Accio Welcome Party~!

Nice to 'officially' meet you, Tenilee. ^_^
So, I was lurking and I found this topic. I believe we had met earlier ago Jet and I love your sense of humor. :p But I haven't been able to welcome you here so:

Welcome to HNZ, Jet!! :D Lol.

Anyway, I would love to RP with you. Just PM me if you want to. And thanks for teaching me how to transform a cookie into a brownie. Hehe.

-Nicole :shifty:
Oh yay, welcome!

I'm Donna, from good ole' New Zealand - it blew my mind that everyone on here wasn't actually from New Zealand, was always confused why people chose this site haha! Oh well, welcome!

PM me with any questions you may have ^_^

Donna :donna:
Nice to meet you Nicole and Donna. And, I try to be funny, Nicole. Its a 50/50 chance if I ever get some funny lines. And Donna, thats so cool that you are from New Zealand~! I wanna go there someday. I wanna visit the locations for when they filmed Harry Potter there and the lord of the rings. And, it is awesome to meet all of you! And, I hope that spell shall forever work for you Nicole!
Hey there Jet.

Once again it is nice to officially "meet" you. I'm Teigs and just to inform you, I am Tenilee's older sister ^_^ So you may see some cross overs of characters or some fighting in shouty ;) Anyway, I think it is really awesome that you have been rping for seven years. I've only been around for about three-four years myself, but not on HNZ, I'm only two here :r So yeah. I live in the Land Down Under :cool: I'm currently finishing my last year of school and will be of legal drinking age on the 13th of June, which I see is the day after you :woot: how cool xD
Anyway, you can find me on a number of different charries but I won't bother listing them or we will be here all night. But I love to create characters and I have a tone of them to rp with. Though i rp better with my girls then guys, hence the lack of my male charries. So when you get sorted, we should work something out, or even before then, Jet can still rp before he is sorted, just not in the castle or grounds ;)
May your time here be awesome.
btw Bow ties are cool :cool: ^_^

Teigs :r
Awesome to meet you, Tiegs! And awesome that you are from Australia! And how is Sidney? I know its not the capital but it is a capital of entertainment, right? Anyways. Its so awesome that we would be 21 together! And that you are a day younger than me! I hope that we get to RP soon!
Yes, Australia is Awesome, Sydney is cool and yes it is the Capital of Entertainment. Unfortunately I have to fault you on your knowledge, In Aus, Legal Drinking age is 18 ;) Which makes me four years and one day younger than you :r But otherwise I bow to your knowledge of my beautiful country ^_^ Anyway, I will be awaiting a pm in my inbox for when you are ready to rp :r
Well, I gotta know things if I ever get any friends from different countries. And I find it amusing when people think that Sidney is the capital of Australia, haha. And you are lucky to have drinking legally at such a young age. And, you will get a PM soon. Maybe Wednesday when I find the fate of Jet while slowly waiting for Year 16. Anyways, we should make HNZ have a holiday for our birthdays...That takes the full two days. What you think?
Aye! Ok, we gotta plan this very secretively so that they dont know so that they think that the holiday is nothing than a birthday when they don't know that they shall be celebrating it as a yearly holiday..Savvy. And now I am sounding like Johnny Depp from Pirates of the Caribbean. What is with me?
Ok we need to plan secretively. So we must post our opinions ironically so they think that our plan is fullish when we speak in secure in private in more detail. -Sips my tea- Then we shall go and fetch the Pearl.
Jet Hughes said:
Ok we need to plan secretively.
And so you two decide to splatter your plans all over your welcome thread. Classy :p
Eggs Actly! Its the most perfect fool proof plan! No one will ever guess so! Its the most perfect plan since Roswell! Unbelievable to the unbelievers but known by the believers! No one know what to do but throw parties every year! I think its an awesome idea.
So we agree to agree to agree that the plan is awesome and fool proof and that we shall talk our plans in open so loudly that everyone can hear why we pass notes to suggest how to fool people into celebrating our birthdays on an annual basis. Its brilliant I tell you. Brilliant!
The pirate speaks,"Aye Jet, Very much I do agree. I love this Idea it be one o' t' best so far. hehe, let us see how long this takes t' organise, because you can be aye that it may be subject t' change in t' near or distant future."
"No no, Fluxbeard. No one wou'd be fo'gettin abou' the plan. Fo' I be rememberin abou' it on a daily. The seas shall be on our side as well as the wind." I say to the pirate. I take a sip of my whiskey and smile. "If it may be. The ones to fo'get arr the ones that think it may be a joke. Savvy."
"'o course Jet. That be th' best thin' ever to hit th' board. Let us shout fer th' sake 'o it that our lives have progessed far that be all I can take to hide such an occurance?"
"Aye. Rum all around!" I shout in encouragement, raising my pint into the air. I then takes the bottle to my lips and chugs the liqueur.
Helloooooooooooooooooo Jet! :D

I'm Khione though that's my character's name not mine, if you want to know feel free to ask me through PM. I can't say who I am now coz'.... POTATOES! Oh yesh! I love potatoes!

Moving on, I've been here for years now so.... like yeah I'm not that new. I think that's all I can say for now, other than that. Welcome to the Site! Feel free to PM me for any RP's or like anything! Enjoy your stay! :hug:
Thank you Khione. And I like potatoes too. ^^ And I hope to RP with you soon!

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