Closed Accio! Y34 Meeting

Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
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Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
Vader was very nervous about running another accio meeting, the first had gone well, it had been good for them to get to know each other a little and discuss the workload that they had, but now, this was his second year, were people expecting more from him? He had some ideas but not too many, would they think less of him for it. It was safe to say that though he’d done this before and it had all been fine, including the end result of the yearbook having been fine, Vader hadn’t managed to sleep a wink. He’d lay in bed for a few hours, emptily staring at the ceiling listening to the soft noises of his room-mates and then just decided to get up. He’d spent hours leading up to this doing countless other things and chugging cups of coffee like they were water. The results were the same, Vader was in the arts room, with the table set up for people to sit with his hands shaking from both the coffee and the nervousness. He was sat at the head of the table, with a copy of the last year’s yearbook in front of him, some notes and with his coffee held tightly in his hands. He was of course early, having arrived at the room early enough to really set up. There was a small selection of cakes and drinks on a table, just enough for people to have a little something before they got started. He didn’t take anything to eat, his nerves building too much to be able to stomach anything other than the coffee that was keeping his hands from shaking but not his legs from fidgeting under the table.
The annual meeting began at a good time, where she was concerned. Violeta Finch got dressed in her Ravenclaw robes and walked to their own little area. Violeta had a lot of sketches but none really involved Accio at all. She saw that there was none other than Vader, and no one else. She gave a small smile to him, and sat down near him while he was at the head of the table. She did not feel like eating or drinking anything. No sweets otherwise it might mess with her figure. But it was tempting. She turned her attention to Vader and assured, "You did great last year. This one should come a little easier."
Clifton still couldn't quite believe he was in the right place, even as he opened the door to the arts room. Applying to join the yearbook had been a complete whim, and he really hadn't expected to be accepted. His photos were mediocre at best... in Clifton's opinion at least. Clearly he had impressed the club's leader though, because here he was, stepping into the yearbook meeting. Clifton wondered if he was early as he looked around, intimidated by the lack of people, and he scurried into a seat without a word. He'd save the new brave Clifton for the rest of the school... a club he didn't feel good enough to be in, surrounded by older students, wasn't the most encouraging environment.
Her final year. It had really arrived. Caro had been beyond tempted to just... not return to Hogwarts at all this year. To leave the school behind and set off on her adventures. She couldn't leave Sophie or Vader in the lurch though, especially not Sophie. One more year trapped in this place, and Caro would be free. She could survive one more year. Stepping into the Accio meeting, Caro raised an eyebrow at the sight of a new person as she took her seat. "Replacing me already, Vader?" She said coolly, still a little bitter that a kid had been chosen to be editor over her. Caro couldn't win in any club, it seemed.
Kas still wasn't totally sure what he'd signed up for when he'd applied to join the yearbook club thing, but now that he was actually accepted he figured he should make the most of it. It certainly seemed to beat out some of the other club options and he wouldn't lie and say the feeling of exclusivity of being on a smaller team made him feel a little bit special. Pushing into the art's room for their first meeting, Kas was still working on figuring out what an intern was supposed to do. He hoped it wasn't some sort of lame power trip for the older students, the guy, Vader, at the club fair had seemed pretty chill, if a bit high strung, but Kas still had his doubts. You always had to watch the nice, quiet ones. There were already some other club members there and Kas dropped into a seat near another Hufflepuff, giving him a little finger wiggle in greeting.
Ana was looking forward to her fifth year at Hogwarts. She was particularly looking forward to another year of helping out with the yearbook. She enjoyed it last year as it gave her something to do other than study, and it definitely helped distract her from everything else that was happening around the school. Ana promptly made her way to the Accio meeting and opened the door to the Art's room to see almost everyone already there. She nodded a greeting to the younger Gryffindor leader before quietly taking a seat within the room, waiting for the meeting to begin.
Aisa was glad that Accio was meeting again. Last year, she had been surprised by how much she had ended up enjoying the club. It was nice to work together with others, as long as each person had their own individual task and no actual teamwork was required. She had gained some respect for the editor, though she wished the boy would try to look a bit more confident. Aisa had seen he could do all this very well, but it seemed like Vader himself wasn't convinced. She took a cake and a drink as she headed in, noticing two new faces she hadn't seen before. One was an older boy, another was younger than she was. Aisa was pretty glad not to be the youngest anymore. She was surprised as Caro spoke up, making some sarcastic comment about being replaced. What did she expect? She was graduating. "Why not? Should he go in full mourning for a year after you graduate?" She asked the girl with her eyebrows raised. She wondered if Caro thought herself special enough to be irreplaceable in the club, but all she really did was take photos, and she wasn't the only one who did that.
