Adventure awaits

Chase Blade

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Chase walked onto the lawn, he took in the sight, it was very beautiful outside, nice and sunny, a perfect day indeed. Chase planned to take advantage of the day and he was going to relax outside, he didn't know if he would be able to relax with all the people that were here, but he would try. Chase walked over to a remote corner and just sat down there, Chase would enjoy today, nothing was going to stop him.

Chase thought back over the time he had had here so far, it had been jam packed, that was for sure, he didn't know if he would last here very long, but he was nearly finished, a surprising turn of events indeed. He didn't expect to last more then a few days let alone 6 years.
Artemis sat directly in the middle of the Great Lawn, tying clovers into flower chains. The tiny goblin girl had threaded the clovers all over her already flower-covered dress that she had sewn herself. Really, she was too tiny to buy the clothes most other people wore, but unable to buy children's clothes for her difference in stature. Therefore she wore the only things that she knew how to make - dresses. It was a week end, and so uniforms weren't a problem for this morning. She threaded another clover through the hem of her dress and sighed.

Art was bored. Very bored. In the end she abandoned the flowers and stood, heading towards the tree line across the vast grassy lawn.

Five minutes later, she reached the very edges of the lawn and moved into the farthest reaches of the area. It was a fine day today, but Summer was not yet upon them. A slight chill had the morning dew fresh upon the ground, and she slipped slightly and skidded to a halt. Or what she had hoped would be a halt. For within a moment of losing her balance, Artemis went tumbling down the hill and landed on something she hadn't expected to land on. Artemis had fallen right on top of Chase.
Chase looked up, "Whoa, Hey there, Artemis. Dropping in?" Chase said jokingly. He laughed and shook her off, "Nice of you to drop in, I was just starting to get bored." Chase said. He stood up and thought about it, it would be nice to have some company, he noticed he had managed to get a cut on his arm, brilliant, he got his wand out and pointed it at the cut, Episky he thought and the cut closed up.

He looked over towards Artemis, still lieing there on the ground, it had been funny that of all the places she could have landed, she had landed on him, but better him then in a lake, Chase held his hand out, "Come on, don't just sit there."
Tomato red, Art took his hand and scrambled to her feet. "Sorry 'bout that," she said, grinning up at him. "Didn't mean to fall on 'ye like that. But then again, I didn't mean fall at all." She dusted herself off neatly and hitched up her now not-so-white socks. Art's dress was covered in grass stains. Brilliant...

"Are 'ye bored as well?" she asked conversationally as she picked a clover out of her hair. "'Cause I was just havin' a wander for the very same reason." Artemis frowned as she noticed the cut on his arm that he healed swiftly. "Aw hell, did I do that?"

She'd actually have preferred to roll into the lake than onto Chase, for it looked like she had accidentally hurt him. Art could swim, and Chase was one of the older boys. They were so scary! Thank goodness he wasn't wasn't mad.
Chase laughed, "I'm not that bad, I'm kind of laid back, I don't like to hang around and terrorise younger students." Chase looked over the lake, "The lake sure is beautiful." Chase looked at his freshly healed cut, "It's no problem, really, you know, us older students aren't as scary as you guys all think we are. Once you get to know us atleast." Chase said and began to laugh, he got a scroll out of his pocket and pointed his wand at it, "Avifors" he muttered and the scroll turned into a bird.

Chase admired his work, "That really is a lot of fun, transfiguration is my favourite subject." Chase explained, he pointed his wand at the bird and led it through a series of loops, it's a good thing he had learnt how to do that as well.
"Ah well," laughed Artemis. "Everyone's scary when 'ye come up to the first year's waists". She watched in fascination as he transfigured the scroll of parchment into a bird. Artemis had never been good at things like Transfig or Charms, but she did love animals; Care of Magical Creatures was her favourite subject. "Brilliant!" she grinned in delight as the bird fluttered artistically above them.

