Closed A New Chapter

Professor Landon Carter

herbology 1-4 | laid-back | father of 4 girls
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Alder Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
September, 2054​

Landon had been waiting for this day for a while now, and he couldn't help but be extremely excited about it. He was expanding his family even more and for all of the right reasons. He knew adopting was always an option, even before having a child of his own, but he didn't think he'd ever bring himself to do it. It was disheartening what the Davenport children had gone through and the man just couldn't bare it to see them go off into the foster system and be adopted by people they didn't even know. Lauren was comfortable with him now, and he was comfortable with her too, and even though they were only deciding to foster her and her sister first before adopting, Landon knew this was going to be one of his best ideas yet.

"Now, try not to trip over any of the plants on your way up." Landon said to Lauren as they walked along the driveway to his home. "Some of them are growing way outside of their pots and I'll need to repot them soon." The bad part about being at Hogwarts all of the time was that the man had trouble looking after his plants, especially ones that needed his attention all of the time. A large pot of wandering jew was branching out onto the driveway, and he made sure to guide Lauren around it as they made their way to his front door. "Now, let me just find the key..." He knew he could knock on the door and Georgiana would answer, but he wanted to show Lauren his home first. He reached inside his pockets for his bundle of keys, going through each until he found the right one. He then put it inside the door, opening it up to reveal their living space. He couldn't help the smile on his face as he waited to see Lauren's reaction to her new home.
Lauren was exciting for today but also nervous. She couldn't believe that she would have an new home and she had an feeling that this would actually gonna feel like one. She was carefull with wishing too much and attaching to something, because her trusting people was hard after all she have been through. But Landon was really the most fatherly she had ever experianced. And she adored the man, which had been her head of house. The blonde was really glad her youngest sister Camille could come along. She hoped the girl wouldn't be as traumatised and that she was still to be safed by love of other people than her own parents. The trial had been really heavy and it was painfull to see how much her parents and June hated her. Her parents would be in Azkaban for five years, and although it sounded long she was already afraid of what would happen if those years were over. But she tried not to let her live be decided by that.

As Lauren walked along with Landon she was excited to live in New Zealand. She had thought about finding an place of her own, but she had no job and no money anymore. Also she didn't want to disturb Gabriella and Marcos by moving in there. So when Landon wanted to foster her and her youngest sister she was relieved. As Landon spoke of plants and that she needed to be carefull she grinned. Ofcourse he had, he was herbology professor.'' Does your wife like plants?'' She than asked him, she needed to because otherwise there was no enjoying livin here she figured. As they stood in front of the door she looked around. It was like she was just visiting this place. She needed to get used to it ofcourse. And try to feel safe here, and from than onwards trying to find an job or any passion. And when the door opened she curiously looked inside. It looked very warm and nice at first and she was curious at Landon's wife. '' It looks.. great.'' The blonde than said. Camilla was coming soon too, but first Lauren could have some time to adjust.

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