All I Want For Christmas is You.

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Sara Moon

Former 'Claw | Auror | Grieving
OOC First Name
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Sexual Orientation
12 and a half inches willow with unicorn hair
Sara was taking her time getting ready. she'd curled her hair carefully, using a flexible hairspray that wouldn't make her hair hard, or greasy. She smiled to herself as she worked. She was going to the yule Ball with Jake. Things couldn't get much better than that. He was so handsome, and such a mystery. She loved being around him. He made things easy. He was a calming presence, who could always manage to make her forget the world. Ouch! She'd burnt the tip of her finger with the curler, but it was okay, it hadn't left a mark. She cringed to herself, sucking her finger. After a few minutes reprieve as she ran her ifnger under the tap, she was ready to do her make-up. She aways did her hair first, so that her make-up wwould suit her hairstyle. She used a small bit of eyeliner, deciding to go for a natural look this year. She had some foundation, powder and cover-up on, and a small bit of bluch, but not enough to be noticeable. She flisked her eyeliner out to the sides, giving her eyes a seductive, feline edge. Then, to finish she put on a layer of mascara, which fanned out her lashes and widened her eyes. Last, but not least was a reddish lip stain. It wasn't very thick, so she bit her lips to make them redder, bringing the blood to the surface.

Lastly, she pulled on her Golden dress, carefully and stood in front of the mirror. She looked okay, she just wished that she could have lovely black hair like Willow. Willow always looked perfect, but she was Sara's best friend. There was no way she could ever resent her. She loved her like a sister. She smiled at herself in the mirror, thinking of Jake and began to walk downstairs. Other Ravenclaws were leaving the common room too. She exchanged compliments with a few acquaintances as they headed toward the hall, but she hung back as she approached the doors. She was nervous. This was her first date-type-thing. She didn't want to mess up. She pinched her cheeks, and bit her lip, then she opened the door and slipped quietly into the room. It was beautiful. She just stood there for a moment, the lights in the room glinting off her dress. She looked around, wondering what to do next.
Jake sullenly hung his head, nerves taking over his insides, his gut turning into mush, or so it seemed. On the outside the fourth year appeared calm, composed and ready to take on the Yule Ball without so much as a lick of worry. Keeping up composure like the kind Jake then possessed could only come with years of practice, and surely, the years he spent hiding, and blending into the crowd created some form of a mask. He was waiting inside the great hall, standing alone against one of the walls, staring down at his shoes, avoiding all eye contact, all possible eye contact at least. He had dressed conventionally, just a suit and tie. Nothing that would leave the Slytherin standing out from anyone else there. This was in a way, the first date for Sara and himself, and the fourteen year old had no idea of how to act, or what to say to his date. What would usually be a simple, free flowing conversation would eventually end up awkward, and silent. According to the lack of social skills Jake had brought on himself through all the time he spent not saying a word.

Jake almost felt as if he were going to vomit, his stomach turned unpleasantly underneath his clothes that seemed to be getting tighter by the second. But before his panic could get any worse, Sara arrived. A smile crossed the fourteen year old's features, a small smile probably even Sara wouldn't notice, however still a smile. Half out of relief and out of speechlessness, Jake sighed. He now had something to distract himself with, and that was the girl he was proud to call his date. "Evening." Jake uttered, as he leant forward into a bow to greet the Ravenclaw. His British roots were showing themselves, either that or Jake had unconsciously chosen to copy what he had seen in movies. He was being a gentleman, and he was going to continue in that fashion until his anxiety subsided. Jake linked his arms with Sara's and lead her further into the great hall. Dignified and pleasantly polite, he showed her to a table, and pulled out a chair for his date before seating himself next to her. "You're looking dashing." Said the fourth year, too busy to focus completely on all the detail she put into her attire.
Sara looked around nervously, trying to find her date somewhere in the crowd. She bit her lip, and looked around at all the beautiful dresses and suits. Then, in a flash, there he was. Jake. She let go of a breath she hadn't realised she was holding, and smiled as he bowed. He was nervosu, she could tell. Jake wasn't the most outgoing guy, but he was incredibly sweet nd kind. The rest didn't matter. She looked up at him and beamed. "Hey Jake." she greeted him, less formal than he had, but it didn't bother her. she was used to formality at parties her parents went to and such. She suppressed a laugh as he held out his arm. She linked her arm through his and leaned on his shoulder. "How are you?" she asked, as they reached the table. she felt much calmer now that he was here. Jake had that effect on her. she could go from fluttery and confused to calm and restful in a matter of moments when he was around.

Sara sat as Jake pulled out the chair for her and looked over at him. It was cute, he was tryingg so hard, and being so sweet. A faint blush rose to her cheeks as she realised she'd been staring at him, but it wasn't too noticeable. She smiled at his compliment. "Thanks, you're not half bad yourself." she teased. In fact, he looked great, distinguished and gentlemanly. His curly hair was all over the place-as usual, but she liked it like that. Se didn't like when guys were too into their appearance. They tended to be conceited. Jale was anything if not conceited. "Are you looking forward to the holidays, it ought to be good, now that the exams are over." she grinned, then rememering their plans she spoke again. "We could meet up over Christmas in London if you like?" she suggested, hoping he said yes. she wanted something to look forward to over the holidays, meeting Jake would be perfect.
The two sat at the table, while others danced, there was no way Sara would be able to convince Jake to dance with her, he had two left feet and dancing had always been out of the question. Not even at his wedding would he dance, not at all. The Slytherin looked back to Sara, when he finally managed to muster up a reply to her simple question. What seemed an easy task had turned into a mountain to climb, all because his nerves had become so great, so quickly. "I'm good, just a little uneasy. What about you?" He replied, forcing another smile at his beautiful date. Sara was way out of Jake's league, she was pretty, fun, interesting and not a total bore to be around, unlike Jake who embodied the complete opposite without failing once. So it would not be a surprise if his Ravenclaw friend decided to ditch him for somebody else, he only believed she had agreed to attend the Yule Ball with him out of pity anyway.

Sara's compliment was only out of politeness, he looked normal, which for Jake was not very good. He tried to make an effort with his appearance for that night, he even tried to tidy up his hair, but unfortunately, it ended up its usual bed headed mess. The fourth year sighed at this, and distracted himself with another reply to Sara, in the hope she wouldn't notice how stupid he was acting that night. "I would love to meet up with you, really." He said, bleating out a completely honest answer for the first time in a long while, but Sara wouldn't be able to notice this, not one bit as she had not been his friend for too long.
Sara looked at the couples dancing. She loved dancing, but she got the feeling that Jake wouldn't want to. She wasn't going to try and force him to do anything he didn't want. She turned her attention to the hall, which looked beautiful. "They've really outdone themselves this year haven't they, it's beautiful." she commmented, raising her eyes to the ceiling. She loved Christmas, and she always felt the spirit of it in Hogwarts. "I'm good..I'm really glad you asked me to go with you." she admitted, blushing slightly. She'd hardly been able to think of anything else all week. She was completely non-plussed as to why he'd asked her. She'd never thought that he might like her back, but the fact that they were going to the ball together made her hope the opposite.

Sara noticed Jake's sigh, was she boring him already? "I'm glad the holidays are coming up, I miss London." she commented, she liked England. "We'll be going back to Ireland as well, so that should be good." she offered, hoping she could start a conversation. They both seemed a bit nervous, she knew she was. Maybe Jake wasn't intrested in her that way? Maybe she was boring him. Then his next answer confused her again. "Yeah, it'd be great!" she replied enthusiastically, glad that he'd said yes. She smiled, thinking that now she had something to look forward to in the holidays.
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