🌹 Rose Giving All pink

Teddy Pirrip

Walking the line, most of the time 🧸 5th year
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ebony Wand with Fairy Wing Core
EDIT: My apologies, the rose is pink, not yellow!

She wasn't next on his list, but when Teddy spotted Vanity in the Entrance Hall, he used the opportunity to cross off another delivery. "Hey, Vanity!" he called out to get her attention and loudly shouted, "I have a rose for you from your crush."

@Vanity Mettlestone
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Vanity knew better than to listen to Teddy Pirrip, he was always getting in trouble and was generally chaotic. So when he shouted at her, she kept walking. "Yeah right!" She called. "I don't have a crush, go away." She said though she glanced at him from the corner of her eye. Just in case he really had a rose.
It was unexpected but not a total surprise that the Slytherin beater didn't believe him. He didn't think she had a crush either. "No? I'll return this one to the head girl, then. Let her know there's been made a mistake." he replied, "If you're sure you don't want to check it out that is?" He waggled the rose enticingly at her when she glanced at him.
Vanity stopped in her tracks and watched as Teddy waggled a pink rose, she sighed and walked over. "Fine, but I bet it's a joke." She said, holding out her hand for it impatiently, wondering if it really was a joke or if maybe... maybe someone did like her.
Teddy felt a little sorry for Vanity that she thought the rose would be a joke. She wasn’t his type by any stretch of the imagination, but he was sure she’d make some snooty Slytherin very happy one day. Two peas in a pod, you could say. Teddy gave her the rose, “Happy Valentine’s Day! For what it’s worth, I hope it’s not a joke.” He said, not unkindly.

your the only person in this place who doesnt suck
As Teddy spoke, Vanity regretted telling him it was probably a joke. It made it sound like she thought it couldn't be real, and she didn't want anyone's pity. She just didn't trust June. She huffed, taking the rose from him. "Yeah, whatever." She snapped, opening the note quickly. She blinked at it a few times, tilting her head. That... didn't look like a joke, but it also wasn't really a heartfelt message. "H M..." She said with a frown. "Any idea who that could be?"
Teddy shrugged off the reaction to him being nice and was about to leave when Vanity asked who H.M could be. He paused, running through names and initials in his head then shook his head gently. "No one in our year," he said with a fair amount of confidence. "Maybe it’s supposed to be 'hmm,' like they're being mysterious or something?" he suggested, though he realised that might imply that the rose was a joke after all.

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