Generally third years were able to do those sort of things also, but Art usually shied away from such branches of magic, having no confidence in those skills. She preferred hands-on subjects, but also ones where she could do less wand-work and more writing. Not that she was easily impressed, but today she was restless and excitable. Clapping her hands, Artemis let out a whistle to the bird, which fluttered down to perch on her knee as she sat on the grass. "Can you teach me how to do that?"
Chase laughed, of course I could teach you, we begin now!" Chase said and pulled out another three scrolls, he layed them on the ground infront of him and looked at Artemis, "The trick is to concentrate on the scroll while picturing it as a bird, that will allow the bird to be controlled by you if you concentrate hard enough. For example." He aimed his wand at the scroll and said, "Avifors" the scroll immediately changed into a bird, "Simple, really."

He aimed his wand at the bird and led it around, it obeyed his wands movements. "Now you need to be careful when you lead it around, don't overload it." Chase explained. "Your turn." Chase said and gestured to the other scrolls.
"Cool!" she exclaimed as she drew out her wand that looked five times too big for her hand. "Okay," Aiming her wand at the scroll, Artemis scrunched up her nose in concentration and said "Avifors!". With a explosion of feathers, the scroll seemed to morph into a bird but changed its mind halfway. The white feathers on the ground twitched feebly. "Er ... that wasn't right," said Artemis, blushing once again. "Lemme see..." With more of a flourish this time, Art flicked her wand at another scroll and tried again. "Avifors!". This time, it worked perfectly - or so it seemed. For there was a perfect white bird, standing up all by itself and looking as though ready for flight; but it was immobile. With a curious look, Artemis gave it a poke, and the bird collapsed. It was just made of paper.

"Bollocks." she said grumpily, sitting back down on the grass with a scowl at the scrolls. "Well, I was never that much good at Transfig anyway," she told Chase, giving her wand another flick at the last scroll. "Avifors,". To her utter astonishment, there changed the paper into a fully formed bird that fluttered its feathers at her. Her eyes lit up, and she lifted her wand carefully and sent it into a little loop-de-loop. "Oh look!" she said in her excitement, scrambling to her feet as she directed the bird gently into little twirls.
Chase was amazed, "Perfect." Chase drew another scroll out, "Draconifors." and the scroll changed into a dragon, he led it around with his wand, "Transfiguration really is a amazing subject." Chase marbeled at the dragon he had produced, he got it to breathe some fire and he led it around and eventually ended the spell, changing it back into a scroll. "Anything else you want to know? Draconifors is a little to advanced for you at the moment." Chase said.
"Nah," said Art shyly as her bird gave a little chirrup before popping back into a scroll. "Like I said ... I'm not too good at Transfiguration. It takes me a long time to catch on. I'm better with real animals," she told him. "Watch,"

She lifted her head into the air and let out a little bird chirp that gave a trill at the end of it. She paused, before adding three consecutive tweets in a perfect imitation of a sparrow call. Half a moment later, there was an answering call far away in the line of trees, and then another. Closer by, out hopped a brown-breasted sparrow. "Tuuh-wit?" said Art to it. The sparrow tilted its tiny head to one side before bouncing closer. To the sparrow, this was obviously not another bird but it knew its language, and so deigned to come a bit closer. As Art lifted a questioning finger for it to hop on, off it flittered, leaving the much bigger impostor behind.

Not at all offended, Art grinned up at Chase. "I guess they don't mind me 'cause I'm not fully human," she told him.
Chase marveled at the sparrow tweet Artemis was able to pull off, it was a perfect imitation of a normal call, "Wow. That's cool." Chase did his mock of a falcon call, he knew one would not come but he liked to do it anyway. He marveled at the complexity of the bird calls, they were so hard to master but they were so cool when you were able to do them, "What kind of things do you like to do?" Chase asked. He wanted to get to know Artemis, she seemed nice enough.
Artemis nodded in approval at his falcon call. It was quite well done, and it certainly would have at least gotten a listening bird's attention. "Well," she replied with a smile. "My favourite classes are Care of Magical Creatures and Arithmancy. I do a lot of tree climbing as well when I'm not studying, but I also am learning how to fight. Henric is teaching me!" she grinned at Chase. "Well ... sort of."

Just like Chase, she also wanted to get to know him in return. After all, he had been so nice to her - and now she could show her new bird trick to Simon next time she saw him. Besides - Art rarely talked to the older kids, because most of them thought she was a first year until they looked a bit closer. They ignored her on principal until they realised that she was part-goblin. That was going to get awkward when she was in seventh year.

