A wander

Andrew Bruke

Well-Known Member
Andrew was feeling boring with nothing to do because he had learned almost everything in his lessons, done all his homework and he also didnt have a pitch to play Qudditch.So, Andrew decided to go for a walk or a exploration in th eforest where he had never been before.He wished someone would join him, someone who also would be a stranger to the forest and its mysteries.
Zazuka, thought she was brighter for the most part, was still keeping herself out of the public eye as much as possible. The pain of losing Andy to a matter of convience on her mother's part was still sore in her heart. She had gotten back her unusual style though. She thought it was the least she could do to make it seem like she was Ok again.

Today she had gone with an all purple outfit. A change she had made to this was that she was exposing her arms for once because the scare on the back the right arm was thin and white unnoticable to anyone that was just looking at her. She wondered an area of the forest she had never been in before eather. She thought that if she was going to escape she might as well escape in a place where anyone else would be wary of following her in. She spoted Andew Bruke and for a moment she wanted to go back the way she came then Zazuka scolded herself. How was she ever going to be Ok again if she was constently avoiding people?

Zazuka closed her eyes and took a deep breath to burry her sorrowful heart then hopped on top of a log. Her purple mary-janes made a light clicking sound as if wanting to get Andrew's atention first. "Hello Andrew." She said almost meekly but then it was the way her voice had been coming out latly. Meek and hollow.

Caysi was just walking through the forest and was looking at all the plants, she sighed and picked one up from the ground and sniffed it. She didn't know what flower it was but still it had a beautiful scent. She kept on walking and looking at the sky, it was getting dark. She didn't mind, she like darkness.

Caysi just sat against a tree, she really didn't feel like walking anymore. She flipped her long blonde hair back and just sat there thinking to herself.
Andrew tucked his hand s in his jeans pocket and was whistling.A beautiful blue bird seemed to respond at his whistle.Andrew smiled at himself, he couldnt remember when all these changes had ocured in him.Last year, he didnt want to do anything except studying and this year he was giving half of his time to other things like Qudditch, friends and now his new idea of making the aging Potion with Kirsty.

He was lost in all his thoughts when he heard someone say hello to him.He turned back thinking who it could have been, it was a girl's voice but it wasnt kirsty's or Kasey's.It was Zazuka Bones.He didnt expect to see her overhere but he had been thinking in mind to have a chat with her since he had explained Hades that she shouldnt have acted how she had that day.From that day he thought of Zazuka diffrently, she seemed friendly and nice."Hello Zazuka.How are you?"he asked her with a friendly smile.
Zazuka coughed to into her hand to try and ger her voice back to normal. She hopped off the log happy that he had noticed her. "Well enough. I wondered in hoping I could see if I could find a wormwood tree but then I realized that I don't know what that looks like." She said with a soft laugh. She sighed in her mind. Not only had her dreamness come back but she managed to lie well. The Triwizard tornament was fun to scream at for her friend and Wrock group leader but it seemed somehow a little empty without Andy who had been looking foward to seeing the first task too. She wraped her arms around her bare torso which she was starting to regret. She had let Kailey talk her into keeping the shirt on even though she had wanted to chainge.
"Wormwood? Why were you finding it?"he asked Zazuka suspiciously.Andrew knew how wormwood looked like and where to find it because had just been searching for it last wek for his aging potion."I know how it looks like, maybe I can help you find it"he offered.
Zazuka bit her bottom lip and thought quickly. If she took to long to give the answer Andrew would be sure to catch the lie. "I want to know what it looks like in it's natural state so I can maybe talk a little better with Mr. Ollivander. He's my boss you know." She said with one finger up. Yes! she had gotten it just in time that it didn't seem out of place. More over she just looked like she was emberresed that she wanted to impress her boss.

