Honestly, I have to say this: Don't go there, girlfriend.
Sorry to be brutal, but you can't force these kind of things. Even if he doesn't act completely straight, if he's confident in his sexuality, you shouldn't try and pressure him to change. Heck, sometimes I don't act all that straight but I can assure you, I am. Sexuality is not something you can change, so don't try it. You'll just end up hurting him (and yourself).
Do be his friend. He probably needs some space, but just stick by him, be the shoulder to cry on or whatever. If you can stand it. Even if you want be anything more to him, I wouldn't leave him just because you can't be more to him.
I have a guy friend who used to work with me. Now, I had the biggest crush on him, and though I never told him, I was really obvious about it, enough so that he gently let me down. He's one of thsoe guys who likes a specific type of girl...in his case older and Asian. I'm younger and caucasian, no chance for me.

Now we're hanging out again, bonding over our mutual love of Ace Attorney. And I hung out with him on Wednesday, and my god, now he has GLASSES, and I seriously have a thing for guys with glasses...ahaha. But I know I'll never be what he wants in a girl so I'll just avoid making myself look like an arse and I'll keep cool this time. It hurts but I'll deal with it, I know I'll find someone one day.
And you too, Luis. You're younger than me, aren't you? You have years, years! And I'm sure you'll find someone who makes you feel the same way...and who requites your feelings. Trust me. I'm only 18...I'm not thinking of getting married until I'm about thirty. I want to find myself before I can find someone else. So, although it hurts, just sit back and wait.
Sorry if that was harsh. Just saying what I think.
Oh, sorry I've been so inactive, btw. I've been majorly stressed out and unmotivated. I failed first year uni. FAILED. FIRST YEAR. ARTS. That's depressing. I just...I just lost all motivation, though I tried, I did try! Now I'll be getting a full time job so I'm earning money instead of wasting money being at uni and not knowing what to do. I'll have to find myself before I can decide what I want to study.
So yeah. I just haven't been able to RP. I'm a bit of a wreck.