Old School Week A Slimy Companion

Ana Sofia Burleigh

artist🌻figuring it out
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Bi)
Sexual Orientation
Curved 12 Inch Flexible Alder Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
6/2040 (21)
Ana Sofia had been making her way through the castle looking for some inspiration or a new place to make art, her feet having taken her all the way up to the fifth corridor. She was just about to decide she wasn't going to find what she was looking for here when she heard the vague sound of something hopping along the floor. Ana noticed a small toad right in front of her feet and didn't hesitate to pick it up, looking around to see where it came from. "Excuse me, did you lose your toad?" She asked the first student to pass her, holding out the toad for them to look at.
Leonardo was stopped by an older student and was presented with a toad..."Oh I didn't, but my roommate might've," Leo wasn't sure if Felix had lost his toad, and really couldn't remember whether it was a frog or a toad that he had.
Ana Sofia nodded when it turned out this boy hadn’t lost a toad, cocking her head when he mentioned his roommate. “Do you think it could’ve hopped all the way up here?” She asked curiously.
"We're both Hufflepuffs, so...maybe," he wasn't sure about if it was Felix's frog but perhaps it was.
Ana Sofia wasn’t sure if toads could take on the hogwarts stairs but if they could this one could be anyone’s. “Oh well I’ll just hang on to it then so if it turns out to be his I can give it back?
Nate had tried to practice a toad-vomiting jinx he'd seen, but it had backfired with his bent wand. He'd spent an hour in the lavatory throwing them up and finally felt well enough to leave. When he did, he spotted a girl holding a slimy toad, maybe one of his, and felt sick all over again. He vomited another toad on the floor.
"Or it might be because of him," Leo said pointing to the boy vomitting up a toad.
Ana’s eyes grew wide when she noticed the other boy vomiting toads, looking at the one in her hands before calling out to him. “You alright there?” She asked, not realizing she was still holding what might potentially be a vomited toad.
Nate pressed a hand to his mouth and glared at the girl. "I'M VOMITING TOADS?!" He shouted angrily. "Do I, hurk. Do I look alright to you?" He spluttered, and ran back into the lavatory to fill up the toilet bowl with more.
Van could not believe what she was seeing across the corridor. "Oh my God, he's puking frogs!" she shouted, as the Slytherin dashed back into the toilets. "Has anyone got a camera?"
"No I don't," Leonardo no longer had a phone or camera in the magical world. "Would finite stop it?" he asked.
Ana Sofia flinched when the boy shouted at her, a little surprised when another girl wanted to capture the moment. “Yeah, maybe it would.” She responded, not keen on following the toad vomiting boy into the lavatory.
"Really? No one's got on of them cameras?" Van said. "Damn, I wanted a picture of him in the bog. It would have been perfect for his yearbook photo." She opened the lavatory door and leaned in. "ARE YOU ALL RIGHT IN THERE? DO YOU WANT PROFESSIONAL HELP, OR DO YOU WANT ONE OF US TO TRY FINITE?"
Leonardo waited to hear the boy's answer.
Ana Sofia listened as the younger girl called out, wondering if the boy would even be able to respond between all of his vomiting.
"BOTH." Nate hollered back. The book had said that only waiting or some types of fudge would stop it, but it didn't hurt to try. He spat out another toad and stumbled back into the hall. "God please, someone, hurrgh. Someone try something." He groaned.
Blue had been daydreaming, letting the noise of the corridor wash over her until she caught wind of shouting and something about vomiting. "Excuse me, I think you'd aught to rather take him to the hospital wing. Quickly now," she called from her frame.

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