A Little Gathering.

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Sara Moon

Former 'Claw | Auror | Grieving
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Engaged (Heterosexual)
Sexual Orientation
12 and a half inches willow with unicorn hair
Sara Moon was completely happy. She had a killer outfit, and she had arranged to meet her friends here for Halloween. Tara and her had discussed it, and she'd sent an owl to everyone. She hoped they could all come, and she knew that they'd have a good time, they always did when they were together. She walked into the Great Hall, which looked amazing with all the decorations. She immediately moved over to the refreshments table and took a pumpkin pasty from the pile of sweets. She liked her outfit, it looked cool, plus she'd be able to wear the jacket again.

She stood and looked around the hall at everyone. There ha been some real effort put into the outfits this year, which was nice. She knew Tara had been trying to figure out what to wear, but she was sure she'd be fine, she always looked good. She smiled to herself, and waited for her friends to arrive.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry for RUBBISH start :/
Tara had arranged with Sara to tet a group of friends together for the halloween Feast. they had sent owls to everyone over the week to ask them she come and join in wuth them. Tara always enjoyed the feasts when she was with her friends. She had a very uninspired costume as she hand't had a clue what to dress as so in the end she had borrowed someones
soccer kit and come as a soccer player. it was a depressingly dull, especially for someone as creative as her, but she couldnt think of anything else. and she hadnt had the time to make anything better as the professors had been piling work onto them like there was no tomorrow. and she hadn't the finances to buy a costume like she was sure many of the students did.
she headed into the great hall. and looked around, Sara was easy to find dressed like a moterbike rider. "Hey sara, nice costume" she said before looking down at her own feeble one. "I wonder when everyone else will arrive" she said taking a goblet of pumpkin juice off the table and taking a sip.
OOCOut of Character:
dont worry mine is just as lame, thats what happens when you post just before going to sleep
Kate looked at her costume in the mirror. She had to say she liked it,it was one of her better costumes though she had entered a different costume for the competition the other outfit would of been to awkward to where to the feast. She had spent a lot of time on her hair which was now all curly,it was fun to walk around because it bobbed up and down. She had got the letter of her friends inviting her to the feast,she was glad to be going with her friends,it was always funner. Taking a last look at herself she made her way down to the Great Hall.

She smiled when she saw the familiar decorations up,she loved all the pumpkins and bats. She always loved the Halloween feast,there was always a great atmosphere here. She started looking to see if any of her friends had arrived. She smiled when she saw Tara and Sara.She walked over to them "hey"She said to them both all smiles. She liked both their costumes "Love the costumes"She said taking a glass of pumpkin juice.
<SIZE size="50">Like most other celebrations that the school had, the slytherin teen found that for someone in his sort of situation it was a constant reminder of the fact that he had nothing. He didn't have clothes to spare to make a costume, he barely had enough as it was. He didn't like the overly sweet scent of all things sugary. It just wasn't pleasant and the Slytherin teen hated it. He was stood in front of his mirror on Halloween night with nothing to wear. It wasn't like he truly desired to be there, but a whole part of the Slytherin pretty much just wanted some good memories for the next holidays. They were only two weeks long, but The colourblind slytherin feared the worse for them. He didn't think he'd make it out, so making new and more amazing memories was the only thing his mind thought he should do. It was the more logical side of him, that was beginning to side with hope as to making it to term two of his fourth year. While others were beginning to fret over the fact OWLs were in the next year, Stefan wasn't even thinking he'd make it that far. So he was pretty sure that no matter what he did, or how hard he tried to improve everything over the terms, he was sure that pretty soon it would all be gone. And for that reason alone, Stefan Archer was going to force himself into attending the Halloween feast.

