a night time stroll

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
Elvera opened the huge froung doors of the castle. it was about midnight but she didnt mind. she sliped outside like a goast. only the glow of the little light reflecting of her skirt would show anyone that she was there. she wanderd barefoot accross the lawn, Elvera didnt feel the cold. the dew on the gress felt somewhat refreshing. she wasnt walking but more like dancing, although she didn't notice she left no footprints. when she finally got to the very center of the lawn. only then did she stop and look up. the sky was full of stars, as she knew it would be, she could feel it. she sat down and then leyed back so that she wouldnt have to strain her neck. a strange seeling came over her she felt as though she was sawing through the stars, and she could feel her name being called Elvera, Elvera, come home but she didn't recognize the voices they seemed otherworldly and they were singing it in such a haunting melody that she felt like she had to obey. she kept flying and although she didn't realize it her body was starting to fall into a deep sleep.

((wow that is one strange dramatic RP, and i admire anyone who is able to answer it))
Andrew decided to breath the cool night air for once instead of the heavy dark air of the dungeons.He put on a black coat, to protect his body temprature to fall. He walked out of the castle gates, which were open, lucky him! He walked down a lawn. Although it was dark, the moonlight assited his vision and he could see a pearly white glow, maybe it was a dwarf ghost he thought. As he walked further, he realized that this was no ghost it was a student.

He had seen her a few times but hadn't talked to her. Is she sleeping, or has she fainted? Maybe she's fanited he thought as he bent over her to check her pulse. They were fine. He used his finger to push back a strand of hair from her face. He moved back to let the moonlight fall on his face. He coughed, not knowing her name, he didnt know what to do, to bring her attention. He didnt know if it was a right thing to do.
Elvera felt something telling her to go back to her body. she didn't want to, she wanted to stay in this carefree place forever. slowly she returned to her body. when she had fully arrived she took a deep breath to refill her lungs and then she opened her eyes. she blinked, there was someone standing over her. "who are you"she asked to the boy hoping she didn't seem rude. She had passed him a couple of times, but she had never spoken to him. then thinking it would be polite to introduce herself she said "I am Elvera Le Fey, you probably think i am weird out here." although she knew full well that she didn't care if he thought her weird.

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