked no one was going to know. He wasn't exactly advertising himself as Professor Cade, and Nia as a door might not mean anything to anyone else except for them. Callie looked pretty regular they don't know she's the girl who knocked six times, or knocking six times depending on how people wanted to look at it.​
Callie moved around to Nia's side, realising that neither behind nor in front of her were sensible places to stand. "You look like a ghost sticking your head through a door," she said. "The flowers make it less spooky. I like them, though." She glanced around at the various drink and snack tables. "Do you want something to drink? I think we might have to feed her," she said to Finley, laughing.
Mania gave a giggle at her friends' comments. "Yeah, I had to add the flowers to hide the ugly edges I created with my terrible abilities to cut wood... Plus I think they add a touch of elegance, some that mr. 1 to 6 business knocks' door could use, it was kind of boring looking, no?" It had been just a door. Nia turned her body slightly giving Callie a disapproving look, she could feed herself, she thought at least. "No thank you I think I am fine for now, I'll leave the eating for later before I leave so it doesn't get anymore uncomfortable and squeezed here..." Yeah it would add to the discomfort. "Do you guys want to go to the scary tent thing, I doubt I can do much of apple bobbing or beating a pinata for that matter, but the tent should be easy enough... I might get stuck but meh." Surely there'd be enough space, what if someone dressed up as a horse? Oh that was a great idea, one that the first year tucked to the back shelves of her mind just for future costume ideas.
Finley snorted, he really doubted she'd be able to feed herself, but he was hardly going to fight her on it, if she wanted to think she could do it well, what right had he to tell her no. "Well, I mean I'm not one to judge but..." no, he wasn't going to comment on it. "The tent does sound pretty cool though, should we go and see it? It does sound terribly exciting." He hadn't done a lot of spooky houses, or tents or whatever, his dad wasn't a massive fan of that kind of thing, though he never said specifically why and Finley had never really though to specifically ask. "Yeah, let's do that."
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