Vader looked up as the first person entered the meeting. He gave a little smile to Violeta as he took a quick nervous sip of his drink. He gave a little nervous smile and blushed shyly at the compliment, "Couldn't have done it without you or anyone else," Vader replied ducking his head a little and then raised the coffee cup to his lips again and sipped lightly as the rest of the members appeared. He put the coffee cup down as Aisa was the last to enter and take her seat. Vader glanced towards Caro and felt his cheeks deepen in a blush, he knew she hadn't taken kindly to him taking over as editor where she had been passed up. He noticed his hands were shaking lightly and he let them wrap themselves back around the coffee cups, leaving his legs lightly bouncing under the table.
Vader did half appreciate Aisa jumping in, he shook his head lightly, "Its okay Aisa," he spoke quickly before he just looked to the other members, "Okay, I want to get started," Vader said clearing his throat, he held the cup tightly in his hands, "So, you'll notice we have two new members, Kasim, he's our new layout designer he'll be working with Anastasie and then then Clifton, whose our new photographer, he'll be interning with me," Vader spoke with a smile, he was visibly nervous but he was managing better than the meeting last year. He motioned towards the two new members who were sat at the table. "The yearbook worked well last year, so I don't want to change much. Did anyone have anything from last year that they would like to bring up or a suggestion for this year? Why don't we go around the table, if you have nothing that you'd like to bring up, then you can just say as much? And maybe introduce ourselves for the benefit of the new members," Vader looked around at the different members trying to see their reactions to what he'd said.
The gryffindor moved his hands off the cup and quickly placed them on his legs, pushing down slightly to stop them shaking, "I'll start, I'm Vader, editor, and I think we could try to freshen up the yuleball and valentines events with more wide shots," He looked towards the next person so that they could go. He was also glad to have the attention a little away from him.
Caro's comment had been meant as a joke, she decided retroactively, and she rolled her eyes when one of the kids on the paper took it seriously. She definitely couldn't wait to be out of here. "It was a joke, calm your farm." Caro sighed, pushing her hair back over her shoulder as she took a seat and settled in to listen to the start of the meeting. It had been frustrating when her best friend had been chosen over her to lead Hogwarts Monthly, and to be Head Girl for some unfathomable reason, but Caro really just couldn't handle taking instruction from a little kid in Accio. It was ridiculous. She listened though, relieved she wouldn't at least be training her own replacement. That would have felt like an insult. When her turn came to introduce herself, Caro sat up a little straighter, showing off that she was the oldest person in the room. "I'm Caro Taylor, photographer here, and head photographer for Hogwarts Monthly." She added, even though it was unnecessary. "And I think we should get some pictures of club meetings for the club pages."
Aisa just looked at the older girl with her eyebrows raised when the girl said it had been a joke. "You should work on your delivery, then." She said calmly. She knew the type, saying mean stuff to hurt others as long as they could get away with it. Vader had worked hard for the yearbook, much harder than he probably should have judging by the look of him. The comment had been meant to hurt him, as well as make the new boy feel uncomfortable. She would have hoped someone in seventh year was above that, but apparently not. "I'm Aisa Hunter, photographer. I think we should take more shots of regular moments at Hogwarts, not just the events. Study groups, people playing sports outside. Stuff they want to remember when they open the yearbook again in a few decades." She shrugged, the idea was fairly sentimental for her, but she had thought of what would be nice to look back on after graduating.
Kas wasn't sure if he was imagining it, or if there seemed to be a little tension between some of the club members who sniping at each other. He watched intently, trying to parse out the dynamics of the group as they went around the room, putting names and positions together.
"Please, call me Kas," He said when it was his turn to introduce himself, making a note of which one was Anastasie. Only people Kas didn't like called him by his full name, and he was still tentatively hopeful he'd actually like everyone in this club so far. "Looking forward to learning the ropes, I guess." He said with a shrug, dropping himself back into his seat quickly. The last part had felt a bit lame, but Kas was feeling surprisingly excited about this whole club thing.
Clifton had been excited by the prospect of making new friends by joining a club, but it became clear almost immediately that everyone very much did not get along in this club, and Clifton himself seemed to have somehow wound up at the center of that strife. Oh dear. He shrunk down a little in his seat as the older girl bickered with Vader about him, trying to become invisible. He panicked when his turn to speak came, voice cracking into a nervous squeak. "I'm Clift-... er, um... I'm Clifton Ward. Professor Ward's cousin." He added, hoping the measure of protection having a teacher as family afforded him would extend to this club. "And I'm just... here to learn as well, I suppose..." He added, sinking lower in his seat quickly.

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