Open A Walk Between The Roses

Evelyn Manning

Owner of EVELYN Fashionbrand & Model Agency ⭐
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 11 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
One of Evelyn's favorite places was the Rosebush. She loved the flowers very much and since it was Valentine time she figured it would be nice to pick another rose for her nightstand. She refreshed it every week and mostly picked out the red ones. The blonde was so distracted with a lot of thoughts that she forgot to send roses. She could let them send to her friends easily and she was gonna give them a present soon at the end of this adventure to remind them of how much they ment to her. Evelyn liked to give out gifts to others, she liked it when people were happy. But gifts weren't anything she knew. That was not how you made real friends and she had learned that here at Hogwarts. Her friends liked her for who she was and not how much she gave them. When the blonde was younger that was different. People only wanted to hang out with her because of the beautiful stuff she had and the nice toys she and Espen had. The blonde walked arond the Rosebush and enjoyed the fresh air for a moment. Perhaps here were other people she never had spoke with or just people she didn't saw often. Evelyn didn't really liked to be alone, but sometimes it felt nice to just have a moment of rest, but not too long.
Emilia had been happy since Valentine's day, as the day had been a magical one with Derek sending her a lot of roses and dancing with her at the dance. But then, not long after, he had participated in a game of spin the bottle without her. Emilia had heard about it too, but she hadn't even thought about going. She was dating Derek, so why would she want to kiss anyone else? Acacia and Analei had told her about it, and had told her he had only kissed girls on the cheek, but still... it made her sad and unsure about herself. Her thoughts about it kept changing. Sometimes she felt like she was being a little dramatic about it, as it had just been a game. But other times she felt like she should be angry about it, like her friends had been on her behalf. But what was the right reaction? What had his reason been? She knew she should probably talk to him, but wasn't sure how to start the conversation. If she was honest, she had been avoiding him for a few days because she wasn't sure. The girl was taking a walk among the rose bushes, as she enjoyed this part of the Hogwarts grounds. She looked up as she heard someone else walk around, and was surprised to see her older cousin Evelyn. Emilia hesitated, then headed over. "Hi Evelyn..." She said shyly, realizing that she could ask her older cousin for advice.
Evelyn tried to pick out the most beautiful roses to bring along. She didn't cared if it wasn't allowed. The blonde wanted to pick some before she left Hogwarts for sure. And she would take them home, when they would get old she would remember that she picked them when she was on the school. The blonde than heard a voice calling her name and turned around with a rose in her hand, but than poked with her hand at one of the thorns. It hurted a bit! '' Auch.. Hey Emilia!'' she than said while putting her finger in her mouth. She had want to speak to her cousin so badly after the Valentines Dance and was glad to run into her like this. '' How are you doing? The year is going fast right?'' Evelyn than said with a smile. And put her finger out of her mouth.
Emilia noticed her cousin was picking roses, and wondered why. She also wondered if it was even allowed, but realized Evelyn would probably know the rules better than she did as she had been here longer. "Are you okay?" She asked as her cousin pricked herself on the thorns. She didn't seem that hurt, but the question had been an automatic response. "Hi." She added belatedly. She nodded at Evelyn's question. "Too fast." She said softly. "I don't want you to graduate..." She added softly. Then there was Evelyn's other question, which Emilia took a moment to answer. "I'm... I'm a bit troubled. Could I ask you for advice?" She asked softly. "It's... about... my boyfriend." She blushed brightly. She hadn't actually told Evelyn she had a boyfriend yet, and felt miserable as she realized that might be the last time she said it. Derek could be tired of her, maybe that was why he had gone to the spin the bottle game. What would she do if that was true?
The blonde was glad to see her cousin. Emilia was always so kind to people and hoped that she would be treatend that way also by others. Evelyn didn't liked bullies or unkind people. Sometimes people could think that way of her, but she was just honest and had no intention of hurting people. Evelyn smiled shortly as Emilia agreed with her how fast the time went. '' I know right. It's weird to be leaving this place. But I try to make the best out of the time I still have here. This is one of my favorite places here.'' Evelyn than explained to her cousin with a smile. Emilia her face seemed to change when she asked how she was doing and Evelyn hoped that everything was ok. And that Emilia and Athena would help eachother out if necassary with things. '' Sure! Ofcourse you can. What's up?'' The blonde asked curious. Evelyn wanted to help out her cousin with anything. And when she mentioned her boyfriend the blonde was glad she brought it up herself. She had been seeing her and a boy at the dance. The blonde than smiled again. '' Your boyfriend? Was that the boy you were on Valentines Dance? Lucas and I saw you. It looked cute.'' Evelyn smiled and winked at Emilia for a moment. But than she looked serious again, perhaps she wanted to know stuff about relationships or anything. Evelyn started to walk a bit further and hoped Emilia would walk along with her.
It was a small comfort to the girl to hear that Evelyn was having a hard time with graduation too. Emilia wished her cousin could just... stay. Stay at school with her. Evelyn was someone she looked up to and went to for advice and support, if she wasn't here to talk to... Emilia would feel even more lost. "I'll write you a lot." She said quietly, lowering her gaze. She was glad that Evelyn listened to her question, but felt herself grow embarrassed as she had to admit Derek was her boyfriend. She blushed as Evelyn asked her it was the boy from the dance, and blushed even more when she said it had looked cute. Emilia hid her face behind her hair a bit. "Yes, that's him." She said softly. "His name is Derek, and he's wonderful... he's so nice to me and he calls me a princess." She bit her lip, feeling flutters in her stomach at saying these things out loud. It shouldn't be embarrassing, perhaps, but it kind of was. "But... now something happened." She muttered. "There was this game, hosted by a girl in my year. Spin the bottle. And... well, Derek went to it. My friends told me he only kissed girls on the cheeks but... but... why would he go if we are dating? I don't get it..." Worry crept into her voice. "Do you think he's tired of me?"

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