Maybe she could lie though she felt bad about it. Zazuka hadn't hidden her feelings since she was back home in Willow's Rain. Not that much anyway. Then she asked herself why she was liying to Andrew. Simple answer would be that she didn't want to seem whiny. "Oh could you? that would be a big help." She said with a brillent smile. She hadn't smiled like since Andy left but she didn't think too much on that.
This was the year in which Violet was trying to face her fears. She was flying whenever possible to face her fear of falling - which reminded her, she should fly with Angus at some point, so he wouldn't fail his Flying class - and she was going to the dungeons to face her claustrophobia...anything she was afraid of, she was trying to face.

At the moment, everyone seemed so preoccupied with the TriWizard Tournament, and the Quidditch pitch was out of use. Violet realised she could probably study in the library, or the common room, but there was something out in the grounds she had to face. And that was the Forbidden Forest. It was ridiculous, she went there for Herbology in her first year and ended up hyperventilating. Such a stupid, childish fear. She had to get over it.

Wrapping her coat around her chest, Violet stood with her arms folded, trying to look defiant in the face of her fear - the Forbidden Forest.

Come closer and see...see in to the trees... she sang inside her head, as she stepped closer to the edge.
Caysi heard walking, she lifted her head up and moved her head to the sound. She saw Violet, she didn't know if she would just go up and say hi to her. Caysi got up and stretched out and fixed up her skinny jeans and sweater, she flattened her toupee and went to see Violet. " Hey Violet." She said smiling.
"Of course I could"he said returning the smile."Your smile's very nice"he commented.He started walking inwards in the forest."We'll have to walk deeper if we wanna find wormwood."he informed her.

"How come you are alone? Where is Andromeda? And what about Brian, I havent seen him around this year.How come?"he asked Zazuka hoping that Brian hadnt decided to leave the school.
Zazuka went pink and felt her heart flutter. Stop that! Your to plain to even think about it. She scolded herself while walking after Andrew. Zazuka nodded then looked around. "I've never been that deep in the forest before." She said. Not since she had run in here to find Andy after she over heard Brian said that she wasn't stronge enough to deal with her condition but she had turned right back. Anderw mentioned Andy and a ping of sadness came back to her.

"Andy moved last week. Her mother and her mother's new husbend moved to France and shiped her off to Beauxbaton." She said as clearly as she could. Zazuka hoped to all the stars that her voice hadn't craked. "Brian on the other hasn't had much time to spend outside of Ravenclaw tower. His grades last year where not so good so he's trying to make up for it." She said. She felt a little brighter but was still sad that Brian wouldn't at lest come out for air.
"Oh I see, well it wont be dangerous because its daytime."he said thoughfully.He was a bit sad to here about Andy's shift but was happy that she had a new dad."Well it all happens for the good"he said to Zazuka."She was really friendly and helpful"he added remembering Andromeda's and his first meeting.

"Well a bit fresh air for Brian could always do good and he'd also be able to atleast try to feel Andy's space and not make you feel lonely but grades are important too."he said as he continued walking into the forest.He spotted mistletoe growing around trees and huge oak trees that made a path of sort where they were walking."So, whom do you hang out with these days?"he asked Zazuka hoping it wasn't Aurora Hades as he had remembered them being together that day.
Zazuka sighed softly. The forest really was a beautful place in her eyes. She spoted the mistletoe and rembered the year before when her Herbology class had to harvest it for the Yule Ball. She also remembered how Andy wouldn't go in to the forest, not at the time. "No one in particuler. I've sort of been avoiding people for a little bit. Andy was my best friend I don't think anyone will take her place. And anyway Brian has his own place as my best guy friend." She said almost thoughtfuly.

Zazuka wondered when she had desided to let her crush on Brian cool. Probobly at the same time her eyes started to follow Andrew out of class every time DADA was dismissed. "What about you? I've noticed you around more than last year." She said. She walked abit to close to a tree and a low branch cought her on her exposed side. She closed her eyes and and let out a low hiss but hoped that Andrew wouldn't make a big deal out of it.
"Yep, I know that."he said witha grin at Zazuka.He had somehow heard a rumour that Zazuka had a crush on Brian."I had been absent the whole of the second term last year because I found my godmother, or she found me and I had to move from the orphange to her manor in Australia.She's Mallory Malkin, you know her right?"he asked Zazuka having heard a lot from Mallory how she and Harriet had made Mallory give the biggest ammount of discount she had ever given.

