Activity; She's had none :D

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Sarah Xu-Marion

Well-Known Member
Willow Wand 14" Unicorn Tail Hair
So, once again i've lost activity with a few of my characters. I would really love to have some friends for these characters.

Izumi - A thirteen year old Beauxbatons student; who will be transferring from there to another school soon.

Calixa - A "cougar" who has just lost her husband in another divorce. She's a bit flirty and confused. Other women who had been through divorces, and made it through,, who can help her, would be great.

Sarah - A small, young, Asian women who is very innocent and kind. She needs some female friends.

Thanks for considering.
If you want Jake could meet Izumi. He's quite a bit of a bad boy but he won't flirt because he's found a grl he actually likes for once :D
Most of his friends are younger than him aswell so he'd be used to talking to younger people. If you don't want him I do have other Durmstrang students she could rp with if you want to pm me.

(BTW is Summer :p )
Hey, yeah that would be fine. The next time you have the towns open would work.

Summer, tyou are such a stalker! :p So yeah that would be fine. As soon as Izu gets the transfer i will let you know. unless you want to start in brightstone or something :D
EEP! Stanger danger!!

Anyways, yeah okay; i guess we can start it up now; it's going to be a bit before everything's set for izumi

Annyway, Ellen could be friends with Calixa :) She's just lost her husband (ENTIRELY her own fault) and is now a pregnant single mum, so they can share baked goods and baby cuddles and moan about being single :)
OH It's my other stalker! I feel so loved!

Yeah that would be GRRRRRRRRRRRRREAT! (bad Tony the Tiger Joke ^_^' ) Would ya like me to start, or would you like to?
Um, Hello.

If you want Roxanna can be Sarah's friend. She's new and a bit scared because she's way out of her element.
OOOH Yay, i just replied your thing : Weird eh. (BTW this is Sarah). Yeah they can be friends. Do you wanna start it, or me to?
No problem!

Anyone else??
Could you start? I just had work and I feel like dyingggg haha. 6 hour shift=not pretty.
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