Closed An Early Morning

Branson Archer

bookworm; good-natured; literary agent
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 16 1/2" Sturdy Black Walnut Wand with Basilisk Skin Core
5/2041 (20)
Branson had found the return to school nice, if a little daunting. He was now older, had to work more for his grades, and had more that was probably expected of him. Well, maybe. He was still sure he would read for the sake of reading rather than because he was supposed to. He still prefered the books he picked out to the school ones. But he would need to have time for both. It was a little early in the day, Bran was sure some of the young first years had been pretty noisy this morning which had woken him up way before he wanted to. He didn’t blame them really, Hogwarts was such an exciting place, he could understand that desire to just speak to everyone, see everything and enjoy the offerings of the school. But, it was a little frustrating that he was now awake. He’d not bothered lingering in the dorm and had made his way out of it and down to the great hall, where a few others, but not many were sitting. Bran had his glasses on and was vaguely reading one of his books as he slowly warmed himself up to breakfast. He knew his dad wouldn’t be at the school yet, so he could seek out breakfast with him.
Indi hadn't been able to sleep well. She spent most of the night tossing and turning as she thought about her classes for this semester and what clubs she might want to try out this year. Basically her mind was running a mile a minute. And it didn't help that she had to reacclimate to live in the dungeons. She had missed school but she didn't exactly miss those. Eventually she gave up on the idea after waking up yet again and decided to go to the Great Hall to get something to eat if her body was insisting it wanted to be up and moving. It was fairly empty but it wasn't like she had a load of friends to choose from to begin with. But she spotted Branson at the Ravenclaw table and decided to join him. "Hey, how was your break?" she greeted as she sat down and grabbed a piece of toast and started to put jelly on in. She looked up for a moment and noticed he looked different. "I didn't know you wore glasses." she blurted out before taking a bite.
Branson glanced up as someone sat with him and though he knew this wasn’t Indi’s usual table he didn’t mind the company. He gave her a little smile as was getting her breakfast together and then seemed to notice his glasses. ”I don’t really, I wear contacts most of the time,” he explained with a shrug, ”But it’s early and my eyes are tired,” he explained. He rubbed his eyes lightly under the glasses. ”My break was fine. Nothing too grand or anything. What about yours?” Branson returned the question to her with a little smile. She was someone he got along with, he was pretty sure they were friends even if they’d never agreed as much. ”What brings you to breakfast ao early?”
Indi chewed her bit and considered his answer. "Hmm, I guess that makes sense." she said with a shrug. She didn't need glasses but her step-dad did, but he also wore contacts mostly. She was always so fascinated by how different people could look with such a small change. Maybe comic books weren't as ridiculous after all. "How long have you had them?" she asked curiously. Indi sighed he he asked about her break. "It was fine. My parents were busy most of the time and I had to watch my sister a lot. I did go with my mom to a conference in London for a few days. That was pretty cool." she said, eagerly sharing her only real highlight. She couldn't help but roll her eyes when he asked about what she was doing up so early since the answer seemed obvious to her. "I couldn't sleep. I hate having to share a room." she grumbled and started to fix herself a cup of tea.
Branson shrugged, ”A while, bad eye sight runs in the family,” he explained, his dad wore glasses too, and he knew uncle Tybalt did too. They all had pretty poor eyesight, but with glasses and contacts it wasn’t so bad. Branson took off the glasses and held them out to Indi, so often people wanted to try other people’s glasses and he could get his fixed by his dad so he didn’t mind them getting stretched a little if this girl wanted to see how poor his eyesight was. He nodded, he hadn’t realised she had a sister. ”How old is your sister?” he asked. ”What does your mum do?” he then also asked, he wasn’t sure what sort of job would take a person to London for a conference but he knew Uncle Ty and Aunt Rhi travelled some so maybe Indi’s mother was a healer or something too. He gave a little sympathetic smile as she explained why she was early. ”The first years were pretty noisy in Ravenclaw, or I just got used to the silence of sleeping alone,” he mused since he didn’t mind sharing a room, but his room at home was immensely more quiet than the dorm.
"Interesting." she mused as Bran explained needing glasses ran in the family. "You would think wizards would have figured out how to fix bad eyesight by now." she mused as she stirred some sugar into her tea. She hadn't considered the intersection of magic and medicine quite yet and she wondered why more diseases weren't solved with magic. But before she could dwell on that she had been asked a question. "She's seven." she answered bluntly as if her age alone explained everything Bran needed to know. And as far as Indi was concerned it did. "My mom's a witch but she decided to study astrophysics after Hogwarts. She's a professor now and does all kinds of research." she explained with a shrug. Now that she was at Hogwarts the thought of leaving magic behind seemed unthinkable but she never claimed to understand her mom or the things she did. "It's a little over my head at the moment but I try and read her paper's sometimes." she added, wanting to seem smart. "Yeah." she sighed. "I just hate having to share the place I sleep. People make a lot of sound when they sleep." she complained. Indi hadn't figured out who made the whistling sound when they slept but it was only a matter of time.