"Are your parents from wizarding world or muggle world?"he asked Zazuka with intrest.Not that it would matter in their friendship or anything just as a question.Zauka was very bright at her studies and if she was from the muggle world that would just be fantastic."My mom was a witch but I never knew about it till last year so all my bringing up till now had been in a muggle orphanage."he expalined.
Zazuka gasped. "No way, I got my Yule ball dress last year from Ms. Malkin! I should remember to thank her one of thies days. I got a cuple of dances because of that dress." She said. The last part was a small joke. She knew that the only person that didn't know that she once had a crush on Brian was Brian himself but then again he hardly noticed anything anymore.

"You could say they from the muggle world. I'm from a place called Willow's Rain. It was isolated from the rest of the world by a forest of willow trees of corse how it got it's name. I used to walk the only path out of the small town for an hour to get to the next town where the library was. I spent alot of time out of the house because my family especially my father didn't like me much. My magic seemed to scare him, said it was the devil's gift what I had. At the moment I am disowned." She said looking down. It was nearing Chiristmas again and she again would try and make contact. Zazuka was sure it would turn out like the year before with no answer.
((toupee? :p))

Hearing a voice say her name, Violet jumped slightly, looking around in panic. "Um, um..." she started, until she saw that it was Caysi. She breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, it's you, Caysi!" she exclaimed. Violet stepped a little closer, putting a hand on the tree to stop herself from shaking. "What are you doing?" she asked.
"Oh! I am so sorry for you."he said thinking how Zazuka must have felt to talk about this."You have any siblings?I don't, I wish I could have someone close to my age a sister, maybe"he said going deep into a thought.The dream he always had where he had a family and her sister whose name according to his dream was Lucy.

"What electives do you think you'll take.I want to take Ancient runes and Arthimacy and Care Of Magical Creatures but I am not sure yet."he said looking around to see if they'd reach the spot yet.
Zazuka gave him a bright smile. "Don't be. It wan't very faverable for me at home so I think I was looking for any excuse to leave. Anyway I do have brothers but I'm guessing they only miss having me as a punching bag." She said with a sigh. Zazuka thought her bother's immature even if they where older than her but she bore them no ill will. She looked aroung as well. Zazuka had been tentitive about the forest ever since she had expirenced what Andy had in the forest.

"I'm looking forward to talking Divination, Ancient runes, and Arthimacy. Maybe I'll add Care Of Magical Creatures just to be with you." She said. Again the last part was a light joke and she signaled it by covering her mouth with her hand to hide a laugh. She would have actually talken it because she liked animals but she didn't want to sound like she may have feelings for Andrew. She did actually but she knew that she had little or no chance from what she had observed.
"I had some kids at the orphanage who had to share the bedroom with me and used me as there punching bag but once I knew I was a wizard, I was determined to teach them a lesson but unfortunately or fortunately I shifted."he said finally spotting a branch of wormwood.

"There, thats wormwood"he said pointing to a branch hanging over some bushes.I wont be able to reach it."he said with a sigh."Maybe we can get some a bit lower a bit far"he said and continued walking.

"OOO to be with me"he said laughing at the joke that Zazuka had just cracked."What animals would you like to study the most? I think it will be hipogrrifs(sp!) for me"he said walking further spotting something that looked like wormwood from far.
Zazuka thought about it while looking up at the sunshine though the trees. The spots where it could get though where becomeing few and far inbetween. Zazuka was used to the darkness of a dence forest because the thing she liked to do most at Willow's Rain was get 'lost' in the forest sarrownding the town but Zazuka was starting to grow uneasy here. She looked up and smiled. "So that's what worm wood looks like when not in a wand." Zazuka fingered her wand in her pocket but then he suggested to find some that was lower.