After getting the invite, it had pretty much confirmed that he would be going, but it was going be okay. He would be able to deal with it. But he didn't know what to go as. he'd never dressed up for Halloween before, he'd had no reason to. It was pretty hard for him to do so also, considering he really had two sets of clothes and that was it. But after staring blankly at his own reflection, he finally decided on a costume. It wouldn't be very good, but it would be using what he had to his advantage. Slowly and carefully, the Slytherin removed his black jumper. Wondering as he stared at his thin bare bruised arms if this was a good idea. But, he knew that he couldn't go back now. So, he took one of the bandages he kept at hogwarts and fashioned a bandage and sling for his left arm, the one that had gotten sprained, and was very badly bruised. Before he put his arm in the sling, he bandaged up the other arm too. Once done and the arm was in the sling, he didn't need to do much else, his t-shirt was old and worn, and because of Stefan's thin frame still looked too big on him, and his jeans were old and waded. The socks he wore were fading navy blue. All in all, with the bruising on his face it gave the exact impression he wanted to give. Horror Movie Surviver. The only way Stefan even knew of such a thing was because he'd over heard two Gryffindors talking about it, and it had stuck in his mind. After giving himself a once glance over, the Slytherin headed out his dorm and walked to the Great Hall, he knew that his costume lacked somethings, like blood, but he didn't want to do that. He didn't want to ruin his shirt, since enough had been from his blood. It was a factor he'd much rather forget.

Reaching the great Hall, The colourblind slytherin teen suddenly felt pretty self-conscious. His costume was not great in comparison to almost all others, but he was really trying his best. And it would only be to his friends, that his costume was a lot more real than any of theres. Since they'd probably consider his entire home life a horror movie. And he was the only survivor since his mother hadn't made it. Stefan stood at the door way for a few moments, taking in the hall, and letting his eyes adjust. He hadn't really seen Tara or Sara since returning for the term. So he was pretty excited to see them. After Kate they were his closest friends and he cared about them a lot. Taking one last deep breath Stefan Archer stepped into the hall and began searching. It didn't take as long as he'd first thought to find his friends, so happily he walked over to them. "Hey." Stefan said, smiling shyly at all of them. "You all look gorgeous" The boy complimented, his eyes staying on kate the longest, as she was again taking his breath away. Utter Perfection was all he saw. "I don't look like I even bothered trying next to the three of you."
Dante Vrael walked down the great staircase of Hogwarts castle. It was Halloween, not one his favorite holidays, but one nonetheless. He hadnt been planning on doing anything for the occasion, until he had received a last minute owl from Sara, asking him to come to a get together. He had, of course, instantly looked for something to wear, and well, here he was. Entering the great hall, his gut churned. He still wasnt used to mingling with people, and huddling together throughout the hall were loads of them. Slowly making his way through the crowds, he searched for Sara. Finally spotting her, he heading for her, and had another churn when he say she wasnt alone. He really was uncomfortable being around loads of people.

Smiling at her as he finally reached her, he make an awkward facial expression. "Sorry im late... And dont mention my lack of costume. I hadnt been planning on coming down until i got your owl." he explained with a shrug. He then looked around at the others gather, and tried to smile at them. He thought he recognized a few of them from the Glee Club, which he still wasnt sure about mind you, and then noticed Stefan Archer among the group. He hadnt formally met Stefan before, but he had heard things about him. Holding out his hand to shake the other mans, Dante nodded his head in greeting. "Dante Vrael." he said stoutly. He then turned to the rest of the group, and managed a smile this time. "Nice to meet you all." he said, and leaved over to whisper in Sara's ear. "You look stunning, by the way." he whispered with a wink at her.

