An Afternoon Tea

Sarah Harrington

Astronomy Professor 5-7 | Mother of Two
OOC First Name
Blood Status
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Sexual Orientation
9/2000 59
Sarah was in the kitchens that afternoon, hungry as she had missed breakfast and lunch once again. The night sky had been filled with marvelous sights and as it had been a Friday evening she hadn't felt too bad about staying up through the night and studying the stars. She was certain she had the oddest schedule for life of all the Professors, before coming to Hogwarts she hadn't been one to stay up all night unless it was to work on Astronomy things. She had been a primary school teacher in the muggle world for years and years after moving here to New Zealand to live with her husband Edward who also had been a Hogwarts Scotland alum of her year, though he had been a Hufflepuff, the same as her older daughter and niece. Her thoughts drifted back to food as a house elf brought over a cup of tea and some finger foods that she might enjoy while she sat in the kitchen still attempting to wake up.

Sarah smiled and talked with the house elves for awhile, she always thought they were such wonderful creatures. She also made plans with them to treat one of her classes that upcoming week with snacks and had brought with her the list she had compiled of what seemed to be favorites of students these days. The woman knew for some students staying up late was not easy for them and she thought maybe a little bit of sugar would help them perk up for the length of the lesson. Once the list was settled she turned back to her tea and tiny sandwiches only pausing her enjoyment of the food and drink when she heard someone come into the Kitchens behind her and turned to see who it was.
Perhaps it was cowardice, but Monty wasn't ready to face eating in the great hall again just yet. He'd never liked eating around others at the best of times; it was even harder when he felt as if everybody was staring at him, whispering. He was probably overestimating how much the students cared. With exams quickly approaching, their attention was thankfully elsewhere. But until he could be reasonably certain they had lost interest - or else summoned the courage not to care - he would continue to visit the kitchens for his meals. He wasn't particularly hungry at the moment, anyway; even when he did feel like eating, his appetite vanished almost the moment he started. Fortunately, the house elves were happy to cater for what he needed, which over the last two days had been toast, fruit, and tea.

But when he arrived at the kitchens that afternoon, he discovered he was not alone. Professor Harrington had beaten him to the tea. "Oh - hello," he said, offering Sarah a smile. He still felt a little uncomfortable around his colleagues, as he was sure some were thinking badly of him, though Sarah had never been anything but pleasant. "Sorry, I didn't realise anybody was down here. Do you mind...?"
It was Monty behind her after all. It surprised her to see him, she hadn't realized he had been let out of the Hospital Wing after the other day and the whole affair that had happened in the hall. It made her laugh a little that he was the cause of a young male to be kneed in the cargo region. Tim was moving forward radily and she could hardly believe her eldest was finishing up her first year. Seemed very odd for her considering it felt as though Maggy had been born two days ago. She wondered how she was doing in Potions as that was Monty's area. "Oh, no, please do join me for afternoon tea?" She asked offering the nearby seat for him to join her. She was sad that they hadn't much time the past few months to chat, never in her wildest thoughts when they were at school would she have come up with this idea. Of both of them teaching in New Zealand at the same school. His usual mannerisms seemed to be a little out of place and she wondered if he was awkward because she'd been there that day and had seen him collapse. She did not want to make him feel uncomfortable so she was deciding between asking how he was or not when a house elf brought over a drink to Monty.
For a fleeting moment, Monty almost willed Sarah to ask him to leave, so that he wouldn't have to talk to her; she was lovely, but the idea of discussing what had happened to him the week before did not fill him with glee. Yet simultaneously her invitation to stay relieved him; for this was surely indicative that she still felt comfortable around him, even if the feeling was no longer completely mutual. He smiled as he accepted a cup of tea from a house elf, and then asked for some plain buttered toast and a sliced apple. Then he sat in the seat Sarah had offered him, nursing his tea on his lap. "Thank you," he said, with a smile. "Did you miss lunch?"
Sarah looked down at her cup of tea glad to have someone to spend a few moments with, she felt a little left out as a lot of the Professors who'd been teaching for years now all were friends. She was also a lot older than the newer Professors. But, it only bothered her slightly, she was able to look past most things, she would admit it was nice to have tea with another Professor however. "I did, there was a lot happening in the stars last night and I was up most of the night, and I do mean most of the night," Sarah said with a small laugh. "So, I guess you could say I missed breakfast and lunch," she said with more of a laugh. She continued with toying the idea of asking him how he was still, but he still seemed off from his usual friendly self so she had the feeling he wasn't doing the best. "I, uh, Edward says hello, though you probably don't remember him, he was a Hufflepuff in my year but he was in dueling club as well, and we both hope that you're doing well," she said.
Monty smiled warmly. He had a fondness for the stars himself, and could only imagine how much more peaceful his sleepless nights would have been if he could while them away in the north tower. "I'd love to join you, one day - if you wouldn't prefer to be alone," he said, not wanting to intrude on time that was personal to Sarah. "I haven't stargazed in some time." His brow furrowed at the mention of an Edward. Sadly, Monty couldn't recall anybody with the name, though he was grateful for the well-wishes all the same. "Thank you. No, I don't remember him, unfortunately, but that's very sweet. Sorry - you'll have to excuse me if I'm a little out of sorts; these potions I'm taking make it difficult to feel much of anything besides total tranquillity," he said, glad at least to note that he could still manage sarcasm. He sipped his tea. "I'm all right, though; thank you. How have you been?"
Sarah smiled as Monty asked about joining her one night, she wasn't sure if staying up all night would be good for him with all he was facing at the moment. But if he would already be up all night she wouldn't mind having a second pair of eyes watching and recording the events in the skies. She was meaning to seek permissions to go to the Centaurs in the forest to see if they had any thoughts about the recent changes in the skies at night. "I'd love to have company! Of course you can join any time, I would suggest on the weekends when you don't have classes the next day, as I've made that mistake and was rather tired the next day," she said with a bright laugh. She listened to him understandingly. She didn't think he would know all the students that had been in her year and not in their house. She wouldn't tell Edward however that he wasn't remembered, she didn't want his feelings to be hurt. "I've been well, I've been better but also I've been worse. Teaching here is a lot more than where I previously was teaching," she said after thinking about it for a moment.
Monty laughed, so used to being awake into the small hours of the morning that he sometimes forgot this was the time he was supposed to be asleep. The potions were helping his insomnia, too, but it was hard to break so many years of habit. Sarah had no sooner accepted than he began to look forward to it; the night was comforting, and the stars reminded him of youth. Few adults spared the time to just sit and look and things - to reflect on the enormity of life and the universe - yet it was always worthwhile.

Monty completely understood what Sarah meant. He had been a tutor for two decades before coming to Hogwarts, and the change had been overwhelming, to say the least. His promotion to Deputy had been even harder. "Yes, that's right - you taught in a muggle school, didn't you?" he said, recalling their conversation some months ago. "I completely understand. If it's any consolation, it does get easier. I never used to believe it would, until it did." A house elf interrupted to give him his food. Monty thanked him, then spoke to Sarah. "Can I help you with anything? I've not very much to do this week, so you'd be doing me a favour, really; I can't stand to do nothing. Or else if you ever need somebody to talk to, I'll more than happily listen."

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