Open Adventurer's Rose

Elliot Briar

| '54 Grad | Ollivander's Asst. |
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Demi (Alice)
10 1/2 Inch Alder Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
6/2036 (27)
Open after Daphne posts with @Jasper Night

Elliot was glad he'd planned to break up his deliveries with people he knew as the day went on. It made the task seem just a touch less daunting, and Elliot was grateful for having some familiar names on his list again this year. As Herbology ended, he quickly caught up to Jasper, lightly tapping him on the shoulder as they left the greenhouses. "Jasper, hey, I've got a rose for you." He said, lifting his basket up somewhat unnecessarily so Jasper could see.
Three roses in, Jasper was a little tired of this event. He had gotten a confusing pink rose from Sierra, though it had the same note her roses usually had. Did it mean anything? Or did she just like pink? Jasper didn't know, and it was frustrating him. He had taken all three roses he'd gotten to his dorm and was hoping to forget about them. But after Herbology, Elliot tapped him on the shoulder. Jasper sighed when the boy said he had a rose for him, but then forced a smile. "Cool, can I see it?"
Elliot wondered if he was just imagining that Jasper didn't seem very excited about getting a rose. It was understand he guessed that not everyone was into the whole rose giving thing, though Elliot still thought it was very sweet. "Uh, yeah, sure," He dug into his basket, pulling out the yellow rose for him to hand over. "There's a note too, here," He added, offer that to Jasper too. "...Is everything okay?" Elliot asked after a moment. It was really none of his business, and Jasper was probably just tired from class, but Elliot would have sworn he'd expect a more.. enthusiastic response from him usually.

Hey Jasper!

It’s high time we had some more adventures!

Jasper waited for Elliot to give him the rose, glad to see it was yellow. He looked at the note, a smile spreading over his face as he read it. It had been a while since he'd done something cool with Maddy, they really should go on an adventure soon. Elliot's question took him off guard, and he blinked. "Oh, yeah, I'm good." He said with a casual shrug. "Thanks for the rose." He paused. "Though... can I ask you something?"
It was a relief to see Jasper was happy to get the rose at least, even if he hadn't seemed too thrilled at first. "Yeah, sure, anytime," Elliot said lamely, offering Jasper a smile. He probably shouldn't have bothered asking Jasper if he was okay. Jasper was pretty upbeat normally, so he was probably just fine. Elliot readjusted his flower crown, having resettled it on his head after class, and paused when Jasper stopped to ask him something. "Oh uh. Yeah, what's up?"
Jasper was starting to regret his decision to ask Elliot this question, but he was curious. And he'd already started. "Was just wondering if you got any pink roses?" He asked casually. "I dunno what to make of them. Or the one I got, I guess." He said with a shrug. He tried to appear like he didn't care that much, like the question had just randomly popped up.
Elliot wasn't really sure what question he had been expecting, and really it shouldn't have been surprising that it was about roses, but it still threw him a little that that was what Jasper wanted to know. "Uh, yeah, I got one from Lars this morning," He said, trying not to feel embarrassed about it. "Oh, who sent you yours?" He asked. He didn't think Jasper was dating anyone, though Elliot admittedly wasn't really up to date on much of the gossip at all in their year, but maybe someone had a crush on him. Jasper overwhelmed Elliot a bit, but he could understand why someone would.
Jasper frowned a little at Elliot's words. "Lars? A pink one?" He asked, trying to think back to the yule ball. He realized he had seen the two going together, and had noticed them in class together a lot too. "Ohhhh... are you guys dating?" He asked, wondering if that was common knowledge and he had missed it somehow. "Cool, congrats." He added. "Uh, Sierra sent mine." He said with a shrug. "But it was the one she sends every year, same note."
Elliot felt his face heat up when he realized that Jasper hadn't known he and Lars were dating. It wasn't like they were hiding it, but neither of them were really going around announcing it. "Uh yeah, we are, it's.. nice," He said with a small smile, scratching at his ear. "Sierra sent you a pink one?" Elliot thought about his conversation with Sierra earlier, and her own frustration with a pink rose. He wondered if it would count as gossip to tell Jasper about it, but clearly he and Sierra were friends anyway. "Well.. pink can also mean admiration I think? Maybe that's what she means?"
Jasper grinned at Elliot's words, holding up his hand for a high five. "Cool, good job, man." He said encouragingly. He nodded when Elliot confirmed that Sierra had sent a pink rose. "Yeah..." He shrugged at what he said next. "I mean, I guess. But who really sends them for admiration? I figure most people just use them for crushes." He shrugged again. "Maybe I should just ask her, but its been kind of weird since we kissed." He paused. "That may seem like it's related, but she also kissed someone else and not because she has a crush. I think she just likes kissing people? It's confusing." He admitted. "But she said we were friends."
Elliot returned Jasper's high-five sheepishly, chewing his lip. "Uh, yeah, thanks,". He was grateful to focus on Jasper's own little relationship issue, even if Elliot didn't really have much to offer. "I think you're right, but you never know?" He said with a helpless shrug, double-taking when Jasper mentioned he'd kissed Sierra. Was he supposed to high-five Jasper back for that? That felt kinda weird, but he offered Jasper a half-smile at the news instead. "Sierra's pretty straight forward I think.. I feel like if she had a crush she'd have said something by now, maybe?" Elliot offered weakly. He didn't know if Jasper was upset because he was confused or if he actually liked Sierra. The last thing he wanted to was to crush Jasper's hopes if he did like her. "Guess you could just ask her.." Relationship talk made Elliot nervous, it had taken Elliot awhile to drum up the courage to talk to Lars about his own feelings, but Elliot felt like Jasper was a lot more brave than he was.
Jasper nodded when Elliot said Sierra probably would have told him if she had a crush on him. "That's true... and she did mention she kissed someone else too." He said, nearly dropping Deepa's name but then deciding not to at the last moment. He didn't know if Deepa kissing a girl or even Sierra kissing a girl was news that they wanted out there. "I could ask her, but I don't think she really... gets it." He admitted hesitantly. "That kissing is for... you know, people you have crushes on, and stuff." He mumbled and shrugged again. "I dunno. Maybe I'll just leave it at this for now, and see if she says something about it..." He paused. "Anyway, thanks for the advice. Dunno how you got so smart about this stuff." He grinned. "Must be all that dating with Lars."

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