A New Face

Adriana Clarke

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust

[color=186578]BUT I'D LIKE TO GET TO KNOW YOU[/color]
[color=B0C4DE]YES I WOULD IF I COULD[/color]
[color=186578]Ariana made her way into the Great Hall and sat at the usual table.[/color]Though others were around her she wasn't concerned with them. The one thing she was focused on, however, was trying to figure out how to write when her wrist was injured. It seemed as if that one girl in Obsidian Harbour just wanted to make sure Adriana's first couple of weeks were just going to be harder than they had to be. It's not like she was having trouble making friends. She had a couple close ones, a couple acquaintances too. No matter, the poor girl wasn't comfortable here just yet. Her legs were crossed under the table and her free hand was struggling to pick up a quill.

Fail after fail, it proved to be almost as difficult as when she tried to ride on her cousin's broom a few years back. Eventually she just slammed the feather down and huffed. Adriana rested her head on the table and observed her surroundings, seeing a girl or two or maybe even a teacher pass through the hall. There wasn't anyone to talk to! She shut her eyes and tried to rest, after all she wasn't even that hungry. No matter how hard Adriana tried, she couldn't even sleep. Though, now that she thought about it, that would be a little embarrassing. And then her mind floated to the time a couple of girls had drawn on her face when she fell asleep back home... The girl sighed and sat back up, not sure what to do with herself.

[color=186578]words[/color] 262

Hell is empty and all the devils are here
Fifth year. OWL year. So much that would be done in this year. Lily Fossil was ready for this year. She didn't have distractions. There were no thoughts of dance. No boys, no friends. Lily was herself, alone and ready to overthrow all power and take it for herself. She knew that there had been a supposed new Queen B. Some first year, but this was not something that even remotely bothered Lily Fossil. Queen B was a title that really didn't mean anything anymore. Not that Lily had ever followed the ruling. She had always found that it was more like the Queen of England. Ultimately had no power. And only power in dire situations. That and if it was needed to disband the government that was in power. There had been a time, where Lily had spent hours pouring over history books that contained all of Great Britain's history. It had been part of her history course at the last school she'd attended. But, now all she studied in History was rubbish about Merlin and things of that Sort. Lily tried to not to be bitter about the subjects, she enjoyed them - to a certain extent - but, they were nothing compared to what she'd done previously. The two schools were very different, and Lily couldn't help but make the contrast between the two. It wasn't great since, she'd promised herself that she'd never think of it this year. Just in small seconds, she did. Lily Fossil was now a fifth year. She was close to graduating. And it was somewhat duanting. But even that to her seemed a million miles away. And Lily just wanted to escape and move on from school. Whether it was muggle or magic. Lily hadn't spoken much since her arrival back at school. She'd not really bothered with those around her. It was probably quite weird for a fifth year to have no friends, but Lily hadn't ever bothered to make friends. Apart from Ava. Who was more like a girl she prefered being on good terms with. Perhaps verging upon calling it friendship. But, ever since her return Lily had not even heard a whisper about the girl.

Lily Fossil was dressed in a smart outfit. Lily had given up casual a while before. The most causal thing she owned was her uniform. And even that was matched with heels. Lily worked hard on her appearance, she followed the lastest trend, and worked hard on her hair to achieve a perfect wave effect in her long brown hair. She had grown a lot over the summer. Now standing at the average height of a fifth year. Added onto that were the heels. Lily had long legs, which only greatly showed her dancer's build. Lily had developed in more ways than that. As her father now said, she was a women, a young adult. Lily hadn't at any point wanted her mother around during the development. She had known her father's awkwardness but, it wasn't an easy topic anyway. And most of the things, he spoke of, Lily had already known about. Health class in her last school, had taught them all from a young age what to expect and as a dancer what to do. It had proved useful for Lily, but none of that really mattered. Lily worked hard on her appearance. And it showed. Lily didn't care that it did. She wanted people to see that she actually tried. Although Lily didn't seem like the type she thought she wasn't actually pretty unless she had make up on. Or was dressing in a certain way. Lily loved fashion and wouldn't change it for the world, but there were times, where she wished to be able to leave her dorm, in just a t-shirt and jeans, with no make up on. But, Lily didn't think she was pretty enough. On this day, Lily was going to Great Hall. She was slightly hungry and had hoped to catch her half-brother Oscar. Lily Fossil didn't often speak to her brother, but she really wanted to know if her brother was okay with her being around school. However upon arriving Lily could not see her brother, so just went to sit at the Slytherin table. As Lily sat, she noticed a girl, who looked like a first year, with her head upon the table, or books. Lily couldn't make it out. She took a glass and poured herself a drink. It was then, the first year seemed to "wake up" and sighed. Lily took the glass and had a small sip. She wasn't sitting to far from the girl, so Lily coughed loudly at her.

"Excuse me, Sighing girl. I wouldn't sigh if I were you." Lily said to her in a cold tone. "Be glad you can sit here, at this table. If you don't want to be a slytherin go join the hufflepuffs. Or the gryffindors. I'm sure they have plenty of sighing people, since they are so pathetic." Lily snapped at her. Lily took a deep breath. She got annoyed when the first years didn't realise how grateful they should be about getting into Slytherin. "Be happy you are in Slytherin. I'm sure what ever is currently wrong, isn't as bad as if you'd been sorted into Hufflepuff."

