
Adam Bomonti

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hey all! Uhh, not sure if any of you even remember me seeing as my time here was realitively short. I can't believe I'm even a Auror still. Thought after being off for sometime now(A year!?) I'd be sent to be inactive.
I wanna make room for this site, I've had intentions on coming back for over a month, but uh, never had scedualed room.

Anyways I'm back and this place has changed. New admin. New theme it seems. No more invisionfree towers or whatever that one was. Anyways it looks like some serious work has been put up in here and I'm really exicted to get to go into some new roleplays.

A question towards :nick: .
Can I still be an Auror? :D
Danielle Zhefarovich said:
I defo remember you! :woot:
Welcome back Tim! :hug:
Ahem! :tut:
That'll be Tymm to you. ;)

Ahaha, kidding, I'm glad you remember me Jess!
Thanks so much for the welcome! :hug:
I remember you Tymm! ^_^
Hows everything going?
Riley Sparkles said:
I remember you Tymm! ^_^
Hows everything going?
As do I with you Donna. Ever so slightly though. :(

But still. :)

Well I got a job working as a manager at a local pizza place. And got a 4.0 my freshman year. Stuffs looking good. A College prep course is trying to recruit me. :D :D :D :D

Alls been good. And with you?
Adam Bomonti said:
A question towards :nick: .
Can I still be an Auror? :D
You're still in the group. :tut:

And even if you weren't, you could pretty much just ask to be put back and you would be.
Welcome back to the site Tymm! :)
TYMM!!! :D
We should sooo plot some Abby/Adam st00f. Although, I notice pretty much everyone she associates with is an Auror right now xD
Anyway, welcome back!!
- Olivia
Hey Olivia!
We left on a bad note what with your character Abathyn hating me. ;)

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