Open An Awkwardly Tall Wallflower

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Augustus Westwick

Flourish & Blotts Asst. | Staring Eyes | Shy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 Inch Whippy Ebony Wand with Demiguise Hair Core
9/2038 (23)
Augustus was confused. He knew he and Addison hadn't actually technically agreed to go together, but they always went together to dances and events. He remembered how upset she had been the one time he had gone with someone else. But tonight... Augustus could only conclude she hadn't shown up. He had walked around the Great Hall three times now, searching for his friend, but she was nowhere to be seen. Feeling oddly lonely and a bit abandoned, Augustus had grabbed a drink mostly so he had something to do. He was leaning against the wall, taking occasional sips as he watched other students dancing together and having fun. He wondered if he should just leave, but there was a chance Addison would still show up, right?
Poppy wasn't sure why she had decided to go to the dance. She was still tired, even after resting for part of the afternoon and it wasn't like she could hang out with any of her friends. They were either not talking to her or going with dates and she wasn't sure which was worse. With a heavy sigh she kept to the edge of the crowd and eventually spotted a familiar face. "Hey, Augustus." she said with a smile as she approached the younger boy. "Where's Ryan?" she asked and looked around to see if she could see the other Ravenclaw lurking around somewhere. She rarely saw the two apart from each other and it was almost strange to see Augustus on his own. "Having a good time?" she asked, genuinely curious since he seemed to be on his own.
Augustus was scanning the room more anxiously when someone said his name. He jumped a bit, then glanced at the source of the voice. It was Poppy. "Oh. Uh. I don't know." He said hesitantly, wondering why the prefect was looking for Ryan. Had he been experimenting again? "I don't know if he comes to these things, I don't think he sees the point..." He said hesitantly. He nodded automatically at her question, but then paused and shrugged. "I... don't know." He admitted. "I'm not having a bad time..."
Poppy let out laugh. "I am always used yo seeing the two of you as a pair, it's almost odd to see you on your own." she explained, but she saw them mostly in the common room so it made sense that they'd be together there. "That's true." she admitted softly, when Augustus mentioned Ryan not liking these sorts of things. She remembered the last time she saw him at a dance and he had been under a table. "Well that is better than having a bad time." she said optimistically and gave him a warm smile. "Are you looking for someone?" she asked, having noticed the way his eyes had been darting around the hall.
Augustus nodded when Poppy said it was odd to see him on his own. He felt odd, if he was honest. He glanced around a little hopefully again. "I... usually go to these things with my other friend, Addison." He said quietly. "But I haven't seen her. I wonder if she's alright." He mumbled, fidgeting with his sleeve awkwardly. He had noticed Addison had seemed down lately, though he didn't know why.
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