A long time coming, no?

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Izaak Finch

Well-Known Member
Hey guys.

I know I haven't exactly been active on here as of late but I just felt as if I should post this anyway. You see, I'm off to university in a couple of weeks and my degree, being that I'm studying to become a vet, is extremely full on. Don't get me wrong, I'm incredibly excited to go to uni but I was allocated my timetable last night and it leaves little to no room for anything other than study (no doubt I'll find some way to squeeze in some partying though haha).


With that said, I'll be leaving HNZ indefinitely to focus on my studies. I really wish I had the time to squeeze you all in somewhere but it's not looking likely at all. :( Of course I'll be popping in from time to time but being actively involved is off the cards for now. I'm so, so sorry to everyone I have topics or plots with; I feel awful. Feel free to shoot me a PM to make up reasons as to why my characters have disappeared off the face of the Earth, haha. But seriously - I'll miss you all so much! :( Thanks for being such an awesome community for all these years. It's been so much fun.

All my love,

Really bummed that you have to leave us, but glad to hear that you're so excited to go to Uni. You want to become a Vet? That's really ambitious! My grandmother is a vet! The school actually does kind of look like Hogwarts so that makes it even more exciting I bet!
Good luck with school and everything! You will certainly be missed! Be sure to pop in when you can! ♥

I hope you have the best time ever in uni and that your dreams of becoming a vet come true. ^_^
I'll certainly miss reading new Izaak RPs :( It's going to be so odd to not see you around the site, so do make sure to pop in every now and then and let us know how things are going for you!

Best wishes :hug:

I refuse to accept this. :(
OH WOW it so looks like Hogwarts! Jealousy is invading me! AH.

Have fun Em, definitely do pop in and say hi every now and then to let us know how you are going! You shall be missed :)

Donna x
Hate to see someone go, but alas, you are going to make a great vet one day! Have fun in uni, and don't be a stranger around us. ;)

~ Kaitlyn
Good luck Emma :hug:

Take Care and Enjoy Uni to the fullest ^_^

Okay so I have been avoiding posting here for the last few days just because I didn't want this to be true! :cry: I am going to miss you!! I will be pming you to work something out for Aly and Izaak.

Obviously I hate to see you leave! BUT...I do hope you have a wonderful time at the University! Maybe you will find the time to fit us in every now and again :r

Best wishes!
Oh no! This is so sad, Em!
I'm going to miss you a lot but hopefully you will pop in to talk to me! Love you girly and good luck at Uni!
Thank you so much for the well wishes everyone ♥ I'll miss you all so much.

But I just wanted to let you all know that from here on in, Alexis will be taking the reins of Izaak. After all the time and effort I've put into his character over the years, I didn't want to see him just fall into the inactive group. But I'll definitely be popping on from time to time to say hello!

If you ever want to reach me, my tumblr is here or you could hit me up on twitter here (I haven't used my twitter account yet, but I'm planning to soon!).

Hopefully I'll see you all around soon xxx
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