Closed A little time together

Hildegard de Valeriane

A witch is never late
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Bisexual)
Sexual Orientation
Spruce wood with a dragon heartstring core, 11 3/4"
It was almost the end of the holidays and Hilda was busy going on expeditions and exploring the castle with her friends who had stayed.But there was a place she was not yet going to, it was the abandoned classroom, in addition to being a place where some students liked to hang out, it was a place where, according to rumors , some spirits of the castle were quite active.
The young Gryffindor hadn't taken the time to search for ghosts these days, she had to make up for lost time, so Hilda entered the room which was normally deserted at this time of day. Some things had been moved to make it more comfortable for the students, but the atmosphere was of the place seemed to be frozen in time and a few rays of sun protruded from the thick curtains.Hilda approached them in order to open them to be able to see better, the view was not so bad, raising her head a little the girl could see the tower where the dormitories of Gryffindor were. She stayed for a moment at the window, observing the courtyard where certain faces were familiar to he,she turned quickly when she heard the door open.
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Adorah was ready for classes to start back up. It was her last year as a "normal" student before she would begin studying intensely for her OWLs. Having spent most of the break by herself, she wanted to take one last walk around castle while it was quiet and enjoy the paintings and light that shone with a glisten through the windows of the castle. She had truly never lived in a place so beautiful. She ran her fingers along the wall until she hit a portrait with an older woman who yelled at her for hitting her in the face. She apologized quickly and went to enter abandoned classroom when she noticed a familiar face from Heta Omega. "Oh, hi Hilda! Sorry if I'm interrupting something," she apologized.
The girl recognized immediately the girl who had just walk in "Hi, Adorah how are you?" She asked at the same time as sitting at a table near the entrance "And do not worry , you're not interrupting anything, I was looking for some ghosts but it seems that they are all gone to take a nap "she added laughing. Hilda was happy to see Adorah, she hadn't had too much time to speak to her, but she hoped to rectify that.
Adorah was a little surprised when Hilda said she was looking for ghosts, but then again, she really didn't know the girl. "Are you looking for a specific ghost?" she asked curiously. Adorah had find the idea of ghosts at Hogwarts a little strange because they were nothing like what she had been told or seen in movies. She walked into the room aways and faced towards Hilda.
"No, I have no preference when it comes to ghosts, I just want to study them" she said smiling, taking out her few notes on the table and a packet of Bertie Bott's Beans, before realizing that the word to study could perhaps seem disrespectful. "In fact, to study is not the word, to understand would be better" added the young girl.She drew a candy from the packet before handing it to Adorah "Want some?" asked Hilda.
Adorah thought it was interesting the Hilda wanted to understand ghosts more. She never had thought about the idea since they were dead and all. But then again, she was the girl obsessed with stars and things in the sky so who was she to judge people's interests. "Sure," she answered hesistantly as she took a blue piece of candy from packet and placed it on her tongue. It was toothpaste which was not the worst flavor she could have received but definitely not the best. As she slowly chewed, she took a seat across from Hilda. "So if you want to understand them better, what kinds of questions are you hoping to ask?" She had never really spoken to any of the house ghosts, but one had gone through her before. She vividly remembered the feeling and shuddered.
Hilda excised a smile when she saw the expression on Adorah's face when she ate the candy.You could have a funny surprise with these little things, when you believed that they had made all the worst tastes, the manufacturers always found a way to innovate.

When the Ravenclaw asked her what questions Hilda was going to ask the ghosts the latter was a little taken aback but remembered some ideas that she had had "I think that I will not broach the subject of their death right away because it can be disturbing or traumatic in speaking for some of them. I think more by asking them, how did their day go, what do they do, if they have a ghost routine, stuff like that "she explained taking back a candy, she expected a horrible taste before realizing that was carrot, which was not so bad.
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Adorah reached to grab another candy as Hilda explained her ghost interviewing process and placed it on her tongue. She couldn't quite place the taste, but the best she could come up with was "broken computer." She quickly swallowed the bean and leaned back in the chair. "The idea of having a ghost routine is a good one, but I hope it won't make them sad. You know, because they're limited on what and where their routine can be," she said matter-of-factly. "Is there a specific ghost you'd like to start with, or do you just want to see if we run into one?" She realized after saying that question that she had invited herself on this adventure and looked down at the table, hoping her little didn't mind.
"It's a lot funnier when you find them" she said to Adorah "If you want to come there is no problem and I have already gone ghost hunting with my friend Terrel, it was pretty cool so... "she added with a smile, Hilda hoped she was going to accept.
Adorah was curious about what Hilda had planned, and seeing as her schedule was pretty open for the day, it was okay to miss a few minutes of studying. She nodded and gave her arms a soft throw in the air. "I'm up for following you along! Maybe I'll learn some new things about the castle and its inhabitants." She stood up from her chair and looked around the room. "Where to first?"
"I noticed there was a strange door at the back of the room maybe we could start there" she said pointing a corner of the room "I mean it looks like no one is using it for a long time and I've been thinking about the hypothesis of a broom closet but I mean it's too pretty to be that, "she said, watching the lines carefully carved into the wood. "What do you think?" she asked to Adorah.
Adorah was confused by the Gryffindor's question. "Do you think there's a ghost in there, you mean?" she asked, attempting to clarify. She looked at the closet and noticed that it did look unused, maybe holding some old cleaning tools or books. She wasn't sure why a ghost would want to live in a space so tiny, but maybe they preferred their solitude.

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