Allo Allo!&#33♥

Kat Smith

Hello :D! My name is Rachael, but my character's name OBVS is Kat Smith... I'm 14, and I come from Newcastle in England :3 I've had accounts on this site previously but ages ago and forgot them all T_T ♥
Hi there, Rachael! :) Welcome (back) to HNZ!
I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and if you have any questions or concerns I'd be happy to help you out with them - just send me a PM. If you want to find your previous accounts, I can help you with that, too. ^_^

I would encourage you to read our site documentation if you haven't already.
Hope to see you around the board!
Hey Rachel Welcome to hnz! (again) hope you adjust to the site well! :3 Happy plotting!
Hey Rachel! I'm Donna ^_^
Welcome back!

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