A month away from HNZ?

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Estrella Drage

Obliviator for MACUSA | HNZ 1st Graduating Class
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status

Yep, that's right. I've been thinking about this for a pretty long time. I've been on HNZ for soon to be three years :wub: and I could really use a lengthy break from it. I'm planning on being away for three to five weeks; it depends on how things go. I'll be trying to get a job and will be graduating from high school.

I suppose one could say that I've been on a semi-break for months already (I mean, when am I ever on, right? xD ) but during this time I will not be worrying about any of my HNZ responsibilities. I will not be doing roleplays, writing up lessons, or doing other awesome stuff that can be done 'round these parts. Estrella is not going to be returning as a professor for Y10, but Professor Lloyd will be, so you all better be nice to the sub AND the new professor for years 1 to 3! :glare: =)) The Character-Celebrity list will be updated when I return. I'm expecting a full inbox of those forms alone when I get back xD

My break will begin shortly after the end of Y9, so I'll be taking off within a week or so. I'll be posting to a few roleplays that have long been in planning, and then I'm gone. I'm going to miss all of HNZ, especially its members. ^_^ :hug:

I'll be lurking MSN and Skype occasionally. :D If you need to get hold of me for any reason (though I don't imagine anyone will =)) ) just ask around and I can probably get in touch. ^_^

Until then, I'll see you all when I get back. I'll likely be crawling back to this crazy place after my hiatus. Like they say, it's called Crackwarts for a reason.

Love you all and continue to be awesome,
Well you already know my thoughts on this <_< :cry:

Hehe I keed! I keed! But I'm going to miss you Manders, but you definitely deserve this break, you are awesome and everything you do around HNZ is great appreciated. Hope you have a great break and get back to us, ready to kick some butt :r

You know where to get me if you want a chat

- Pat :hug:
Ciao. :cool:
Have a nice break. =]
So I'll still text you everyday like I always do and we've already talked about how you'll be keeping me sane ;) Gonna miss you lurking around the site and am definitely gonna miss the short, sweet, to the point, cute little Kat/Chace threads, but you so totally need to enjoy all of this time especially with your high school graduation...that's a big deal and I'm so proud of you. So for now I'll leave this with our sign-off..."Text me skag"

♥ joo
Katie :hug:
I've known about this for what, a month now? As I have said before, do what you need to do and come back when you can. And text me you sillay goose! :p
N000000 that's far too long. I suppose we'll all have to have more fun without you :lol:

Just kidding, have a super calm and relaxing hiatus, and we'll see you when you get back.

Have fun!

Amanda...a whole month? :erm:

Good luck with the job-hunting. I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya!
:woot: :woot: And, congrats on graduating!!!! :woot: :woot:

I don't have MSN or skype :shy: but I'll probably send you a txt if I'm missing you too much :)

Enjoy your time off from here & see ya when ya get back

Congrats for completing school! I know how that's like :hug: have fun on your break!
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