Branson gave a little shrug, ”Not everything can be solved with magic,” he said, perhaps some types of eyesight could be solved with magic but others couldn’t, perhaps it was the way in which the problem was caused. In any case he was sure that his eye sight could not be solved by magic. He nodded at Indi saying how old her sister was, ”My sister’s are nine,” he told her, he got along well with his sisters, but he could still somewhat perhaps sympathise with her and her sister. He thought it was rather cool of Indi’s mother to be an astrophysicist, he wondered why there was no magical version given the way they did study astronomy, but perhaps it had been the muggle elements which drew her more. He didn’t think he’d ever read any of it or understand so he thought it was pretty cool that Indi appeared to. ”Wow, that’s cool,” he said. He didn’t think the boy’s of his dorm were that noisy but it certainly was more difficult to sleep with others around than to not. ”I can’t wait till we learn the quietening charm,” he said.
Indi bit her lip and narrowed her eyes. She didn't like that answer but she sighed. “I guess so.” she said with a shrug. Part of her wanted to push the question more but she doubted Branson of all people would have the answer that satisfied her. And she wasn't sure if asking those kinds of questions made her sound dumb. There were obviously rules she just didn’t know about yet, but to her magic seemed so limitless and it felt like a shame to start holding back ideas already. Indi raised her eyebrows when he said he also had siblings. “Sisters?” she asked, noticing the plural in his statement. “How many siblings do you have?” she asked curiously. Indi felt a bit of pride when Bran seemed to think her mom's job was cool. “It is. But it’s like all she cares about.” she said without thinking but she tried to move on and pretend she hadn't said anything. “The sooner the better.” she agreed solemnly.
Branson nodded, ”I have two sisters, they’re twins,” he said, it was both good and bad that he had two sisters. At least they were twins so he got along with both and there were no odd age gaps, but it was easy to feel jealous about them, since they always had each other and he was the one alone in his household. He was a little surprised at Indi’s statement, perhaps it was cool to have a parent do something like that but that it didn’t always feel cool when you were in it. He didn’t have the same, both his parents were passionate about their work, but he knew it wasn’t like obsessive. His dad always had time for him. He wanted to assure Indi that her mother cared about her all of the time. But he wasn’t sure it was his place to say anything. ”What are your classes like this year?” He asked, half sensing that perhaps she wouldn’t want to keep talking about it.
"Wow I couldn't even imagine would it would be like if there were two of my sister." Indi said with wide eyes. She was grateful when the subject turned to classes. That was a much more comfortable conversation topic for her. "I've got potions, herbology, charms, and transfiguration." she counted on her fingers one by one and looked at Bran. "What about you?" she asked, ready to make a mental note of which classes she could ask him about next semester when it was her turn. "I can't wait till we can pick our own classes." she said with a sigh.
Branson gave a little shrug, he didn’t mind his sisters, in fact they had been close. It was just who they were, close. He nodded as she listed the classes that she had, and then he said back, ”History of Magic, Charms and DADA,“ Branson nodded in agreement. ”Have you thought about what you’ll take or if you’ll drop anything?” he had been thinking about what he might do, but it had also been a rather distant thought in his mind. It was close that he did need to be thinking about it, but far away in that he didn’t need to have decided now, and hearing what someone else was thinking would be good.
Indi nodded thoughtfully as Bran told her what classed he was taking. She was curious about what DADA would hold for them this year. "Not yet." she said with a sigh. "It all seems useful one way or another. I might be tempted to take everything." she explained. She had liked all the subject she had taken so far or at least thought they were worth her time. Except maybe Astronomy since she already knew a lot about the subject because of her mom. "I probably won't take muggle studies. I could probably do with out that class." she added with a roll of her eyes. She had grown up mostly in the muggle world and the last thing she needed was to waste her time with that.
Branson thought about the fact that they were all useful classes. He wasn’t sure he would want to do them all, but he was of course curious about all of them. ”You could take them all in third year and then decide in fourth what you’d want to continue with,” he said. Though he liked muggle life, he didn’t think he’d take it either, he’d grown up around muggles, he didn’t need to learn about them. ”Yeah, if you know anything about muggle that class will just be an easy O, which isn’t really worth it,” he just thought it was better to learn and get grades on things you didn’t know that on things you did know.

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