A Little Break

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Estrella Drage

Obliviator for MACUSA | HNZ 1st Graduating Class
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
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Well guys, I'm getting a little burned out, both with RL and the site, so I've figured a few days(a week at the most) away from the computer will do me good. That way I can catch up on sleep, make sure I've finished all my homework, spend some real time with my family, get some writing done... in any case I need to refresh myself so I can come back with more enthusiasm.

I'll miss all of you guys :wub:

See ya in a couple of days,
Bah! You can just do what I do and run on empty forever and ever and ever and then eventually just burn out. :r:
j/p ^_^ Have a good break. :) Drag back your friend once you return. :shifty:
Aww!! :console: Miss you while you're gone! But see you when you get back. ;)

I gotcha on the burnout thing. :r Have fun with the fam/friends/writing. :wub: ya!!
Aww, Amanda! :hug:
Take some time out, feel better, and COME BAAAAAAAAAAAACK. <_<
Ahh lame! I hope you get your things sorted out and you miss us so much while you're away that you'll never want to leave again! :D

Come back soon. :)
I understand where you're coming from!! Come back to us (though I'm sure I'll be getting texts from you while you're away from the site :p ) and I hope that you're break is as fantastic as mine was!! :D
Hmph. You could have texted me to tell me that. :p

Get yourself caught back up and we will chat soon!
Does that mean I get to be Head Kid now??? Just kidding...hope you have a great break and feel all enthusiastic and awesome when you return.

I'll try and take care of the place while you're gone... :oy:

Awws. Have fun on your break Amanda! Texxxxxxxxxxxxxt me. :D
Come back soon! We'll miss you. :D

I wish I had a cellphone to text with. :oy:

Sir Kaitlyn. :lol:
Aww thanks guys! This was so nice to come back and see! :wub: :X

I should be back for good... well, at least a long time. This week may be a bit hectic but I'm not too worried. ^_^

And Nick... I couldn't drag her back! ;'(
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