OOCOut of Character:
I dont know about you guys but i feel somewhat intimidated when having to post after Emzies. Hahaha
as soon as Tara asked when everyone should arrive she saw a familiar face cross the room. "Hey Kate, you look really great" she said smiling widely at her friend and gave her a quick hug. Kates costume looked so pretty she felt even more embarrassed about her costume. almost moments later another battle scared person made their way towards the group. It was Stefan. his choice of costume was interesting. as he grew nearer she examined his arms, seeing how realistic his costume was. in fact it seemed too realistic to be done by makeup, especially by stefan who she knew was colourblind, and she didn't think slytherin boys would be up for painting bruises on each other, even for halloween. however she didn't want to mention anything, but she would certainly be keeping a closer eye of Stefan. It wasn't like she hadn't noticed the bruises before, but she guessed that she hadn't realised the extent of them, or maybe it was the atmosphere of the halloween celebrations that caused her suspicions to be raised. just then her thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of someone else who she didn't know, she guessed that it was one of the boys Sara had invited. she smiled at him. "Hello I am Tara, its great to meet you too" she said to him bowing her head to him in a sign of respect and greeting.
Kate smiled and hugged Tara back. "Thanks"She said shyly. This was her favorite costume though she had liked the Tinkerbell one in First year,she was almost sure she had seen a girl in the same costume on the way in.Kate followed Tara's gaze and she smiled when she recognized who it was.She looked at the bruises going up and down his arms and the sling. Kate had to say it was a good costume and for somebody who didn't know what happened they would think it was amazing make up.Kate's heart as it always did did a few extra beats as he came closer. He was so amazing to her in all different sorts of ways.Kate smiled "You costume is unreal"Kate said smiling and she meant it,it was a class costume and it was different . But Kate found herself looking at the bruises and wondering how could someone do that to him,was it her or did they seem worse this year? Kate wasn't sure but as always she would keep her mouth shut and hope everything would be okay over the holidays.Kate looked over when another person arrived,Kate recognized him from Glee club. "Hey,I'm Kate,Kate Moon,nice to meet you"Kate said smiling at him,he seemed nice though a tad bit uncomfortable or maybe that was just Kate.
Sara smiled as Tara approached her. "Hey-Thanks-I like yours too, footballer right?" she grinned,as Tara approached, it looked like the David Beckham kit, not that she would ever really admit that she thought soccer was cool. Quidditch was much better. She took a glass of pumpkin juice off the table and sipped it, this was one of the best things about the halloween feast-the food. The next to arrive was Kate. "Hey." she grinned, raising her glass in greeting. "Yours too, like the hair." she nodded appreciatively, it was a good costume.

Sara's grin broadened as Stefan approached, he was one of her closest friends, but she was worried when she saw his costume, she'd never really said it fully, but she didn't think all of his bruises came from being colourblind, Stefan knew she thought this, but they didn't discuss it, whenever she tried, he ended the conversation-quickly. "Hey Stefan-awesome costume, it's really realistic." she complimented him, not showing her concern, she knew that it wouldn't go down well with Stefan if she did.

Next to arrive was Dante, which really put Sara in a good mood, she'd only known him a short while, but she could already tell tha they'd be good friends, and he was just the kind of person that she got along with. Everyone took things so seriously, it was refreshing to have someone like Dante around. "Hey." she smiled, and looked up at him while taking a sip from her glass, he was quite tall, which she hadn't noticed when they were sitting on the windowsill. He didn't seem comfortable with the crowd, so maybe she'd hang out with him more this evening, if he wasn't comfortable with a group of people he didn't know."Everyone, this is Dante-Dante-Everyone, except Willow and Jake..." she introduced him. "Jake can't come by the way guys, he sent me a repy saying that Halloween isn't really his thing." she added, it was a shame he couldn't come, she'd like to spend more time with him. Her jaw dropped when he said he hadn't been planning on coming. "I'm glad I sent you an Owl then!" she replied, she couldn't understand it, Halloween was fun, she'd always loved it, but maybe it wasn't everyone's cup of tea. She smiled as he leaned over and whispered in her ear, her quiet laugh lost in the hub-bub of the room. "You are such a flirt." she replied, her voice small in the crowded room, so that only he could hear, a smile playing on her lips. She was confused, of course he was joking, there was no way that... She wasn't even going to think that, it was impossible. She tossed back her hair and grinned at Dante, banishing all confusing thoughts from her mind, until another day.
<SIZE size="50">The one thing that the Slytherin teen hated most about this and almost all other holidays was there need to have a large amount of people in one place together. He wasn't very good at crowds, they made him feel about two feet high and be slightly afraid that from the corners of the room people would just jump out at him. More so, his dad. Stefan was well aware that his father wouldn't be able to come near hogwarts, but still didn't mean the Slytherin liked large crowds, and any person who had to go through what he did would most likely feel the same way. It was understandable. He was sure. It wasn't an abnormal fear, it was perfectly sound. But it didn't stop the entire thing scaring him. He just could never get used to it. It wasn't like being colourblind helped him. Everything was that little bit darker and everyone tended to cover faces with either masks or odd paintings, it made it close to impossible for the Slytherin to completely know what was going on at all times. Only his friends knew of the colorblindness, but it was something he tended to not mention unless the occasion actually called for it. And while he was okay with being colourblind, he just did not take huge joy in discussing it. After all what tended to come up was what he would never really know or understand. It was why whenever he looked to his friends he felt like he missed out on an entire part of them. Not to mention that they had an advantage that he didn't have. Well, they all had many advantages, but it was one he sometimes wished didn't exist. He wished so dearly that he could know the color of Kate's eyes, or know what the festival of color that Tara celebrated felt like. All things he knew he'd never be able to do, and Halloween, plus large crowds seriously hindered it. He was quick to realize that while to him his bruises appeared a lot less obvious, to his friends who could see color they still were. He was just glad that the hand shaped bruise on his left shoulder was completely hidden by his t-shirt. That wouldn't fit with his costume in the slightest, and would probably be met with questions he didn't want to have to answer. He smiled to both kate and Sara thanking them for their compliments, but he was also acutely aware that they have just been more than just compliments. "Worked with what I had. How have you been?" Stefan asked his voice quiet, it wasn't exactly a comfortable thing to talk about ever, and he hoped to get the attention off him. It was why he was glad when another boy showed up. Taking all the attention off him, something he'd always be thankful for.

