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Yup! I love Mississauga :D
Meee tooo!

Especially Square One and area. And of course Meadowvale. XDXD!

We over rule everyone.
OMG I live in the Square One area ( like around there ) :p :p

Canada Rocks :D Mississauga does even more :) :p
Heh. I live in Meadowvale (when I'm not at school) Pretty closeish to Streetsville.

But I'm like at Square One all of the time for Alice Fazooli's and Moxie's and the Movie Theatres. :D

How I miss Mississauga when I'm in Peterborough.
Caysi Finnigan said:
OMG I live in the Square One area ( like around there ) :p :p

Canada Rocks :D Mississauga does even more :) :p
Caysi I know where you live. :ph43r:
Yes I know you know where I live :p I think your the only one on this site that does...:p
Ok I hope there aren't stalkers on this site..I don't think that there are....I think I remember where you live :D
Hahaha, I'm the Freaking stalker. Joking.

But if there are, don't worry, I'm pretty much screwed as well. <_<
Omg a couple of weeks ago I had my friend for a sleepover....so we came home and then around...oh I dunno when we went to bed..we heard noises coming from my closet I was like Holy Sh!t Stalker...but in the end it was just my kitty :p
Okay we should start an actual spam topic.....so that we aren't in the absence list....
but the absence list is hardcore
Yes the absence list is hardcore but i think we should start a new topic about Canadian Spam!! XD XD
Michelle Tonks said:
Yes the absence list is hardcore but i think we should start a new topic about Canadian Spam!! XD XD
absence lists ARE canadian spams... geebus!
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