"Good idea." She said walking behind him. Zazuka thought it a sign that she was starting to become alright with the fact that Andy had moved that she could think about other things and not feel guilty. "I would love to learn about Nargles you know someone in our year has a phoba of them. I think they maybe friendly creatures if you know how to talk to them." She said looking around. She cluched the stich over her chest. She thought she had just heard something.
"Yeah, I thought you msut have seen it if you were doing Potions this tertm.are you? Well, Kasey told me that we'll have to search for some ingredients, wormwood included in our Potions class this year"he explained."I'm not having Potions this term but I knew it because once when I was wondering around here I saw it."he added.

"I have never heard about them"he said feeling rather embarassed.He had asked her the question and now he didnt know what she was talking about."he spotted another bush where the wormwood grew.This was lower so he walked closer to it and plucked it out of its tree(?)."Here, it feels like soft wood, don't you think so?"he asked her as he gave her the womwood and his hand toched hers and this made him turn crimson.

((Okay people you can join now since Zazuka has heard you.*come out come out from whereever you are* :lol: ))
Zazuka turned a crimson too when thier hands touched. It was also enberessment of being cought that turned her red. "It seems you cought the lie. I did collect wormwood and even grow it as part of the Wild Patch Club your right though it does feel like soft wood. The real reason I came in here was..." She stoped and closed her eye only to open them again.

Images where starting to flash before her eyes but she could not make sence of any of them. She didn't even know what she was seeing it was all going to fast and looked like a strob light was distrorting everything. The sucession of images made her dizzy. She wobbled and tryed to take sopport on a tree only to recoil as if it had burned her. More images came to her from the tree but again she couldn't understand anything of what was happening. She felt her body go weak and started to fall. Phisicly it looked abit like she was having a panic attack because her breath had gotten labored.
Andrew grew curious to know the real reasop why Zazuka had come here.He was sure it hadn't anything to do with him because they had met accidentally.He waited for her to tell him but suddenly, something very odd happened.

She was starting to fall but she tried to take a tree's support.Her hands weren't helping her in doing that.Andrew put his right arm to prevent her from falling and caught her by her waist.He would have blushed at the sight but this wasnt the time.This was something serious."Zazuka, can u here me? are you allright he asked her as he carried her in his arms and made her seat by a tree where enough sunlight was available."Zuka?? Are you okay?"he asked her again worried like hell.

(i have to go.bye see u later)
Zazuka seemed Ok while in Anderw's arms but she couldn't speak. Once on the ground again the images came back with a vengence. Still they where distorted and it made her breath hard again then it all seemed to stop as quickly as it had come. She looked up not bothering to fix her glasses which had sliped down to the end of her nose. Her pitch black eyes, usually sparkaling with what looked like stars, where now cold, dead and empty. She tilted her head as if she was seeing him for the first time.

Zazuka or whatever was contorling Zazuka at the time reached up and passes her fingers on the side of his face as if to clear a piece of hair from his face. "There is no such thing as coincedence there is only Inevitability. Remember that." She said. Her voice was like something out of a horrer movie. Soft yet harsh and it sounded as if it were coming from somewhere far and echoie. She breathed in deeply, looking like whatever was talking though Zazuka was going back to where it came from. Zazuka herself droped back against the tree and went limp, her hand droping to her side. Finally her eyes futtered closed.
Violet could've sworn she heard voices speaking nearby. Familiar voices, people she knew from school. The voices, one in particular, seemed to be getting slightly more worried and panicky. "What was that?" she asked, frightened. She looked in to the deep, dark forest, trying to see in to the depths to find the source of the voices, but she couldn't see anything. Blindly, she walked forward, ignoring the throb of her heart in her chest. She knew she had to be careful of her heart, she was born with a heart condition and although she'd had surgery, her heart was still delicate. And she was prone to panic attacks, which did not make a good combination.

Violet stumbled further and further forward, afraid that she would become lost and something would attack her, but curiosity keeping her going. She knew she knew those voices. She was certain of it. Perhaps somebody was in trouble. "Who...who's there?" she called, her voice shaking. "Who's there?" she cried again, louder.

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