A Sweet Rose

Evelyn Manning

Owner of EVELYN Fashionbrand & Model Agency ⭐
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 11 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Evelyn had one more delivery for today and was a bit tired of bringing around It was sure much fun, but she was a bit done with it and hoped there would be a rose for her too. The blonde decided to go outside because she hadn't been all day and heard she could find this girl here. She had to look for a young Hufflepuff, because she was a first year. Those were easy to find a bit shorter than she was. Evelyn was quiet tall for her age and she prefered that more than being small. When she arrived at a spot where a few first years were sitting the blonde put on her bright smile and called out the name of the girl. '' April Ward?'' and looked around if anyone reacted.
The day was ending and April had gotten a few roses already. She wanted to spend the last few moments of the day outside with some of her friends, and they were sitting in the grass and chatting about the roses they had gotten. She looked up when a girl called her name, already hoping it was another one. It was! She jumped up and waved at the girl. "Here!"
Evelyn was lucky because April was here. So the student that pointed out the way was right. The girl responded and she seemed VERY happy. Evelyn smiled at this enthusiastic first year. She was wondering if this girl would always be so happy. '' Hi April. I'm Evelyn and here is your rose.'' the blonde said with a smile to the younger girl and pointed out the rose towards her. It was a yellow one and it was suitable for a Hufflepuff. Evelyn was wondering how the girl would react.
April bounced up and down as the older girl talked to her. "Oh wow! Thanks!" She said eagerly, she took the rose from her and sniffed it. She grinned."I love yellow! And roses! Thanks!" She smiled. "Is there a note?" She was curious who it was from, she impatiently looked at the girl.

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