The guy now standing in front of them, looked just about as awkward as the Slytherin teen felt. He was pretty sure he knew the guy from somewhere. A fellow Slytherin was his first thought, but the Slytherin teen didn't know many people from his house. He was muggleborn, so most wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. A factor the boy was actually okay with. He gave the boys costume and shrugged, he was pretty sure it was better than his. He smiled politely however when the guy introduced himself to him, and extended a hand to him. He put his own hand forward and shook it lightly. "Stefan Archer" He replied, his voice a little louder than before, less steady, but meeting new people was hard for the boy who trusted about three people and that was all. And if his suspicions of the boy being SLytherin was right he had even more reason to wary, but for Sara, and for having a good night, the colourblind teen would do anything and everything in his power to make sure it was. He kind of hoped Willow would turn up, he hadn't seen her in so long, and he missed her a lot. She was the one person that he could talk to about being muggleborn, and losing a parent. He didn't have anyone else. "It never ceases to amaze me, how the Great Hall can go from looking completely normal in the morning to this." Stefan was attempting to get people talking, since there was that slight silence before people got a little more comfortable and were relaxed. He didn't know if that was the best way to go about things, after all they were all magical so it shouldn't, but the little things were something the slytherin appreciated a lot. He didn't really care if no one else was like him, he could deal with that. But it was his way of getting people comfortable. He wanted people to have fun, his mind very clearly thinking this could well be his last. So he was determined.
Dante stood watching the girls around him, and they all seemed to be showing signs of concern whenever they looked at Stefan. Frowning, he looked back at the boy, and though at first he didnt notice anything of importance, he started to notice and realize that the bruises Stefan had werent fake at all, but had merely been used in the costume to cover up the fact that they were actually real. Dante scowled when he beheld the boy. Stefan was around his age, but Dante knew that he was colorblind, and he also knew the boy was a kind one, and not one to get into fights, which gave Dante the conclusion he was getting bullied or worse. These conclusions the Slytherin boy drew up in a matter of seconds. Curious as to who it was that was giving the boy these bruises, whether they had been his former comrades the Dark Elite, or another group of scumbags in their own right, Dante held his suspicions at bay, but remembered to ask Stefan about it later. Regardless of whether the other boy would confer in him, Dante felt a sudden urge to help, as it make him feel he would be taking one step closer to atoning for his wrongdoings in the Dark Elite.

