A little bit of everything

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Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Well, I don't have anything much going on at the moment. So, I guess I'll let you know what I am looking for for each of my people, though I am always up for any suggestions ;) . I suppose you can reply here if you'd like or pm me. I'm on and off all day, so I'll see it fairly quickly either way.
Ancient Runes professor at HNZ. 19. All around nice girl and extremely loyal. She only really gets angry if she sees someone being mistreated or if her friends are threatened. Her boyfriend broke up with her right before her birthday, and she is now just finally getting back to feeling normal. Also, she just met a much older guy and she is in crush mode, though it probably won't be serious.

Looking for: Friends- Male or Female. She gets along with pretty much anyone.
Enemies: I'd love the chance to have Cyndi be mean to someone.

Department of Magical Transportation employee. Owner of the Dinette. Irene used to be a bit of a pushover, but it seemed to be getting her nowhere, so now she's trying to be a bit more mean. She's also become a bit of a party girl though she is still naive. 23. Durmstrang graduate and younger sister of Ioan Finch.

Looking for: Love Interest/ One-nighters- 20+ and no muggleborns or halfbloods for the love interest ( I doubt they'd talk enough for it to matter with a one-nighter). Her family is very blood-prejudiced and although she isn't as bad as some members of her family, she would be ashamed to be dating someone other than a mixed or pureblood, though it would be pretty funny if she ended up with a muggleborn. :p
Friends: Preferably party girls
Enemies: Maybe some girl who was wronged by Ioan :lol:

Beauxbatons student going into his 6th year. 16. Originally from the States, but currently lives with his gran in France. He's a bit of a troublemaker, though he swears that trouble finds him and not the other way around. Nice guy who hates bullies or seeing others bullied.

Looking for:
Male Friends- For some reason, most of the guys at his school don't like him :erm: , but it would be cool if he had one male friend. It'd be great if he was a little older b/c he could give Bas advice on girls, which he desperately needs.

I also have Ioan Finch. I'm not really looking for anything particular for him, though if you have an idea, I am all ears :) . Definitely no love interests though. I think that's pretty much taken care of :p
I think she and Cyndi would probably get on well. I'll start a thread later and pm you the link.
you can RP with morgan again if you want
I can offer Clemence Pelletier for Sebastian as a love interest. You see my bby girl doesn't think there is anything special about her because her two older, twin siblings steal the spotlight and when her eldest was at Beauxbatons up until last "year" she was as well. When ever people talked to her it was only to be used to get closer to her twin sisters who are arguably the prettiest girls and or to be her eldest sister's friend, she was awkward but a cool gal. So yeah Clemence thinks of herself kind of like a shadow and sticks to herself most of the time because she isn't sure if she can trust anyone.

Let me know what you think :)
Elvera: Morgan is going to become like her psychic advisor :p
I'd love to. Do you want me to start another rp in her shop or do you want them to meet somewhere else?

I can offer Lewis as a male friend and future love interest. He's in England right now. But often comes back to New Zealand as he really likes it there. He'll hopefully in two years time (HNZ time) come to Hogwarts as a nurse or teacher, so maybe they could meet before he comes and they develop something.
When he does come back to NZ he'll have a broken heart and would be in love with someone else for a period of time.

Lewis is ye olde average nerd. He loves to make potions. He is very interested in medicine. He loves muggle's and thinks they are very interesting. He can be a little sarcastic at times. But the friends he makes he is extremely Loyal to. He was a Ravenclaw at Hogwarts Scotland, and is orginially from Australia.
How about we meet in the three broomsticks or some other place like that, so they can talk over drink and cake.
Morgan: Ok...I'll send you the link after I've started something :)

Em: That sounds good. I'm always looking for Cyndi to have friends who she didn't go to school with. Let me now when he'll be in NZ next and we'll start something up.
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