Amy Jewel

Amy Jewel

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
Basic Info
Full Name: Amy Lee Jewel
Birthday: 19th February, 2037
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Hometown: Canberra, Australia
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn

Hair: Dark brown, straight, reaches to her shoulders
Eyes: Mostly brown, sometimes they change colour to green, blue or grey
Height: 5'3"
Distinguishing Features: Dimple on right cheek when she smiles, beauty mark above left lip, slightly upturned nose, long eyelashes
Style: Casual and comfortable, but somewhat fashionable
Potrayed by: Millie Bobby Brown

Amy can be shy when you first meet her, but she will quickly become a friendly and outgoing person once she knows you. She tries to get along with everyone, but will sometimes make a fool of herself and be embarrassed and quieten down for a little while. She is is smart, but gets distracted easily unless she needs to get something done.

Mother: Tori Jewel
Father: Charles Jewel
Siblings: Patt Jewel (Brother), Ema Jewel (Sister), Loegan Jewel (Brother/sister), Suni Jewel (Sister)

Amy grew up and still lives in Canberra, Australia. She grew up watching her Mum and siblings use magic, and was fascinated by it. Amy went to a muggle primary school for a few years, then was home schooled when she turned seven. She didn't have many friends because she was home schooled, but enjoyed meeting new people, such as her siblings' friends.
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First year roleplays

A new friend? with Gemma NightwoodHufflepuff Common Room
Little Wizard Lights with Padme Hume, Ireland Mikaelson, Cyrus Baros and Samantha JacobsHufflepuff Common Room
A New Beginningwith Molly Lamb and Samantha JacobsNew Zealand Express
Exploring The Outsidewith Noël Waldgrave, Ireland Mikaelson and Hattie ThorneThe Great Lawn
The Tree by the Lakewith Gemma NightwoodThe Lakefront
Can’t Focuswith Padme HumeThe Library
Tours for First Years!with Kauri Tipene, Eric Holland, Noël Waldgrave, Jatin Tiwari, Samantha Jacobs, Mark Ross, Xio Havoc, Chloe Llewelyn-White, Eavan and Adorah ZumwaltEntrance Hall
Missing the Artswith Cyrus BarosConglomerated Arts Room
Expanding The Friend Listwith Daintree VaskevoldHufflepuff House Table
In The Safety of Colorswith Lars van HoutenConglomerated Arts Room
Wind, Carry the Sound Awaywith Aisa Hunter and Adorah ZumwaltThe Great Lawn
Practice Makes Perfectwith Daniella WalkerConglomerated Arts Room
Practicing in a Bit of Peacewith Sydney TownsendThe Lakefront
Brushing Upwith Elliot BriarHufflepuff Common Room
Peace and Quietwith Mark RossThe Library
Melancholy Melodieswith Aegerine NightConglomerated Arts Room
Rugby Gameswith Daintree Vaskevold, Solomon Tofilau, Rioghan Scairbhin and Noël WaldgraveThe Great Lawn
Racing Offwith Rioghan Scairbhin, Mark Ross and Solomon TofilauThe Great Lawn
Studying Hardwith Samantha JacobsHufflepuff Common Room
Spells and stonewith Daintree VaskevoldLakefront

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