Smiling at Sara as he turned his attention back to the crowd as a whole. He saw the confused look Sara gave him, and the one he gave her meant he hadnt been joking. She really did look stunning. He returned Tara's greeting, and Kate's as well, noting it was her in the Glee Club. Letting his eyes scan the Great Hall, he smiled to himself. It looked impressive, he'd give it that. Running a hand through his combed hair, he looked back at the group. "So... Um, what happens at these things?" he asked, a bit uneasy. This was the first social school event he had ever been to.
Tara noticed that she want the only one looking at the marks on stefans arms. she tried to think of something to say as she knew that stefan was rather shy, not a big fan of a lot of attention. she looked at sara. "thats right a football player." she said in reply to Saras question. she had a ball but had left it out of the way as she was not very skilled with one and didn't feel like holding it all night. she saw that Sar and Danton seemed to be getting on rather well. At the News that jake wasn't coming she frowned, to be honest she wasn't sure who the jake sara had invited was but it was a shame that he didn't like halloween. she wondered where Willow was, but she felt the potential for her to become a little like a fifth wheel in a car. "the decorations are really nice, I wonder who carved all of the pumpkins so neatly." she said before remembering that it was Hogwarts and they were probably done by magic. wen dante spoke up she smiled, glad that there was something to break the short silence. "well most people just eat and socialise. there will be a costume contest later, but that isn't for a while. besides that i guess some people used to pull pranks but not so much any more." she said, saying it like that made it sound a little boring, but Tara always enjoyed looking at everyones costume. from where she was standing, she could see a few zombies, some more convincing than others, a couple of fairies, a few musicians, and even someone wearing a sari, maybe she could have come in a sari, but it wasn't really fancy dress for her it was more ball attire. she looked over to the drinks table, feeling a sudden dryness in her throat. "I think i will grab a drink does anyone want me to get them something, and if so what do you want" she said. if there were more cups then she could easily carry she would be able to levitate them. she had brought her wand down with her.
Kate smiled "Thanks"She said. The Hall was slowly filling up and Kate was amazed by the different costumes.There were some really unual ones and then the pretty normal ones.Some people put a lot of effort into Halloween. she remembered going trick or treating with a white sheets over her and two holes for her eyes. It had all been about the sweets then,seeing who could get the most.It had always been great craic especially when you brought friends over to do it with you.Kate was a bit disappointed that Jake wasn't coming,but she knew social events wasn't exactly his thing.

Kate found herself drifting towards Stefan and she was soon standing beside him.She kept her gaze away from his arms and focused on everyone else.Kate smiled that was certainly true,it was creative in a way.No one would of thought of that idea.Kate looked around at the hall and smiled the decorations really were beautiful,it made the night seem even more magical "Same here"She said looking around.She wondered did they just say a spell and all the decorations were up or did the carve them with a spell first them use the levatating charm to put them up there and keep them there.Kate didn't know the mechanics of it all but she did appreciate they're hard work

Kate looked at Tara as she spoke "I wonder who will win the competition this year?"Kate wondered a loud.It must be very hard fir them to choose because the costumes were always so good.Kate shook her head "No thanks"She said she had her own drink and she wasn't that hungry.She took a sip of her drink and tried to think of something to say. "So Dante how long have you been into music?"She asked,he had been pretty good at the Glee club and she wanted to get to know all the members so they would get along easily
Sara smiled at Stefan's reply. He was so used to it, which was sad. He always had the right answer, knew exactly what would stop them from persuing the subject. She'd tried that before and it hadn't ended well. She wasn't going to go there again any time soon, she knew Stefan wouldn't appreciate it. "Good enough, way more homework this year." she answered, trying to keep herself from straying into dangerous territory. she had to bite her tongue, as she felt a lump rise in her throat, loooking at the bruises. how could someone do that to such a lovely person? Stefan wouldn't hurt anyone. It wasn't right that someone could do this to him. Then Dante looked back at her and she felt her stomach squirm .She shouldn't let herself feel this way. She liked Jake. She did. It was just because Dante was a good friend, and she was getting used to him. Yes, that was it. "Yeah, the hall looks great." she added, agreeing with the others.