"Well, how about yerself? I know 'ye like Transfiguration now, but what else?"
Chase smirked, "I'm quite good at fighting, are you able to cast defensive spells? Such as Protego and such?" Chase asked, Chase pointed his wand away from Artemis, "Stupefy!" He called out and he watched the red light roll on over the field, it was really cool watching it.

Chase looked back towards Artemis, "I enjoy Transfiguration, Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts." Chase explained. That was partly true, Chase enjoyed most of the practical subjects, he seemed to excell at them, Chase unnoticeably pointed his wand at Artemis, Expelliarmus he thought and the wand flew out of her hand.
Artemis shook her head mutely as he asked her whether she knew any defensive spells. Of course, she knew what she had been taught from Defense Against the Dark Arts, but she was speaking about hand to hand combat. If Chase was talking about dueling, Artemis was useless. She watched in awe as he cast a stunning spell across the grass, watching the lights dance and jump in the air before fading into non-existence.

Funny that he liked all of the subjects that she hated the most. Even so, she was not turned off but fascinated by it. She listened to him talk, but all of a sudden her wand shot out of her hand. With lightning reflexes her other hand snapped out at the same speed at plucked it from the air as it spun away from her. Why, he got me with a disarming spell! She wanted to spar right then and there at the cheek of it, although all in good fun, but as before she knew she was useless at wand work.

In retaliation, Artemis darted forward and hooked his ankle with her foot, tripping him up and sending him neatly into the grass. "Touche!" she cried at him, chuckling.
Chase spun around while still on the ground and tripped her over as well, "No, now it's Touche." Chase laughed and stood back up, "Just because I seem to know only spells doesn't make me useless in hand to hand, I want to see you cast some defensive spells. I can teach you some offensive spells if you can successfully block my spells." Chase offered. He pointed his wand at Artemis and said, "Stupefy." he knew it would only be weak, but he had to make sure she could handle it anyway. Chase watched the spell zoom towards her and he thought of all the battles he had won using that spell, this would just be practice for him, he had mastered these spells a long time ago.
Art felt her legs knocked out from under her and simply rolled to her feet. She gave Chase a look of approval before blanching white at his suggestion of using defensive spells. With a jolt, she realised that he was expecting her to block a stunning spell. "I don't know if I can block a-!" she began before the spell was shooting towards her.

Well, Artemis had zero confidence in her spell work, and so rather than blocking the spell she covered her face on instinct. "Protego!" she gasped weakly, and the shield blossomed out in front of her, although rather small. It was a last second maneuver, and her shield shattered on impact. Rather than being hit with Stupefy, she was thrown back several feet as the spells collided in mid air. She slid to her feet in the dew, gripping her wand tightly in one tiny fist.

"I don't know many spells," she told Chase feebly. "I'm not good at that sort of stuff."
Chase smirked, "Well, atleast you didn't get thrown down the hill again." Chase said and began to laugh, "You should really learn these spells" Chase told her, it would be essential for her to be able to defend herself if something were to happen. "I want you to cast Stupefy at me. You need to be able to defend yourself with magic as well as hand-to-hand." Chase said, "You don't have to learn now, but it will be better for you." Chase explained, he once again raised his wand, ready for the attack.
It seemed like she was getting lessons from everyone these days. Not that she minded, Art was grateful for the help ... she just hated casting spells. "I can pick up a horse, but I can't do a simple stunning spell," she muttered to herself as she brandished her wand again. "Alright then," she told Chase gamely. I could just as easily dodge a spell if I was quick enough, she thought to herself even as she plucked up the courage to try a stunning spell.

Art had remembered the exact flick that his wrist gave when shooting a stunning spell. Hoping that it might do the trick, she mimicked the flick herself and said "Stupefy!". This time she managed to actually send something at him, a bright burst of red light that zig-zagged towards him. She shrunk back from it with her hands fisted up to her mouth and a squeak.
Chase was impressed that she had managed to cast the spell but he was not going to let it hit him without a fightProtego he thought and a shield popped up infront of him, he watched the spell collide with it and it stopped it in it's tracks. Chase smirked, he had been confident enough that it wouldn't hit him.