Word Count - 889
Outfit - Link

[color=186578]BUT I'D LIKE TO GET TO KNOW YOU[/color]
[color=B0C4DE]YES I WOULD IF I COULD[/color]

Alright now she was hearing things. The poor girl almost believed that there wasn't a girl making noises and actually talking to her, let alone the type of girl that Lily appeared to be. While at a previous school it seemed that those girls didn't like her much, or cared to talk with her. Maybe it was due to intimidation, or jealousy. Well, that's what Adriana liked to think. In reality it was probably because they were too wrapped up in their perfume-smelling, always-shopping, perfect world. For this reason she had come to idolize these girls, wanting nothing more than to be one. The fact that she had gotten into the 'meaner' of all the houses even intensified this flame within her. It seemed as if things were going to go right at this rate. Previously, she had met a couple of girls whom might just get her where she needed to be.

Though the naivety of the young first year was evident, that was for sure. After all, no matter how much of a fashionista the was in her own right, her outfit paled in comparison to the elder. Her dress was a little too dark for her taste, but she had woken up late and didn't have much time to plan out an outfit. Though at least the shoes were comfortable. Wedges were always a good choice. She couldn't help but admire the girl, but not obviously. After all that would be strange, not to mention totally degrading in every way possible. The last thing she needed was someone to call her a wannabe or a follower. Those days were long gone. She was going to get to the top, even if she had to stomp on everyone on her way up. Was that heartless? No. It was just blind ambition. For the longest time Adriana had been hidden in the background. Someone was always better than her at something, or someone just got more attention. As a result she had developed a temper. Well, if that's what she needed to get seen, then so be it. So far it seemed to be working, after all she already had an enemy. Really all an enemy was is someone who wanted to be like you and failed. It's all about jealousy. Though at the same time, she hated the idea of hurting people so badly. It was as if there was an angel and a devil on her shoulder all the time, telling her two different things to do. Eventually one would have to win, yet Adriana had no idea which would win, hopefully the devil.

She looked to Lily and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "Please. I know I'm lucky to be here. I'm sighing because a stupid ravenclaw girl threw a rock at my wrist." The raven haired girl paused for a moment, not sure if she should attempt to act nice with her. "The rude little thing didn't even attempt to apologize. I swear the nerve of some people is just disgusting." Just the thought of her new nemesis sent her blood into boil. If she had apologized maybe the relationship could at least be civil, but no, she didn't. As a result, Adriana found her extremely rude, disrespectful, and downright repulsive. Yet her air remained the same, calm and collected, only smirking a little. "I'd rather choke than be a 'puff. They're so spineless." A small chuckle escaped her lips, remembering some hufflepuff girl she had met not too long ago. "It's kind of funny, actually." Adriana gave Lilly one last look, maybe with admiration, but definitely not anything close to idolization or desire to be her.

words 615
outfit Link

Hell is empty and all the devils are here
Lily couldn't help but notice the way the girl looked to her. As if, there was an almost admiration. Lily was the type to notice that. Lily wondered why. She knew that her clothes were perfect for her body shape and her sitting perfectly, but Lily had found admiring others to be a waste of time. She was much more the type who just tried to be herself. Although her style was very much like the other rich, fashionisita girls in the school. Lily knew that fashion wasn't exactly something that made an individual but, it was the way it was worn. For instance Lily always tried to be a little modest in her clothing choice, where as there were other girls who left nothing to the imagination. Which was something Lily liked having. Of course, since her body had gone through changes, she couldn't help but flaunt them slightly. And heels were just the way to go. The younger girl seemed quite interesting to Lily. It had never occured to her, to try to make a girl like her. Lily had always been pretty busy involved in her dance, and her own life to even consider teaching another girl how to dress, and act like a b!tch. If she was honest the didn't look like she needed much work. A little brush up here and there, and all would be fixed. Teaching her the Slytherin ways would be as easy as one two three. Lily smiled to herself as she thought of this. As the girl, replied to her, Lily found herself, taking her glass and moving so she sat in front of the girl. It was weird to be thinking in such terms, as how could I make this girl better. But, if Lily wanted something, she usual got it, so she knew she could do this. Even though she had OWLs and other things to do, making a mini her, or mini evil b!tch seemed like a good way to pass the time inbetween classes. "If you had done that, would you have apologized?" Lily asked, wondering why the girl would bother. It would just be a lot easier to just claim to have done it on purpose. Accidentally hurting someone, wasn't great, but it taught them to stay completely away. As far as away as possible.

"Let me see your wrist. I was a dancer, I can see how bad it is." Lily instructed the girl. She had had a little training in minor dancer injuries, and while wrists were not something that dancers usually had problems with, it wasn't completely uncommon. "I think even the pathetic little Hufflepuffs realise how pathetic they truly are. If they didn't, I'm sure they'd fight back. Or act least attempt to act more like the rest of us." Lily had once had a few Hufflepuff half-friends. She hadn't been that interest, but having people around had been nice. She now longer cared for it. "It's seriously annoying that we have to do classes with them. I don't mind doing classes with Ravenclaws. I mean they understand the importance of power, but, god, Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors." Lily knew she was acting quite nice to the girl. Though her tone dripped with hatred, annoyance and was just in general cold. Lily met the girl's eyes, and smiled slightly, a small sly smile. "I'm Lily. Lily Fossil. You are?" Lily held out a hand to the girl, while using her other hand to move several strands of her hair from her face. Lily wasn't often this nice to first years. Or anyone. Mostly Lily would lay on the insults until the other girl cracked. The only other person that Lily had a slightly different relationship with was Jaden. Lily had decided on neutrality with her, but Jaden knew more about her than anyone else, and it scared her slightly. Lily found that she was nice to her, and Jaden was nicer to Lily. Mutuality. "You should know, I am not this nice to others. I mean, I wouldn't generally even talk to you. So, count yourself somewhat lucky." Lily knew the girl would probably think she was a self centered b!tch who thought of nothing but herself, and in reality Lily was okay with that, since that was exactly what she was.

Word Count - 723
Outfit - Link

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