Sara smiled slightly at Dante's question. "Oh, we all have way too many sweets, talk, dance, etcetera, etcetera." she replied, grinning. "There's also the costume contest, but the results only come out after." she added, she liked the feast. It was always great fun. She took a sip of her drink and when Tara asked if anyone wanted anywthing she declined. "I'm fine, but I'd go for some sweets, anyone else?" she asked, looking around. She knew that someone needed to do something to liven things up, there was music playing, so she turned to the group and asked. "Does anyone want to dance?" she asked, she'd done this before, she could remember it well, she wasn't sure exactly who she'd dragged onto the dancefloor, but it had been in first year. It had worked then, maybe it'd work now?
<SIZE size="50">Being with friends was slightly easier than Stefan always thought it was going to be. More that he was pretty certain eventually it would become second nature and talking to those he didn't know everything about but was close to would be as easy as talking. Or as easy as taking a shower. He didn't quite yet know how to really act in a large group of people. It was maybe that he could deal with one or two easily, three was more of a challenge and so on. He was however glad to have amazing people in his life, so for them he was really giving it a go. It wasn't like it would really harm anyone. He was the kind of guy that blended in. He didn't get in people's way and was as nice as he possibly could be in almost all situations. It was the way he preferred to be. He did agree with Sara on the fact they were getting more homework. It was however understandable it wasn't like they couldn't get less at this point. It did mean that Stefan was generally up for hours attempting to get it done. And it wasn't an easy task considering the Slytherin teen was only getting confident with a quill, that his eye sight limited where he could work, and he just didn't know as much as everyone else. Even simple things he didn't know much about. That others apparently did. It was why he was less keen on Slytherin at such times. Since in other houses, it would be simple enough to just ask someone else. Which he didn't like doing in Slytherin. Nor would he ever actually do.

Nodding along as the girls agreed with him on the Hall, he wasn't quite sure what else to do. He didn't really know the other guy, but if Sara had invited him he had a little faith that the guy wouldn't be a massive d1ckhead. Then there was something about glee club. Stefan had never been keen on clubs, much less the fact that he just didn't like singing. He'd never really sung. His father didn't listen to music and therefore nor did Stefan. He had been aware that Sara was the head of glee club but he was pretty sure that it was fairly small. He wanted to tell Kate that he thought she would win, but he couldn't. instead as his eyes moved around the group they always lingered on kate. He wanted to do nothing more than dance the night away with her. To wrap her in his arms and feel the security and confidence she gave him, but he couldn't. He didn't want to make any one uncomfortable, or make anyone feel like the odd one out. Instead he turned to Tara who was going to get drinks, "I'll come with." He didn't like the idea of leaving someone to do something alone. Being alone was hard, and he was okay with getting a drink since he actually wanted one. That and he really didn't want to dance. He knew he couldn't his father had always told him he was like bambi on ice when doing anything. And the way he'd said it hadn't been playful. He didn't want them to think of him in the same sense his father did. So he was happier grabbing drinks with Tara. "Save you having to carry mine. After you" He said motioning to Tara. He gave one last glance at Kate and smiled at her. It wouldn't take long at all. And for that he was glad. He didn't want to leave Kate too long. Because time away from her was hard, as the end of term approached. And something inside him was beginning to tell him that she might just feel the same way.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry it sucks, Hurricane is taking all my muse
Willow wandered into the Great Hall. It was the Halloween Feast and although everyone was in their costumes, Willow turned up in a casual outfit - she wasn't the type to dress up for Halloween, not on this day anyway. It wasn't something she felt like doing.

She was late and she didn't particularly feel like going to the feast as it'll be loud with so many people talking about their costumes and what they were planning to do in the next few days. She felt like she lost contact with so many people - especially the friends in her life. They've all grown up and she was rather disappointed that some of the people she knew completely changed themselves to something different - they weren't the person that Willow knew and loved and became friends with. But like herself, she will accept the changes - what was she the one to talk about changes when she herself kept running away from social situations.