Chase looked at Artemis, "Nice job, but you need to focus a little more when you cast it, the amount of concentration you put into it the stronger your spell will be, the same works for Protego, watch and learn, be on your guard." Chase raised his wand, "Stupefy!" Chase said, concentrating on his spell.
"'Kay," said Artemis, steeling herself for the next spell. Artemis was concentrating visibly, with her nose screwed up and her eyes fixed on his mouth for when he would speak the spell."Stupefy!" said Chase, and she was ready for the first time since they had begun their mock battle. She was starting to get a little intimidated, but luckily for her it was the one thing that could get her to up her game.

"Protego," she answered quick smart, and the shield blossomed out in front of her on cue. The stunning spell was heading straight towards it when the shield flickered and died. With a cry of alarm, Art ducked as the spell shot over her head, just in time.

Half a moment later she peeked up from where her head was cradled in her arms. "Yeah orright, I lost my nerve." she admitted with a scowl. She shot to her feet determinedly and didn't wait for an answer. "Stupefy!" she said, eager to get it right. Our zoomed the spell towards Chase and she almost clapped her hands in delight as it flew straight and true.
Chase was surprised, "Concentrate." Chase watched the spell come flying at him, "Protego." He said. The spell collided with his shield and he got knocked back a few feet Woah, that was powerful. Chase was proud, "That was great. Lets see you do it again, Protego this time." Chase warned her, he looked up, and concentrated Stupefy Tria and he loosed three Stupefys directly at Artemis, "Concentrate." He warned her, "Not many people can block three at once. I can manage two." Chase told her.
"Then why are you sending three at me?!" she caterwauled in shock as the three stunning spells leapt out to meet her. Art almost lost her nerve when they burst out like lightning, but she gripped her wand with both hands and put all her might into her shield spell. "Protego!" she said with authority, focusing all her concentration onto the spell as her eyes flicked between each Stupefy coming at her. This time her shield was strong, and two stunning spells ricocheted off the moment it hit. Artemis stood her ground and wasn't knocked back, but she neglected to look out for the third and final spell.

Although the shield was strong, it wasn't very large because Art wasn't. The last Stupefy missed her shield entirely and hit her directly in the chest. This time she was thrown back, and she skidded in the grass in a daze. Chase had been kind enough not to send them at full strength, for she surely would have been unconscious if not.

Art raised her wand hand feebly and waved it at him. "I did it!" she called out to Chase dizzily.
Chase laughed, "Nice job. As to why I sent three at you, most people learn faster when they are under pressure, I know for a fact that it helped me." Chase told her, "Your turn, the incantation is Stupefy Tria." He told her and he readied himself, he wanted to test her so he picked a point where she would be most vulnerable and he aimed his wand at her chest, "Levicorpus." Chase said and she got raised by her ankles into the air, "Free yourself using Stupefy." Chase told her.
"Oi!" said Art as she found herself being swung upside down. Her grass-covered dress ballooned out above her. Luckily she was wearing tights as usual; these sort of situations were frequent upon the little girl who got into so many fights. She batted her fists in the air in a "Let-me-at-'em" sort of way as she floated, suspended above the ground. Her face began to turn pink, and she knew she would have to try what he said.

Gripping her wand, she focused on Chase's upside down form and tried the new spell. "Stupefy Tria!"

As one stupefy burst from her wand it split into three, each spinning off in their own directions. One spun away into the forest and another zigzag right past his face. The last flew straight at him. Artemis had lost no time in trying to free herself another way. She was bouncing upside down in the air, trying to fall, but it was no use. Either the last stupefy would hit him or she would have to try again.
Chase saw two out of three of the Stupefys zoom away from him, he didn't know what she was doing, she needed to concentrate, not just get angry and start casting spells at him. He was lost in thought so he never saw the third Stupefy zoom at him and it hit him in the chest, he lost his concentration and Artemis fell and landed on the grass, "Shoot. Nice one, I need to stop overthinking." Chase said and laughed. He glanced at the heap on the ground that was Artemis, "Here. Let me help you up." Chase said walking up to her and extending his arm for her.

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