Accio Welcome Party~!

Jet Hughes

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hello Hogwarts! Wait...We are in New Zealand. Blasphemy I tell you! Blasphemy!! ....What? They opened a branch over here? Oh. Okay. Smiles all around.

Hi there. The name is Joel. But I am refereed to as Jet, as many others do. I am a twenty years old and I live in the States. But, I'd soon hit the twenty-one mark on June twelfth! As of now, I am not in college. Shame, but I don't have the money. I am an artist. I love to draw and I am bloody good at it. And why do I sound like I'm British? Anyways, no, I'm not British. I am good at web development. I am a self proclaimed genius, on my own terms of course. Some knows the reason why. I have been RPing for about over seven years. My first RP forum was called Magical Hogwarts. I am not sure that it exists anymore. And now for the final thing. Nicolas has placed a question in the chat to help me with this thread. The question was: Do you like cookies or brownies. The answer is, brownies. I hope that I can be friends with all of you out there.

Welcome to HNZ, I can't wait to RP with you! :woot: I'm Zach, and you will see me around quite often on all of my different characters but quite often you will have to look no further then Takuya Blaze. If you ever have any questions, please feel free to contact me via PM and I will get back to you ASAP. :) Or see some of the cool dudes in purple! ^_^

So yeah, check out the Site Docs along with the information in the Unsorted section and you'll be fantabulous! ^_^

Once again, welcome! :woot:

~ Zach/Zachie/Zachariah Von Leuchtenberg IV xD
Hey there Joel/Jet! :)
Welcome to HNZ (officially).

21 and then planning to drink it up? :p No HNZing drunk. :glare: (I think that's a rule we have especially for the staff. At one point we had two Irish members on the staff team, so drunk moderating was always a concern. :r )
Are you working right now to save up for college? If you go to college, are you planning on going in to a B.F.A program in Visual Arts, or pursuing something else? :)

I'm Nick (you can call me Nick :) ), and obviously I'm one of the admin here. I live in Canada, myself, and am currently doing a B.A. in Dramatic Art, after which I plan to go on to a Master's degree in Divinity.
If you have any questions or concerns about the board, feel free to shoot me a PM and I'll be happy to help you out. ^_^

Finally, you chose the wrong answer. The correct answer was cookies.
Hello ^_^
Welcome to HNZ
Wow rping or seven years,I'm still one and a half :r
Anyways I'm Johanna from Ireland(us Irish are not always drunk btw xD ) and I'll be seeing you around the site :p
PS.I prefer brownies too
Holy hand biscuits! ...Holy hand biscuits?? Anyways. Wow, four people posting all at once. Possibly more when this reply goes out. Thank you everyone and its nice to meet you all. And I cannot wait to have Jet sorted, hopefully Slytherin, and that I can RP with all of you!
Aren't you happy I told you about this place? Aren't you. Now you have to be carful sir there is a reason this place is called crackwarts
Hey Jet!

I am Lovi, and I believe you glopped me in the Shouty. I have only be RPing for about seven months. It has become my new habit, and if you ever want to RP just PM me.

I look forward to getting to know you and seeing you around on the board! :)
Hello and Welcome Joel/Jet!!

Call me Liam, although you'll see me lurking around as Minoas Stratis.
Wow that's a lot of roleplaying years. I just have one year here but I generally love writing (hard to restrain your imagination when has already started galloping). Pm me whenever you want to roleplay (maybe not able to plot until end of may but oh well... :( ). Enjoy your time here!

~ Liam

oh and I'll take the cookies. especially if they have caramel chips :)
Minoas Stratis said:
oh and I'll take the cookies. especially if they have caramel chips :)
You cannot have the cookies.
You can have the brownies, if you want.
Jet's going to eat the cookies. And he's going to like them. :DE:
Only if they are chocolate chip, peanut butter, or orios, Nick. And yes, thank you Ana. And nice to meet the last two that has replied. I hope I can RP with you two soon~!
Jet Hughes said:
Only if they are chocolate chip, peanut butter, or orios, Nick.
Peanut butter is obviously available. :tut:
How do you feel about shortbread?

Also: :trolol: Everybody but me mentions roleplaying. Shows you where that is on my priorities. ;)

Cookies, however...
Cookies are important.
Welcome Jet ^_^

I'm Kaitlyn, or Sir Kaitlyn (a female knight have you), and I hope to see you around. I'm a big fan of Slytherin, have plenty of students there.
If you need something, just throw me a PM. :)

~ Kaitlyn
Nicolas King said:
Jet Hughes said:
Only if they are chocolate chip, peanut butter, or orios, Nick.
Peanut butter is obviously available. :tut:
How do you feel about shortbread?

Also: :trolol: Everybody but me mentions roleplaying. Shows you where that is on my priorities. ;)

Cookies, however...
Cookies are important.
I never had shortbread.

Oh. Another thing that I forgot to mention. I am a hugger. I love to hug. And I also get hyper. ^^. And hi Katilyn
Hadan Hensel said:
(a female knight have you)
That would make you Dame. :r
I just called you "Sir" because everybody knows there are no girls on the Internet. ;)
Jet Hughes said:
Nicolas King said:
Jet Hughes said:
Only if they are chocolate chip, peanut butter, or orios, Nick.
Peanut butter is obviously available. :tut:
How do you feel about shortbread?

Also: :trolol: Everybody but me mentions roleplaying. Shows you where that is on my priorities. ;)

Cookies, however...
Cookies are important.
I never had shortbread.

Oh. Another thing that I forgot to mention. I am a hugger. I love to hug. And I also get hyper. ^^
You've never had short bread? :x
It's super yummy,you should try it sometime :p
You will fit perfectly with everyone then
Nicolas King said:
Hadan Hensel said:
(a female knight have you)
That would make you Dame. :r
I just called you "Sir" because everybody knows there are no girls on the Internet. ;)
Dame Kaitlyn sounds weird. :p
How about Madam Katilyn the awesome?

And I would have to try it sometime, Johanna ^^
Jet Hughes said:
Madam Katilyn the awesome?
That would be false. :r

...because she's not married obviously and not at all that I'm suggesting she's not awesome. :r

Sir Kaitlyn4Lyfe
Hi Jet!

Welcome to HNZ! I'm Arty and it's short for something weird which you'll just have to find out. :p
Let's roleplay sometime! Drop me a PM and we shall plot!

Oh and, can I have some of your brownies? xD

- Arty. <3
Hey there ^_^

Welcome to HNZ, I hope you will be staying with us for a long time (does that sound too hospital-like? :r ) I'm Tenile, but people just call me Tenilee 'round these parts ;) It's wonderful to officially meet you (by official I mean not through Shouty) and don't worry, if I get chocolate in my system (which is nearly every night) I'm a little hyper myself, there's nothing wrong with being a hugger either, because hugs. are. cool. Nuff said :cool:
See you around!


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