🌹 Rose Giving All in a hard day's work

Professor Landon Carter

herbology 1-4 | laid-back | father of 4 girls
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Landon didn't realise how hard this job was going to be until he started doing it. Delivering roses was definitely hard work, mostly because the castle was such a large place to go looking for one single person. He knew the next name on his list however, which definitely made the job a little easier. Georgia liked the outdoors, and so after a while of trying to locate her inside the castle, Landon thought that perhaps she would be outside. He ventured his way out there, scanning the great lawn until he saw the back of who he believed might be her. He tentatively approached before speaking. "Georgia, is that you?" he asked, dangling his basket of roses beside him.
Georgia was done with her roses and she decided to just go out and relax. Read a book, write a letter to her dad, maybe make a little present for Wyatt. It didn't last long until she heard professor Carter. "Professor! Yes, that's me! Hello," she excitedly talked and immediately stood up.
Landon beamed when he realised it was in fact Georgia. "Excellent! How are you today?" he asked before rummaging in his basket for her rose. "I just have a rose for you." Once he found the right one, he held the pink rose out to her with the note attached to the stem. "Happy Valentine's Day!"

I had fun at the dance. Want to have a standing date to all events for now? ~Wyatt

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