Closed A New Family Member

Teila Owens-Lee

foodie | child care social worker | mother of one
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Killian <3)
Sexual Orientation
Killian <3
Straight 12 Inch Swishy Pear Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Teila admittedly was a lot happier since quitting her job at the Makutu Dinette and working at the children’s orphanage in America. She had been wanting a child of her own for a very long time, and with her clock ticking, and her relationships never turning out the way she wanted them to, she knew it was the best decision to adopt the little boy that she had soon fallen in love with at the orphanage. He was only seven, but had been looking at a home for a while, and even knew a lot more about the orphanage than she did. She had only been working there for 12 months, but he had taught her many things and the pair of them had bonded a lot. Today she was taking him to meet the rest of their family and she couldn’t be more proud, nervous and excited at the same time.

Teila held Dominic’s hand as they walked up the driveway of the Owens-Lee residence. She had forgotten how big it was and she swore the big tree was hanging even lower in front of the porch. The woman kept a hold of her new son’s hand as she knocked on the wooden door with the other. Despite knowing everything would turn out perfectly, the woman still couldn’t help but be anxious about what was going to happen.
Dominic loved living in the orphanage. The boy knew no better than its walls. The only time he was ever allowed out was during field trips, where they only ventured to places around America, and no way had Dominic seen anything like New Zealand before. His new mother was taking him there, and he couldn’t be happier that it was Teila. Teila had been the nicest to him. She gave him homemade doughnuts and scones as a treat, even if he didn’t eat his greens during dinner time, and she was always so understanding of him.

Dominic held onto Teila’s hand tightly as they approached the giant house. He didn’t know much of who he was meeting today, but hoped that they would all be at least around his age as it would give him some new people to play with. He wasn’t nervous at all and was just excited to be entering a new home and meeting those that he could finally call family.
Gwen couldn’t be more excited about the visitor that was coming today. In fact, it wasn’t a visitor at all and was actually her very first nephew. She was delighted meeting baby Aiya for the first time. A niece seemed like a great idea, but she was barely any fun yet as she was still a baby and vomited on Gwen whenever she tried throwing her up into the air to make her laugh. A six year old sounded really cool and Gwen definitely could not wait to meet him.

As Gwen heard the familiar knock on the door, she was the first to jump up from the lounge and greet them, pushing mother Betrys out of the way as she raced for it. She opened the door, a beaming smile on her face as she looked down at the small boy. She imagined him to be taller, but he was very small, and she hoped that she would still be able to have some fun with him nonetheless. “Hey! I’m Gwen!” she exclaimed as her mothers popped up behind her, also greeting them. The former Gryffindor smiled at her sister before stepping aside to let them in. “Come in and tell me everything!”
Cadell had been having a rough patch in his life, even with a soon-to-be toddler who was so full of life. He loved her to bits, but she took up a lot of his time, especially with his wife constantly going away for work. He had to take a step back in photo taking as he simply didn’t have enough time for it anymore. Everything was draining him at the moment, and his mothers joked saying that she was the reason he wasn’t able to cut his hair anymore. Sora had been a wonderful wife in the beginning, but he was really starting to question the person she had become since having a child.

Teila was going to be bringing her new son over for everyone to meet, and so the man had taken Aiya with him from Japan to see his older sister. Sora said she was too busy to come, and so Cadell just agreed with her and took Aiya by himself. Sometimes he preferred it without her though, and he just hoped Aiya would behave herself whilst she would meet her new cousin.

A knock on the door had alerted the house that Teila had arrived, and Cadell slowly woke up a sleeping Aiya in his arms so he could make his way over to the door with her and greet her. Teila was looking very happy, and this gave Cadell the idea that perhaps she only took the job at the orphanage so she could adopt a child. She had wanted one for ages, and he didn’t know why else she would give up the job at the Dinette.

“Teila! It’s lovely to see you.” Cadell said, pulling her in with his free arm. He looked down at the small boy. “Hey there, my name is Cadell. I’m Teila’s best sibling, and also your best uncle.” He joked, giving him a small wink.
The familiar sound of running footsteps towards the door gave Teila a large smile that she couldn’t wipe off her face. She had missed living at home and was so eager to catch up with all of her siblings again. She knew Gwen would be the first to open the door and beamed back at her as her parents also appeared. “This is Dominic.” she said, introducing the three of them to her new son. She happily entered the house upon Gwen’s request, not letting go of Dominic’s hand as she did so. It was then that Cadell appeared with Aiya seemingly half asleep in his arm. She gave him a small hug back, not sure whether or not he wanted her to be awake. He looked behind him to see if his wife would follow, but it seemed that she was nowhere to be seen.

Teila chuckled a little as Cadell made a joke. “You wish.” she said back to him, making her way over to the lounge with Dominic. She sat down, looking around and taking in the familiar environment before realising who was missing. “Speaking of siblings however, where are Marc and Trystan?” The woman didn’t dare ask about Sora, but she really wanted to see her brothers to see if they would like Dominic and vice versa.
Teila, or should he say his mother, had quite a big family. It was even bigger than Dominic ever imagined. A lady with bright red hair answered the door, and an older lady with dark hair came up behind her followed by another. They all greeted him. The red head introduced herself as Gwen whilst the two older ladies seemed to be their mothers. “Cool.” he said simply in response to them with a small nod. Dominic had never heard of a situation before where a family had two mothers and no father, and it just interested the boy more as he learnt that it was possible.

Another person came to the door and this time it was a man. He had long raggedy hair and was carrying a small child who seemed to be his daughter. He hugged Teila before introducing himself as Cadell and Teila’s best brother, and also his best uncle. He seemed to like to make jokes, and Dominic just nodded and smiled as he walked in and sat down on the lounge with his mother.

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