Open aftershocks

"Susie?" She called as the Hufflepuff girl decided she wanted to leave. Tori had seen something in her face that made her think something had upset or offended her, but she didn't know what. She stood up as Susie left, wanting to follow her to find out what was wrong, but she glanced down at Eoghan, because she didn't want to just up and leave him too. It was difficult when people were feelings different things and she just wasn't sure how to go about making them feel better about it. There just wasn't anything she could do if she was being honest. She sighed and sat back down, looking over at Eoghan with a shrug. "I'll catch up with her later, find out what's going on," she said, looking back through the door where Susie had gone, she supposed it was going to end up like this eventually, she was surprised all of the people she considered friends were getting along so well. Susie and Eoghan were two different people so they were bound to rub each other the wrong way, though she wasn't sure what it was that Eoghan said that might have done it. She tried to follow the threads in her head, but maybe she just wasn't smart enough to pick it up because she couldn't for the life of her figure it out. "It's probably not your fault, I'm not sure what upset her."
Eoghan fully expected Tori to go after Susie, after all Susie had been the one to come after Tori, and the girls seemed closer than others he'd met around the school. Instead, the Gryffindor sat down once more beside him with a shrug. He didn't know either of them particularly well he supposed, but at least Tori he could read a little better than the student that had just sulked off. "Probably," he repeated with a small smirk as though he didn't believe her, "No it probably is, I think it's why Lilith left too," he admitted, glancing at the brunette. There was a limit to how much information about someone that wasn't here he was comfortable revealing, however, Tori was a friend and he didn't want her to be under the wrong impression about the type of impact he knew he was having on others. "You should go after Susie, we can always study another time," he admitted, feeling as though it would have been less awkward if he had something like a book to be packing away so that he could take the focus off himself.
Tori frowned, she wasn't sure what was going on, but it was becoming a habit with the people she surrounded herself with. Either someone didn't like someone else or there was some kind of a break in the group. Even Lumos and Nox, Lumos was friends with that Demi girl and Tori just didn't like Demi - though she couldn't quite put her finger on why. She decided not to dwell on it too much because that seemed like a lot to think about. She looked over at Eoghan as he said she should go after Susie and whilst she wanted to, she didn't want to just leave Eoghan either, there was a lot going on and she didn't know how to deal with it. "Will you wait here? I will come straight back!" She says, leaving her books on the table as she races after Susie, she wanted to know what was going on so she could at least figure out what had happened. Maybe she could fix it? "Susie!"

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