Closed After The Show

Asher Renner

Ashes Singer- Tattooed- Family Man
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
(Archie Baby)
Flexible Eight inch Ash wood with unicorn hair core
1/21/2026 (37)
Asher was pumped- excited, full of energy, still riding the high from a great concert. "Whoo!" He spun, knocking into the bar backstage and laughing. He turned, climbing up onto the bar itself and bouncing a little, adrenaline pumping through his veins. "They say the skies the limit and the sky is in his eyes, Catch your breath and lean in close and watch it come alive," He sang, swaying on the bar and laughing loudly. He hummed, bouncing around as he danced.
There were few highs quite as good as a show well played and Delaney was always vibrating with energy right as they got off stage. Piling into the green room back stage, bass still slung around his neck, he had to laugh at the sight of Asher apparently still keyed into performance mode. "I bet no one would complain if you wanna take that show back out on stage," He said, shaking his hands out to try and ease the jittery, loose feeling that always came once he stopped playing. Like his fingers had suddenly stopped working now that he didn't need to focus on the frets or strings any more. "Grab me a drink at least while you're up there," He said, inadvertently matching Asher's own bouncing rhythm as Delaney swayed on his feet, not wanting to sit still just yet and risk losing the adrenaline rush.
Vera could still feel the adrenaline rushing through her body as she stepped off stage and followed the boys. Once in the green room she took a moment to shake out her arms, and not think or worry about having to break down her kit quite yet. She smirked as Ash bounced around the room. She was still in her post-show good mood even though she did frown when he decided to climb on top of the bar. She rolled her eyes, it was not going to be her problem if he felt. “I could think of one person.” she muttered under her breath and sat down heavily in one of the chairs. “Make that two!” she called out. Vera could feel the sweat drying on her skin and she felt disgusting, but hopefully a drink or two would make her forget about that.
Leo was the last off of stage, making sure everything was okay with the crowd and their tech before he headed to the bar backstage. He had half expected to walk into some kind of chaos with Asher or Delaney, in a post-show, adrenaline induced haze, and wasn’t surprised to see Asher standing on the bar singing. He scoffed to himself, smirking and walking behind the bar to take the liberty of pouring everyone drinks, as they seemed to want something to take the edge off. “I’ll do it.” Leo announced as he placed four low ball glasses on the counter. He made sure the glasses were away from Asher’s feet so he wouldn’t kick them off and break them – a damage they would have to pay for – and picked up a few ice cubes, dropping a couple into each glass, before he poured a small amount of whiskey in. He picked up one of the glasses for himself and sipped, standing back and leaning against the wall as he left the rest for the band whenever they wanted to take one. “What do you guys think of the show?” Leo asked, looking to his glass and tilting it slightly, pointedly ignoring Asher's singing and insatiable energy.​
Asher laughed, taking advantage of his youth and agility and in a daring move attempted a flip off the counter. He stumbled a bit upon landing, but in the end, he had landed on his feet. "LEO! LEO DID YOU SEE THAT?" He laughed loudly, moving to grab two drinks and offering one to both V and Delaney in turn before moving back for his. Still too hyped up to really settle down and chat, Asher slammed the contents of his glass before folding his arms over his head and swaying his hips as he danced around. "Ba da, da da da, da da da," He sang softly, putting together a random tune as he danced around.
"Vera!" Still amped up from the show and ignoring the fact that Delaney had spent most of their set bothering her on stage, Delaney was happy to have her and Leo join them, moving over to half climb on her as she talked to Asher. "Solid show, crowd was into I think," He called over to Leo, trying to pivot his weight to half sling himself over Vera's shoulder. Asher had already climbed up on the counter and Delaney watched with interest as he managed to do a flip without braining himself on the counter. "Show off," He called, still clapping with begrudging respect before taking the from Asher.
Vera eyed Leo as he finally walked into the greenroom, and of course one of the first things he does is ask about the show. She grinned only to be distracted by Delaney who decided to hang on her despite her less then hygienic state. “I agree. It was pretty solid.” she said as she peeled Delaney off of her. "I broke a stick during the last song, so that wasn't great." she added absentmindedly, right before Asher did a back-flip off the bar. She cursed loudly, thankful he didn't break his neck. It would be incredibly difficult to find a new singer in time to finish the rest of their tour. “My hero.” Vera said dryly as Asher handed her a drink and she took a sip.

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