Willow glanced over the tables, hoping to find her friends. It was crowded and Willow still had a problem with her claustrophobia, but pushed through the many tables that laid out in the room - at last, she found the people that she was looking for - granted, it may have seemed like they had other plans to do and it looked like they were moving on from their seating. "..oh, i'm...a little late aren't I?" Willow mumbled, she felt her cheeks flushed - the continuous non-appearance at her friends expense must have annoyed them by now.
Tara smiled nodded, when kate said that she was okay, she hadn't seen the drink in her had. "sweets do sound like a good idea too." she said, turning to leave but just as she did she saw willow approaching them. "hello willow, no your not late at all, I as just getting drinks, do you want anything." she asked. she was a little surprised when she saw Stefan offering to go with her. "you don't have to come with me, but it would be nice if you wanted to" she said "we'll get the sweets when we are over there, anything specific that you want?" she offered. she nodded in thanks as he let her go first, he was always so nice, she was glad that he had kate, and kate had him, she needed someone who she could rely on.
she headed over to the table and got the drinks, and she picked ip a plate ant then put a selection of sweets on it. "is that good, or do you think that we need more?" she asked stefan, putting another few sweets on the plate, she was sure that they would all go.
onc they regained the group, she offered the plate to everyone. "help yourself, you are right sweets are an important part of halloween" she said picking up a berty botts bean. she hoped that it was lime, however biting into it it was "Wasabi" she gasped taking a mouthful of her pumpkin juice to cool her mouth down. at sara's suggestion of dancing she smiled and shook her heat, I may join you in a little while, but not right now"[/b] she said,
Dante stood watching everyone make idle conversation. He wasnt sure if it was just him, but it felt somewhat awkward standing with this group. There was a certain tension in the room. But then, maybe it was just because he didn't know any of them. Smiling as everyone seemed to answer his question at once, he looked from face to face and chuckled. "Oh okay! That sounds like it could be fun. Though sweets aren't really my forte." he said with a grin when they mentioned sweets and drinks and all the rest. He smiled at Sara again, and then turned when one of the girls, Kate he thought, asked how long he'd been into music. "All my life. It's been my one escape from everything... When my parents died, I thought I would never be able to move on, but music saved me from insanity." he explained, the memory of his parents somewhat saddening him. "plus, my cousin and his band are really famous..." he said on a lighter side, and somewhat averted his eyes.

At the arrive of the new girl he smiled and inclined his head in greeting at her. "Hey there, Dante Vrael." he said and held his hand out for her to shake. He then stood back and was awkward for a few moments before Sara asked if anyone wanted to dance. "I'll go." he said, taking her hand and leading her further onto the dancefloor. This was his only chance at avoiding the questions that were sure to follow about his parents murders and the possibility of them finding out about his uncle. Plus, he was getting electric tingles from where he held Sara's hand. Stopping further enough away so that the group couldnt hear them, he turned and smiled at Sara again, taking her other hand and starting to dance.
Kate smiled as she watched Stefan walk with Tara. Kate herself didn't want to dance she she shook her head when Sara offered.She wasn't the type of person who like dancing unless she wasn't exactly 'with it'. Kate smiled when she saw Willow "Hey Willow"She said giving her friend a hug. She hadn't seen her in ages and she hadn't been well last time."I kind of know what you mean"Kate said nodding her head. Her parents hadn't died but when she had been sick and kind of lost music had helped a great deal. When Tara came back "Don't mind if I do"She said picking one of berty botts beans. She hoped it wouldn't be too bad.there were jelly beans like these in Harrods in London,there had been flavours like vomit,baby wipes and centipide. Nothing could beat these beans though which could be any flavour. Kate grinned when Sara got Wasabie. Kate then cautiously put the bean in her mouth.Mouldy cheese. Kate tried her best to swallow the sweet though everything in her body was telling her to spit it out.They really are every flavour beans"She said taking a drink to try and get rid of the taste.
Willow greeted the boy whose name was Dante - it seemed like he was a nice person, especially if he was a part of her friendship group. Taking his hand she shook it and smiled; "Hi Dante, I'm uh...Willow, Willow Autumn." She gave him another smile and let go of his hand. If awkwardness was a feeling, then it was a feeling that Willow was surely already used to. It seemed like her aura naturally brings awkwardness into any social situation these days. It wasn't her fault of course - it was just her personality and who she is.

She tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear and watched everyone doing their own things, Willow wasn't really sure what she was supposed to do with herself so she took a seat at the table. She observed her friend sampling Bertie Botts Every flavour beans - always wondering if they were going to get a good or bad flavored bean was part of the experience of eating such candy - not to mention, it's pretty funny if they didn't expect what they wanted to get.
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